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Racial right


Once again: during my walks, the only exercise I do, my best thoughts come to me. A few minutes ago I thought that my standard for a possible friendship is precisely the figure of Uncle Adolf. That’s why I will continue to quote Brendan Simms. Although ideologically this biographer is not our friend, his book contains much vital information about Adolf Hitler’s ideals as far as repudiating the golden calf is concerned. And the book by Richard Weikart (abridged here), another ideological enemy of ours, contains vital information about what Hitler thought about Christianity.

The German Chancellor was perfectly aware of what, in the comments section, I said on Wednesday about how harmful Christianity is to the mental health of the Aryan man; and the same can be said of corporate capital. Never mind that, during the Third Reich, New Testament exegesis would not have developed to the level it has in the 21st century (the most recent interpretive findings reveal that Jesus of Nazareth was not even a historical figure, just a character of the rabbis’ literary fiction).

If a contemporary white man is red-pilled on both issues—the toxicity of the religion of our parents and how Big Business is antithetical to Aryan preservation—we can be friends. Otherwise, we cannot and certainly not if, out of pride, one is reluctant to question religion or the economic system we live in.

If someone is already on Hitler’s level, it is much easier to convince him that the Jesus that Uncle Adolf imagined last century as a historical figure didn’t even exist. Likewise, if someone has already realised that corporate capital has no flag, so it is trying to globalise society and even mongrelise it, he has already taken the first step towards repudiating the project of the nation he was born into.

Who is willing to (1) repudiate Christianity and (2) the project of his nation (see this comment that six years ago, on 30 August 2018, to be exact, Edwin posted on this site)?

He who, in pursuit of the 14 words[1] is willing to take both steps, is my friend.

[1] Equivalent to the four words in Latin: Gens alba conservanda est.

Painting Renaissance


Sandro Botticelli:
La Nascita di Venere, 1482-1485

Eduardo Velasco Nordicism


Why am I honouring Eduardo Velasco’s memory these days to the extent of translating, from Spanish to English, even some of his comments originally published years ago in the comments section of his first blog?

Quite simply. Because this Spaniard, whether he has passed away or not, has a stature greater than that of today’s white nationalists, who are in fact improved ‘conservatives’ as that term is understood in the US (in Europe it has another meaning).

Velasco was not only historically aware. Unlike the ideology of white nationalists, who out of neochristian piety broke with the Nordicist tradition of the eugenicists, Velasco continued to carry the Nordicist torch. Likewise, unlike most nationalists today, Velasco honoured the German national socialists of the last century.

Yes: there are still some Americans who honour the memory of Uncle Adolf. This week I received in the mail the NS Bulletin (the official newsletter of the New Order), which opens with a splendid quote from Mein Kampf (Volume 2, page 403 in the Manheim translation):

There is only one holiest human right, and this right is at the same time to the holiest obligation, to wit: to see to it that the blood is preserved pure, and that by preserving the best humanity, to create the possibility of a nobler development of these beings.

Unlike Velasco’s POV, the mainstream ideology of the American racial right, reluctant to make distinctions between Mudbloods and Nordics, violates the above quote in terms of keeping their blood pure.

In the 21st century, we racists should go back to thinking like the Nazis did. In rejecting something as elementary as Nordicism, proponents of the contemporary racial right are intellectually or morally deficient. Or perhaps they are lacking in both. By the standards of some of them even I would be considered ‘white’! While one who has his bloodline compromised by southie pieces of trash may be a priest of the holy words, as priests we should never ally ourselves with the anti-Nordicists, since their neochristian piety would exterminate what we hold most dear (think of the Parrish image I chose for the featured post, ‘The Wall’).

I know very little about Velasco. When we corresponded some years ago it was only to let him know that I was translating some of his major articles. Still, we exchanged no personal information in our epistolary and I never imagined that he would disappear so soon, along with his webzine.

The day before yesterday I posted what little I know about Velasco thanks to one of the commenters on my Spanish blog. Whoever has read it won’t need to read the following paragraphs, which I have cut from that entry and pasted into this one so that what I think about Velasco will remain in a single post.

On Thursday I wrote:

I have posted the English translation of an article by Eduardo Velasco on patriarchy and matriarchy that was published sixteen years ago. As I said in a note at the end of the translated article, Velasco was the mastermind behind the webzine Evropa Soberana, which the System banned in 2021. In my Spanish blog, a commenter who dealt with Eduardo Velasco on the internet informed me that Velasco was a Galician, a soldier by profession and married with a son. I have no way of corroborating that information because since 2018 Velasco has not answered my emails.

The commenter also informed me that Nordic Thunder was the blog that Velasco had before moving later to Evropa Soberana; that Nordic Thunder was a somewhat more informal blog but due to the great reception it had in the Spanish-speaking subculture of the internet, Velasco decided to transform it into Evropa Soberana giving it a more professional touch.

The commenter also let me know that Velasco used to comment in the Burbuja forum under the alias ‘Arrekarrallo’, and that he was considered the best commenter for his knowledge of geopolitics, history, society, economics, the military world and racial anthropology. ‘He was far above the rest of the forum members, and we are talking about a [Spanish-speaking] forum that at that time had a very high cultural level. One of his most remembered threads was one where he gave the names of many of the companies, banks, associations and shady companies responsible for pressuring politicians to bring third-world immigrants to Spain’.

Unfortunately, Velasco was censored and at the same time his Burbuja account was deleted together with his comments. The commenter on my Spanish site assumes that Velasco is still alive, but I am not so sure. That’s why it was so important to receive the visit last week I mentioned in previous days in case I, too, die—the Gods forbid!—as unexpectedly and suddenly as my dear sister died in 2016, who was younger than me by the way.

Lightning and the Sun (book)

The Lightning

and the Sun, 2



Whether alive or dead in the flesh, the predestined Child of Braunau — Adolf Hitler, — lives forever in National Socialism, his creation and integral expression. To understand the latter is to understand him: to see him in the proper light and to place him — whether one be, personally, attracted to him or not, — on the proper level and in the proper class among the galaxy of exceptionally great men. And that is precisely what most National Socialists, even those who remained after 1945, irreproachable in their profession of faith — even ‘fanatical’ ones — (let alone our enemies, and the world at large, which lies for the last ten years under their influence), apparently fail to do, out of lack off, feeling for cosmic realities and, in particular, out of lack of awareness of the rhythm of Time which explains all laws of history, when not also all great happenings.

One should carefully distinguish the ephemeral N.S.D.A.P., — the National Socialist German Workers Party;[1] an organisation in view of precise aims, which have their place in German and European history, — from the everlasting National Socialist Idea.

The Party came (officially) into existence on the 24th of February 1920; in fact, already in 1919. It was a revolutionary body determined to win power for its Leader — and for its members, — to rid Germany of the enslavement and shame resulting from the Versailles Treaty, and — for the first time in the history of the West, — to apply, on a broad scale, solid — eternal — biological principles to social and to political life. It had, however, the characteristics of even the very best organisations of our Dark Age: their inherent clumsiness; their all-too-human short-comings. There were all sorts of people — fearless idealists and time-servers; heroes, nay, demi-gods, and an immense majority of irresponsible, sheep-like creatures, and a few influential traitors — among the thirteen million members it had at the height of its glory. It achieved a lot, and yet it failed. It has, since 1945, ceased to exist as a body, and even if it be, one day, destined to rise again under its old name and everlasting Sign, will never be restored exactly as before. Cannot be; for it belongs to Time, and in Time nothing is ever restored. Should not be; for restoration would mean stagnation, whence incapacity to face new circumstances and overcome new dangers.

______ 卐 ______

Editor’s interpolated note: We shouldn’t take texts like Mein Kamp or Alfred Rosenberg’s The Myth of the Twentieth Century as an infallible New Testament as fundamentalists take the Bible; rather, NS is continually developing and refining its basic and fundamental principles (for example, what we say in ‘The Wall’ about the historical non-existence of Jesus of Nazareth).

______ 卐 ______

The National Socialist Idea is not the Party. Not only was it in existence — ‘in the air’ — more or less in its present-day garb, before the Party (the Proclamation of Friedrich Lange’s ‘Deutsches Bund,’ in Heidelberg, on the 9th of May 1894 — when Adolf Hitler was five years old — has all the traits of a National Socialist Manifesto; and so have Hans Krebs’ declarations in 1904), but it is, in its essence, as old as the oldest contact and first clash between the Germanic race and the outer world. Fundamentally, it is nothing else but the expression of the collective will of the race to survive and to rule; of its readiness to combat and eradicate all that which, from without or from within, stands in the way of its survival and expansion; of its healthy consciousness of itself — of its strength; of its youth; — and of Godhead within itself: a biological reality stressed in political and in social life, rather than a ‘political’ idea. One could say that Theodoric the Great acted in the true National Socialist spirit when, fourteen hundred years before the famous ‘Nüremberg Laws,’ he did all he possibly could to prevent marriages between his Goths and the racially less pure — less Aryan — people of conquered Italy, let alone people of altogether non-Aryan stock.

______ 卐 ______

Editor’s interpolated note: Old time Nordicism! Those who haven’t read William Pierce’s book Who We Are should read it now.

______ 卐 ______

And I have many times and in different writings pointed out that there is no difference in purpose and in standpoint between the National Socialist attitude to life and that of the ancient, warrior-like Aryans, worshippers of Light, who were conquering North-West India, setting the caste-system, conceived on a racial basis, between themselves and the conquered people, and praying the Vedic Gods for ‘many sons,’ prosperous flocks, and ‘victory over the dark-skinned Dasyus’ — for Lebensraum — several thousands of years before 1919, 1933, or 1935.

One could go a step further and state that, in its essence, the National Socialist Idea exceeds not only Germany and our times, but the Aryan race and mankind itself and any epoch; that it ultimately expresses that mysterious and unfailing Wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal Wisdom of the primaeval forest and of the ocean-depth, and of the spheres in the dark fields of Space; and that it is Adolf Hitler’s glory not merely to have gone back to that divine Wisdom, — stigmatising man’s silly infatuation for ‘intellect,’ his childish pride in ‘progress’ and his criminal attempt to enslave Nature, — but to have made it the basis of a practical regeneration-policy of world-wide scope, precisely now, in our over-crowded, over-civilised, and technically over-evolved world, at the very end of the Dark Age.

In other words, it is impossible to understand National Socialism unless one integrates it into the cyclic conception of history as suggested by Tradition, i.e., unless one sees in it not a political system among many others, — not an ephemeral ‘ism,’ product of ephemeral circumstances, — but the last, (or, as we shall see, the one before the last) effort of the permanent and more-than-human Forces of Life within this Time-cycle, against the accelerated current of degeneracy characteristic of any advanced development in Time, or, in one sentence, unless one sees in it the effort ‘against Time’ at the very end of the last Age of our present Cycle.

Seen in this light, the whole well-known struggle to free Germany from the enslavement to which the Versailles Treaty had reduced her, — the National Socialist struggle for ‘freedom and bread’ (and far space); for the German people’s right to thrive in healthy creative activity, — is the last (or, rather, as we shall see, the one before the last) phase of the perennial Struggle for Truth within the present Time-cycle the form which that perennial Struggle was bound to take at our epoch, i.e., at the end of the Dark Age. And Adolf Hitler is the most heroic of the heroes who, in the course of history, stood in the way of the world’s fated downward rush towards its doom; the One Who comes back, in His last desperate attempt to save that which is still worth saving, before it is too late, — the typical Man ‘against Time.’ He embodies that eternal Nature-wisdom to which I have alluded in the former paragraph — the only wisdom that deserves the name of divine, and opposed it, — not human arguments, — to the false science, and false religion and false morality and, of course, also false political conceptions of our decadent Age, and made Germany’s struggle for freedom the occasion of a broader systematic struggle for the liberation of higher mankind from the chains of the Dark Age. And made the Sign of the Sun — the Sign of Health[2] — the Symbol of both German and Aryan regeneration, and Germany, the holy Land of the West — the Stronghold of regenerate Aryandom.

Considered as the twentieth century expression of the age-old yearning of Aryan mankind to free itself, here and at once, from the appalling determinism of decay, National Socialism begins before Adolf Hitler’s political career. Its unrecorded but real evolution as an incarnate Idea, — its true history — starts with the future German Führer’s gradual awakening to the consciousness of his own scale of values, of his fundamental aspirations and repulsions, and of his mission: the awakening of the Man ‘against Time,’ as such.


[1] Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei.

[2] The Swastika, ‘Swasthi,’ Sanskrit, meaning: ‘health,’ ‘well-being.’

Aryan beauty Film


…is the world we lost when we started hating the fair race!

As a child (I’m exactly Mark Lester’s age), with my family and on the big screen, we saw this movie about six times.

Lightning and the Sun (book)

The Lightning

and the Sun, 1

I will start adding my aggregations to some passages from Savitri Devi’s most famous book. The priestess was a sort of female counterpart of what I now call ‘priest of the sacred words’.

I refer to two sentences of four words each, one in Latin, and one in Spanish (I came up with the last one): Gens alba conservanda est—‘The white race must be preserved’—and Eliminemos todo sufrimiento innecesario—‘Let us eliminate all unnecessary suffering’: aesthetics and ethics.

Savitri Devi published The Lightning and the Sun the year I was born. Like her, I believe that National Socialism, as devised by Hitler, is not a fixed religion but a continually developing one. For example, in quoting early passages from Brendan Simms’ book on this site I published young Adolf’s first political testimony: a letter in which he blames Jewry for his country’s ills. However, when one reads the mature Adolf one discovers that, in addition to this insight, Hitler mentioned Christianity more when looking for culprits (e.g. in his after-dinner talks).

Just as Hitler evolved over the years, I will be offering my opinion on matters that, decades after Savitri wrote her book, I differ slightly from her.

The Lightning and the Sun runs on this premise: The lightning to overwhelm everything in its path, including genocides and holocausts the likes of which history had never seen, is represented by Genghis Khan. The sun of metaphysical understanding, on the other hand, is represented by the Egyptian king Akhenaten. A combination of lightning and sun would be the modern avatar that will save the Aryan! I will be using the hardback edition published in 2015 by Counter-Currents.

The first page of chapter 12, ‘The Late-Born Child of Light’, contains this paragraph:

Especially for the past hundred years, i.e., since the outbreak of the French Revolution, Europe had been sinking, more speedily than ever, under the influence of international Jewry and of its cunning agents: Free Masonry, and the various so-called ‘spiritual’ secret bodies directly or indirectly affiliated to it. Centuries of erroneous [emphasis added] application of Christianity—an essentially other-worldly creed—to worldly affairs, had prepared the ground for the triumph of the most dangerous superstitions: the belief in the ‘equal rights’ of ‘all men’ to life and ‘happiness’ [page 211]…

I added emphasis because I think Savitri is wrong to say that historical Christian praxis was ‘erroneous’. It wasn’t. While Savitri was hostile to Christianity, the priestess didn’t yet have the perspective we now have (see for example Eduardo Velasco’s masterful essay on Rome and Judea in The Fair Race). In other words, there are no redeemable esoteric aspects in Christianity (regardless of the exoteric aspects).

On that first page of that first chapter on Hitler—the previous eleven chapters were devoted to Genghis Khan and Akhenaten—Savitri includes a footnote worth quoting:

I say ‘over two millenniums’ meaning that the disintegrating influence of Jewry upon the Aryan race began before the advent of Christianity. The disastrous new scale of values drawn from the misapplied other-worldly religion, and the spreading of the creed itself, were the consequences of Jewish influence, not its causes.

‘This disastrous new scale of values’ she wrote. Can you see why Savitri seems to me to be my perfect kindred spirit? But she wrote at a time when what we now know about the criminal history of the first Christian millennium hadn’t been popularised (see Deschner’s books in our featured post).

And colonialism was at its height, and Christian missionary activity also. Which means that, after having given herself up to the forces of disintegration, Europe was rapidly handing the rest of the world over to them; preparing the very last phase of the Dark Age: the state of biological chaos which is the preliminary condition of the rule of the worst and the systematic annihilation of any surviving human élite of blood and character.

At that time, an elderly, honest and hard-working Customs officer lived with his wife and family in Braunau, a pretty little town on the river Inn, on the border of Austria and Germany. The town, with its main square, on one side of which an old fountain, dominated by a stone statue of Christ, is still to be seen; with its old houses and churches, its old streets—clean, but often narrow—and the four-storied ‘tower’—Salzburger Turm—that already separated the main square from ‘the Suburb’ [Die Vorstadt]…

His wife, Clara, was pretty: blonde, with magnificent blue eyes. Aged twenty-nine only (she was his third wife) she was of an ardent, thoughtful and self-possessed nature; as imaginative and intuitive as her husband was unromantically painstaking; as loving as he was dutiful; and capable of endless sustained sacrifice. She respected him deeply; he was her husband…

The Child was christened Adolf… the incarnate collective Self of superior mankind… His even greater task, namely that of awakening the Western Aryan Soul to its own natural wisdom. Aryan Wisdom, in its conscious, warrior-like form, in opposition to all the traditional values of Christianity, was unknown in the Western world of the time, let alone in Braunau on the Inn—unknown, at least, to all but a few lonely thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche…

Written in Emsdetten in Westfalen
on the 14th of August, 1954

It is already seventy years since Savitri wrote those words. I will be quoting other excerpts from her book throughout the rest of the year.


On commenters

of The West’s Darkest Hour

I have wanted to settle the score with them for years because they are a microcosm of what happens on the extreme wing of racial dissent. What I wrote in my previous post about one of them, who told me he was going to commit suicide, released my reticence. Now I am ready to say to them a few truths.

I apologise in advance if, regarding the twenty-five commenters I have chosen below as a paradigm, many other regular commenters from the past or present don’t appear. For example, Adit has commented here numerous times, but only those who have made me think of something I would like to respond, appear in the list below. And the same can be said for many other commenters who do not appear below.

Likewise, I won’t offer my views on the commenters from the first incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour that ran from 2009 to 2011 (the second incarnation was deplatformed by WordPress; the current one is the third). Since I started my blogging career in the counter-Jihad, in that first incarnation there were still commenters who came from those quarters, including notable Jews like Larry Auster and Takuan Seiyo. In that old incarnation of this site I passed the mic to a critic of this pair, Tanstaafl, who also doesn’t appear in the twenty-five commenters below. Nor do notable racialists like Matt Parrott appear because he barely commented on this site.

So here we go! The commenters I chose are listed in alphabetical order:

Arch Stanton

This good man is one of those white nationalists who sees everything through the prism of the Jewish question. I found it so maddening to argue with him that after a few years I told him he was no longer welcome. There are quite a few commenters like this Christian on the American racial right. I remember one of my articles where I was talking about pre-Hispanic Amerindians and… Arch Stanton jumped in to talk about Jewry. Those were times when there wasn’t a single Jew on the American continent. But these monocausalists sometimes cannot bear to see anything outside their Judeo-reductionist prism.


I banned this Ukrainian (or ‘little Russian’ as he once called himself) several times for bad behaviour; I let him comment again and again over a few years, and eventually I banned him permanently. I spared him before because Adunai has a good grasp of what the transvaluation of values is. But his admiration for Stalin means that his comments had no place on a site that honours the memory of Adolf Hitler and the German people of the previous century. A few examples will exemplify why I banned him.

A couple of times he said that it might be a good idea for parents to burn their children alive in the context of ritual human sacrifice (cf. my book Day of Wrath).

Over the years I have kept diaries in which I write my views about my soliloquies, my family and even the commenters, sometimes writing long entries saying very harsh things. When I attracted people to my site who dared to make such comments, on June 19, 2019, I wrote: ‘What am I doing wrong? What did [George Lincoln] Rockwell do wrong by accepting into his ranks the one who would kill him?’ (my Diary #20, page 120). And on the next page we can read a paragraph that portrays me:

Just as Alcides and Rafael [chess comrades] came a few years ago to eat meat on my birthday and I had a vegetarian dinner, the following year, now more refined, I didn’t even invite them (they still eat meat and I didn’t want to see them at my table doing that again). In the same way I cut off the defective ones who come to my blog. It doesn’t matter that I’m left alone. What matters is both my physical and companionable diet.

Two pages further on we can read in my diary from five years ago: ‘It is time for a true priest of the 4 and 14 words to be born’.

Adunai could not understand why, if I was an exterminationist, I wasn’t at the same time cruel to animals. The answer is simple: if I am an exterminationist it is precisely because humans are cruel to animals (and many to their own children, as is clear from my trilogy in Spanish).

By the way, Adunai still lives in Ukraine. He is lucky he hasn’t been conscripted to fight against the Russians, though I ignore the details of his life in the ongoing war.

Autisticus Spasticus

I also had to ban this young Brit because, as his pen name suggests, he is kind of autistic. Over a few years he asked, or rather demanded, that I give him my opinion on a matter that was of utmost importance to him (something related to artistic representations of women in Greco-Roman times). He never seemed to understand that I wasn’t obliged to answer all his questions. His mental condition makes him believe that he is entitled to have us answer off-topic questions in discussion threads (he recently did it to me again in The Unz Review; obviously I didn’t answer him).

And by the way, I ask those I have banned not to bother trying to comment below. I’ll archive your opinions, yes: but I won’t let them through here.

Axl Atman

This woman used to comment here a few years ago. Her comments were intelligent, except for her intellectual sympathies for Satanism. These sympathies for the devil and Charles Manson are a very typical American pathology (though sometimes Europeans become infected with it too). I will address this issue later when talking about other commenters. I never banned Atman, but she stopped commenting after a debate we had on Greco-Roman pederasty.

Benjamin Power

I talked about him on Friday in the post revealing that he was committed this month to an insane asylum. Despite not being rich, Benjamin has been a generous sponsor of this site. On my anti-psychiatric site in Spanish I have written about how we should treat an individual suffering a psychotic crisis: in a humane way and under no circumstances resort to involuntary psychiatry (those who don’t speak Spanish can translate my article with Google).

Dr Morales

This Latin American used to comment on this site. I wrote last month about this troll who impersonates me on racialist forums, saying incredibly stupid things under my name to discredit me in the eyes of my colleagues. Here I would just like to add that, remedying my prose, the impersonator Morales has recently been using my initials in his pen name for The Unz Review: ‘C.T. Priest of the fourteen words’.


This Irish’s linguistic exegesis of the Bible and critique of Christianity is very erudite. Alas, as in my case and despite our anti-Christianity, there are still many religious introjects lingering in the depths of our unconscious—introjects that neither Gaedhal nor I have been able to exorcise. Such is the power of the parental introject…! After writing my autobiographical trilogy of almost two thousand pages, I realised that removing all the programming implanted in us by our (abusive) parents is a task for gods rather than mortals.


This man, whose initials are R.M. and who years ago commented here copiously, is the only one of the commenters whom I quote in one of the epigraphs of my trilogy. For the sake of modesty, I wouldn’t like to cite that quote (although it is no secret for those who obtain a copy of the book). I will always remember his laudatory words.

Iranian for Aryans

I don’t know if I behaved badly with this Iranian but I would like to ask for an opinion on the matter.

Since the beginning of the second incarnation of this site in 2011, this man, who also commented on other forums (e.g. Counter-Currents), said things about degenerate music that no Aryan said in those forums. They all seemed degenerate in musical tastes compared to this US-based Iranian’s fondness for classical music. He even sent me an illustrated book about Maxfield Parrish which was impossible to order from Mexico via Amazon Books.

But on Facebook I discovered that he had a blonde girlfriend… This is neither the fault of the Iranian nor of the blonde: it is the fault of the Aryan men of that country and of the West in general who allow the existence of such couples (cf. what I will say below about the Visigoths). I scolded him by email and he informed me that he had no offspring with this woman, and it seems that he already has separated from her.

My dilemma in judging him is that, while he defends the West in matters of music and cultural degeneracy in general, he shouldn’t have posted those photos on Facebook. If he were really an Iranian fighting for Aryan interests, he should make it clear that only by adopting a hundred per cent Nordid child, and never having offspring of his own, would it be legitimate to have such a partner to raise him or her.

Irrelevant Nobody

It was this Greek, who told me on Friday that he was going to commit suicide, who motivated me to write this article.

What can I say?

First of all, if he did commit suicide his eulogy of Hitler and Himmler is at odds with such a decision (if he ever followed through on it).

I am forty years older than this Greek, and yet I would like to adopt an Aryan baby to raise him with a female friend I have known for thirty years. If what Irrelevant Nobody says is true, he gives no details of his family tragedy. My family also suffered such a horrible tragedy that drove my now-deceased sister mad. And yet I follow the motto of Martin Kerr about a genuine National Socialist: National Socialism is a lifestyle. This means, as Savitri Devi rightly saw, taking our vows in what she called ‘the religion of the strong’. And that in turn means that despite rain, thunder or lightning, in our lives we must always work to fulfil the ideals of the Führer.

I told the Greek young man in two emails that, if he committed suicide, the System would win. That is precisely what the System wants us dissidents to do!

If what he told me in his email is true and he is now dead, I must say that there is no right to kill oneself if it is possible to do something for the sacred words. And the most painful thing is that this Greek lad was, if I give credence to his comments posted on this site, almost an ideological clone of me at the level of a pupil: something truly impressive.

If anyone lives in Greece, please research the name of this man mentioned in the previous post along with his day of birth (and death?). I would be very interested to know if what he told me is true.

Jack Halliday

This lad was one of the most intelligent commenters on this site. But he got really mad when, in a thread, I said that Charles Manson fans had a screw loose, which I still believe. I called him a ‘teenager’, which is not an insult as Halliday was a teenager during that flaming debate, and after calling me mudblood and countless other insults by email he never commented again.

This is another facet of the West’s dark hour. In my day teenagers respected adults, especially those who were decades older than them, as in my case compared to Halliday (to whom, by the way, I had sent Day of Wrath to England, although we never met in person). Now the kids feel entitled to insult the elders. It is obvious that, despite his intelligence—thanks to Halliday I discovered the essay of Judea against Rome in Evropa Soberana—it is good that we have made a clean break. (Incidentally, a Spanish-language Metapedia editor has just published an article about this webzine that the System banished.)

In my diaries I wrote many entries on commenters that disappointed me, as my January 2019 entry shows. Halliday, who apparently suffered bullying, adored the killers of their schoolmates (consider the bullying that the kid who attempted on Trump’s life had experienced at school!). Halliday and I live in different universes. He once compared Charles Manson and Adolf Hitler to the detriment of the latter and criticised Adolf for going to the opera. Echoing the writings of James Mason, Halliday claimed that salvation comes from the lowest strata of society, and morbidly linked videos of perpetrators like those of the Columbine massacre.

In the flaming discussion thread I rephrased a saying to Halliday: ‘Tell me who you admire and I’ll tell you who you are!’

Jake F.

To Jake I originally dedicated the first editions of my Day of Wrath. He was the first commenter who started providing me with very positive feedback on my articles that revalued values, such as ‘Dies Irae’ published in 2011. In 2016 he even interviewed me. Not long ago Jake stopped commenting here for unknown reasons. I conjecture that my criticism of the US (cf., for example, what I said on July 11 about George Washington) is related to his distancing himself from my site. Note from July 28: In the comments section, Jake has clarified that he has not distanced himself from our POV.


When Jamie started commenting here there was still a residue of Christian morality in his mindset, but it didn’t take him long to understand our point of view. I don’t know much about his personal life but, from what he comments, I guess he’s been in the racialist movement for a while now, and knows it much better than I do (I only discovered it in my early fifties!).

John Martinez

I have already talked about this Brazilian in the post where I confessed that he stood me up, for almost an hour, in a London underground station the day I arrived in London from the other side of the Atlantic, without sleeping on the journey, and without telling me he had gone to drink beers (or to find a toilet to urinate the residue of the beers he had ingested)!

I don’t want to add anything more here about that embarrassing day. But what happened to me was the result of admiring a guy’s intellect without gauging his character. Like Halliday, Martinez had a high IQ. But in both cases I failed horribly, judging them solely on their intellect. When I went back and told my friend about it, she remarked that this was a typical male mistake. She was right: a good character is infinitely more relevant than mere IQ.

Joseph Walsh

Like Martinez, I dealt with Walsh during that trip to the UK. Walsh is now serving a seven-year prison sentence. He was charged with terrorism for what he said on the podcasts with his friend Chris Gibbons, who is also serving a similar sentence, but as far as I know neither was inciting violence (see my article here). I wasn’t at the trial but I’d love to hear from someone with more knowledge of exactly what happened earlier this year in that trial. Along with Benjamin Power who has been committed to a psychiatric ward, two former commenters on this list are now locked up by the System.

But Walsh always had a dark side: his admiration for Charles Manson. Before prison, he had already been committed because of abuse inflicted on him as a teenager by his mother (a good reader of Alice Miller who, years later, would apologise to her son). When I lived in Walsh’s flat for a few days a decade ago, I showed him a video of Robert Whitaker, a critic of the iatrogenic psychiatric drugs Walsh was taking. He ignored me and preferred to continue admiring Manson rather than the critics of the pseudoscience that had him suffering from akathisia that I myself witnessed in his flat.

I never banned Walsh from commenting here. But already by 2019 I liked that he was hardly commenting as he used to do before. The case of a Romanian I will discuss later will add to my thoughts on Halliday and Walsh.


Above I was asking if I misbehaved with the Iranian, in as much as I told him off strongly when I saw the photos with his partner. But in Kurt’s case, I do think I behaved badly towards him.

A few years ago, in response to comments he made trying to understand homosexual behaviour, I told him he was homo and didn’t apologise for it. I rarely regret the harsh things I have said in the comments section but I do harbour some regrets in this case (Kurt hasn’t commented here again, understandably).


I can’t comment on him for obvious reasons (next month we’ll meet in person, and only then we’ll discuss our differences).

Mister Deutsch

Of Italian descent, this was one of the first commenters on the second incarnation of this site. He was offended when I pointed out that a brown-skinned Italian football player wasn’t white. He stopped commenting.

Like Halliday and Martinez, what struck me about this Italian was that he was very insightful, until his blind spot came out. Years later even Jake F. remembered Mister Deutsch in one of our podcasts. It’s funny how the Mediterranean’s complex towards those who take Nordicism for granted is so deep that such an obvious thing, as pointing out skin colour, becomes taboo. They prefer to abandon discussion in order not to touch one of the silly dogmas of American white nationalism: the equality between Mediterraneans and Nordids.


This cultured Briton, like the Iranian, understood as few others do the toxicity that degenerate music represents for the spiritual health of the Aryan soul (something similar to the toxicity that pornography represents for our spiritual health). Thanks to one of his comments I understood why Solzhenitsyn, though he wanted so much to destroy Bolshevism, never endorsed Hitler’s war. Roger made me realise that it was because of Solzhenitsyn’s Orthodox Christianity: something that hadn’t occurred to me until then. Unfortunately, when I was travelling in the UK and wanted to meet Roger personally, he didn’t reply to my emails.


More than once this young American made a sharp observation refuting one of the myths of liberal egalitarianism: that valuing human beauty is subjective. He pointed out that, by comparing the most harmonious cranial proportions with some mathematical proportions, it had been discovered the effect that beauty produces. Unfortunately, Rollory, whom I had known since my stage on the anti-jihad forums, was offended when he mailed me a book and I told him I wouldn’t read it because of the small size of its letters. He has not commented since.

Owl of Minerva

This Australian was the most generous sponsor I have ever had. But he so abruptly stopped communicating with me that I assumed he had passed away. I kept sending him Christmas cards to Australia but his family never replied. I know his real name but I don’t want to reveal it in this entry.

Spahn Ranch

I believe he is Dr Morgan who has commented on The Unz Review and who has used other pseudonyms both on my site and on The Occidental Observer.

While his views of Christianity have been spot on, he never wanted to respond honestly to the critique of his techno-reductionism that Adunai and I have made. Although, as we saw on Thursday, I am in favour of returning to the plough (mankind isn’t yet ready for technological civilisation), Ranch never answered an obvious objection.

Adunai and I believe that Christian morality is the primary cause of the white man’s ills, especially the exterminationist self-hatred of his own ethnicity. If technology were primarily responsible, highly technological nations like China would suffer from this exterminationist self-hatred. They don’t suffer from it for the simple fact that it is only former Protestant and Catholic countries that are now suffering from ethnosuicidal neochristianity. (Something akin to what Tom Sunic tried to convey in that memorable meeting in a Hungarian restaurant, with Jared Taylor present, when Richard Spencer was escorted by the police so that he wouldn’t speak.)

Along with Jack Halliday and Joseph Walsh, Ranch was one of a trio of intelligent commenters who disappointed me big time when I realised that they admired Charles Manson. Ranch even went so far as to say that it was all well and good to pick on victims like those the Manson family martyred. It was hard for me to lose three intelligent commenters on the same day. Although I didn’t ban them, it was obvious that we were living in parallel universes.

SS Division Poltergeist

This Romanian also used to post comments under another pen name on this site. Like Adunai, SS Division Poltergeist had a very good understanding of the Christian problem, to the extent that he was aware of the ideological misdirection represented by those who blame one hundred per cent of our problems on Jewry. But five years ago I expelled him for the same reasons I would expel Adunai.

That happened when I was quoting Tom Goodrich’s book, Summer 1945. Both he and Adunai said, in very strong terms, that one shouldn’t feel the slightest compassion for the German martyrs of the Second World War. The Romanian said this with such vehemence in scolding Goodrich that I expelled him for the first time (sometime earlier I had expelled Adunai for the first time for saying something identical about animals martyred by humans). In my diary I wrote: ‘It is unbelievable that these guys don’t realise that I hate them more than I hate the Jews for saying such things’.

After I let him comment again (a great weakness of mine and not only with him!), a few months later this Romanian said that Hitler had been a coward for going back on removing the crucifixes from Bavaria. This is nonsense, since every good politician has to compromise with his people regardless of his convictions. Such comments, and his blasphemies against the martyrs of WW2, moved me to ban him for good.


This man, who also commented on Alex Linder’s forum under the pen name Vance Stubbs, was another one of those whose intelligence impressed me. He seems to have been disappointed by something unspecific and stopped commenting (I don’t know if he continues to aggregate his opinions on other racialist forums under another pen name). To Stubbs I owe the insightful observation that white nationalists—Christians and neochristians in the final analysis!—treat Mediterraneans as Republicans treat mestizos (Stubbs was referring to the American Republican Party).

Tom Rogers

Several years ago Jack Halliday gave Tom Rogers a very wise retort. Like virtually all British men today, Rogers’ greatest character flaw lies in his utter inability to hate his country’s traitors (the antithesis of Rudyard Kipling’s poem that the English should learn to hate again!). I would like to illustrate this with an example of other Englishmen who have nothing to do with Tom Rogers.

On several occasions I have told myself, on my walks in the street, that having internet stalkers like Dr Morales is not my problem. Even the most subversive Jews are not my problem! My problem is the contemporary Aryan. Let us take into consideration what I said on Friday.

Take a look at the faces of Christian Glen Scrivener and neochristian Tom Holland. From a biological point of view, both Englishmen are perfect Aryan specimens. As I see it, just because they are Aryans, they are entitled to have a harem of English roses to impregnate copiously. But not only do they not fantasise about it. Their concern is the welfare of the ‘minorities’ that have invaded their cuck island and, like every Christian and neochristian throughout the West, that Nazism shouldn’t re-emerge!

They are my problem, not the Jews or Latin Americans who defame me over the internet. Pure Aryans infected by an ethnosuicidal ideology are my real enemies. That is, virtually all white men are my enemies in that, almost without exception, they are either Christians or neochristians. (For those unfamiliar with Holland’s book let me rephrase that statement thus: All contemporary whites are either Christians or liberals.)

There’s the rub. How can the priest of the sacred words flourish in a world that inverted the values not only of the classical world, but the values of the Indo-Aryan world, of the world of the ancient Germans and the Vikings?

I will remain faithful to the religion of the strong, to the ideals not only of Hitler but of the Indo-Aryans who didn’t want to soil their blood with the Indian natives, or the Visigoths who burned at the stake those who interbred with the mudbloods of the Iberian peninsula. I will fulfill my priesthood even if the world is upside down from the ideal that Irrelevant Nobody left in his suicide note echoing David Lane’s second fourteen words: ‘…because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth’.

As Holland and Scrivener rightly explained in the video linked in my Saturday post, from an axiological point of view Woke atheism and Christianity are related. If the imperial church inaugurated by Constantine hadn’t corrupted the Aryan soul, whites today wouldn’t be mad as hell with an ethnosuicidal religion that virtually everyone and anyone suffers from. This applies even to those white nationalists reluctant to distinguish, like Mister Deutsch and countless others, between white skin and brown skin—in order not to hurt the feelings of non-Nordid Caucasoids!

I live surrounded by brown mestizos. My quixotic father chose the house, where I now live with my sister, in an old area that reminded him of Spanish colonial times. There are other areas in the city whose residents are much whiter than the ones I see every day.

But that sea of brown people is not my problem. My problem is the Catholicism of my anti-racist father, now deceased, and the ideology of Aryans like Holland and Scrivener of whom there are hundreds of millions. They are my problem and they are also the problem for their offspring in that, unless they wake up, the world of the future will be as mixed race as those I see on the streets every day.

Film Videos Women

Woods girl

I just saw a YouTube review of The Village. I was wrong in my post yesterday when I said that the movie starts by explaining why they created that village. It is explained well into the movie. Since I hadn’t seen the movie in twenty years, this detail was chronologically distorted in my memory.

The clip below shows what the character of our beautiful women in our village would be like even if we don’t have the money to found one!

Autobiography Pedagogy


I would like to add something to what I said last week about my nephew (see also this thread from earlier this year). In December 2022 I posted an entry containing this paragraph:

I wonder if there is anyone on the planet willing to raise, at least, one Aryan boy and one Aryan girl and educate them strictly in NS, with all that such an education would entail. If there is anyone who harbours this fantasy please contact me.

I received no email response, which can be interpreted in two ways. Either no one who visits this site was interested in raising a child, or some Europeans who visited it were interested but fearing the soft totalitarian state their country suffers from (no First Amendment) didn’t want to contact me. I conjecture it is the former, which brings back that we are in the darkest hour for the white race.

Years ago, in the comments section, I said that a woman proposed to me a quarter of a century ago and I had refused. She is not an Aryan but a mudblood like me, although by Mexican standards she is considered white (like me). Curiously I have continued dealings with her, though only as a friend. I mention her a lot in my trilogy of autobiographical books.

Since I learned a very hard lesson with my nephew, I now feel like proposing marriage to this woman, if only with the idea of adopting an Aryan child to raise him as the Gods command. Likely, she will now be the one to say no, but I have to at least give it a try.

What is not clear to me, even supposing she agrees, is the question of the children this child educated with the true Gods would meet. Preventing this home-schooled boy from watching television; from owning a mobile phone; from listening to degenerate music or going to degenerate parties is one thing. Preventing him from seeing children his age is another.

I am reminded of a curious anecdote from 1988 when children from my parents’ music school went to Cuba to give concerts (Cuban children also showed off). The Cuban authorities didn’t allow, even for a moment, the two groups to mix to avoid any psychological contamination of the little Cubans with rich but decadent bourgeois lifestyles. But of course: the little Cubans played among themselves. Even supposing my dream came true, and I could raise an Aryan child, with whom could he play?

There are pure Aryans in Mexico (left, a Mennonite girl in Chihuahua, Mexico). Will I have to move next door to a Mennonite community for my adopted child to play with uncorrupted Aryans? Buying a large mansion next to them could only be done if I do a business that has to do with the falling dollar (a big ‘if’ that is not certain to happen!). And even then there would be some tension as the Mennonites are like 19th-century Christians, and my female friend goes to mass every day (although she is so understanding that she doesn’t object to my anti-Christianity).

How difficult it is to have a normal life during what the Indo-Aryans called Kali Yuga! Before making a decision, what are the chances for someone who wants to educate his child properly? Is there a place in the entire world where it is even possible for a white child to live among uncontaminated white children?

Friedrich Nietzsche


Editor’s Note: Below I quote excerpts from a speech by Alfred Rosenberg at a commemorative event on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Friedrich Nietzsche on October 15, 1944, in Weimar (the full speech can be read here):

Nietzsche also knew this very well when he wrote: ‘The discipline of suffering, of great suffering, do you not know that only this discipline has created all enhancements of man so far?’ Only such common suffering heightens the tension of the soul, only the sight of a great and general fate strengthens the spirit of invention and bravery in the struggle. Only such suffering can call upon human beings, i.e., an entire community that feels suffering in common, to great achievements. And this prerequisite for the transformation of his prophecy into a people reflecting upon itself had to be denied to Friedrich Nietzsche…

That is in line with what we have recently been saying: that the white man must suffer once again to cleanse himself of all the mental infection he suffers from, even if that means the suffering resulting from a Third World War.

‘But may it [the German spirit] never believe’, Nietzsche added at that time, anticipating almost everything, ‘that it can fight similar battles without its household Gods, without its mythical homeland, without a “return” of all German things!’ ‘Let no one believe that the German spirit has forever lost its mythical homeland, for so clearly it still understands the birdsongs that tell tales of that homeland. One day it will awaken, in all the morning freshness of a monstrous sleep: then it will slay dragons, annihilate treacherous dwarves, and awaken Brünnhilde, and Wotan’s spear itself will not be able to bar its way!’

See what I said in January of last year about The Mastersingers of Nuremberg. With the honourable exception of Carolyn Yeager, who never played degenerate music on her podcasts, this is something that contemporary neo-Nazis will never understand.

Here a hope was expressed that literally went to everything, demanded not only a cleansing from all overgrowing foreign plants and their juices but confidently expected it, a true inner rebirth leading back to the ultimate roots from which it longed for the supply of power for a great future…

‘The time for small politics is past: the next century already brings the struggle for domination of the earth, the compulsion to great politics’.

Given this overall evaluation as well he still hopes once more for a rigorous German heart, for the German form of scepticism, for a ‘spiritualized Fridericianism’, and he expresses it more than once that today, where in Europe only the herd animal comes to honour and bestows honours, an entirely different human type would have to assume rule to reverse this destiny.

Thus a profound criticism of the entire social structure sets in, a criticism of the Marxist, even then already falsely termed socialist movement, as it cannot be thought out more consistently and annihilatingly even today. For him Marxism is the thoroughly thought-out tyranny of the lowliest and dumbest, that is of the superficial, envious and three-quarters actors; it is indeed the conclusion of ‘modern ideas’ and their latent anarchism. Nietzsche turns above all against the attempt to abolish the concept of property because abolishing this concept of property had to breed a destructive struggle for existence; for man has no providence or self-sacrifice towards anything that he possesses only temporarily; he deals with it exploitatively, as robber or as dissolute squanderer. And amidst this criticism already arises the indication of a way out:

Keep all paths to small fortunes open, but prevent effortless, sudden enrichment; withdraw all branches of transport and trade that favour the accumulation of large fortunes, which is to say, especially money trading, from the hands of private individuals and companies, and regard both those who own too much and those who own nothing as dangerous creatures to the community…

With that, the presentiment of the Marxist dictatorship which we see marching against us as a mortal enemy from Moscow is clearly predicted. It has allied itself with that force which Nietzsche presented as particularly dangerous, without our wanting to assert that he was then able to survey the whole structure and psychology of the East in every detail.

But Nietzsche knows that probably, despite all cognition, the development once initiated cannot be reversed in a short time, and therefore he predicts that from this mixture of liberalism, plutocracy and anarchy the great crisis of Germany and the whole European continent would have to emerge. He is profoundly convinced that from this hodgepodge initiated by the entire liberal movement, meanwhile expressing an untiring hatred against Rousseau as the intellectual originator of these currents, Europe would someday have to arrive at the most terrible all-encompassing confrontations, but then perhaps also at severe tyrannical phenomena. He writes: ‘The democratization of Europe is at the same time an involuntary event for breeding tyrants, understanding the word in every sense, including the most spiritual’…

He was looking for this voice of wanting to understand and friendship. He also made some friends, but gradually, with an ever-sharper realization of an impending spiritual and political fate, his former companions also stepped back. The companions of his scholarly years sink into the bourgeois world. Richard Wagner also does not seem to want to go the way forward, and in this painful yet to the end still distant reverence, the greatest inner crisis in Nietzsche’s life comes to light, when he declares that Wagner, as an artist, to whom he now believes he must spiritually oppose, also alienates those people in Germany who are worth working on…

While this or that of those prophets of our time may be particularly close to us in some areas, Friedrich Nietzsche was probably the greatest figure in the German and European intellectual world of his day as an overall personality and as an unswerving recognizer of an entire epoch that was about to perish! One thing must be considered with all his later confessions and criticisms: if in his remarks he only suffered wounds and therefore took a fighting stance against the immediate causes of these wounds, the same would have happened if he had lived in France or England or another state for a long time. Because everywhere the same phenomena of decline were at work to decompose old grown traditions without thereby creating new ties and setting up new ideals. The whole world paid homage to base values.

This evokes what I recently said about internal jihad: that one must repudiate one’s nation project to save the Aryan, referring to a ‘nation’ that has been founded on the worship of Mammon (and this even refers to post-WWII Germany).

The revaluation of the values of passing liberal humanity into an ideal of the noble, hard personality, making greatness possible, is essentially Nietzsche’s doctrine that runs through all his works. If in recent times his ‘will to power’ has been particularly emphasized, this core has been rightly highlighted as that character resistance centre from which both the well-founded treatises and the ecstatic proclamations of ‘Zarathustra’ and the harsh attacks of his last writings can be explained…

In truth, there have been no power institutions that have had as hyenas of life an effect like the heartless capitalists of the international stock exchanges, never such a chloroformization of entire peoples as has happened through the all-Jewish press, and never has a power attack on the great culture of a continent been prepared more insidiously than after these influences through the Marxist dictatorship movement. What Nietzsche prophesied, European anarchism, was on the way…

So the forces that are now struggling with each other have not newly emerged; they are prefigured by the liberal movements of the 19th century, by the over-technicization of a new era, by the unbridled rule of money and gold, by the monopolization of the entire news system in Europe by racially alien hands. The European cultural citizens, tired of the sedation of their resistance forces, are now overwhelmed by a long-dammed destructive passion from the East, which, in a strange alliance with Jewish-West-leaning Marxism, has shaken not only Germany but the whole European continent to its foundations. When we proudly declare that National Socialist Germany alone still defends this old Europe today, when we can perhaps say in a slightly different sense than Nietzsche in the 19th century, but still from an even greater depth, that we are the ‘good Europeans’ today, that is a historically honestly won right…

But despite this realization, we still feel in our experience the great train of a new era and know that what has carried us and gives the German nation the inner will to inflexible resistance today is also based on that deep shock of the lonely Nietzsche, which carried him through a painful life, which often led to despair and accusations in solitude, but was always at the same time driven forward by the unconditional necessity of such an avowal to the future…

This is how we, National Socialists, see the workings of those powers today which, coming from the past, began to become a dangerous force of disintegration in the 19th century and today lead to the most terrible disease of the European essence in a large, suppurating process, and at the same time we see some prophets demandingly raise their voices amidst this fateful currents to break these creation-hostile values to help realize a new order of life.

Among them, we honour the lonely Friedrich Nietzsche today. After stripping away all that is tied to the times and all too human, this figure stands spiritually beside us today, and we greet him across the times as a close relative, as a spiritual brother in the struggle for the rebirth of great German spirituality, for the shaping of generous and spacious thinking and as a proclaimer of European unity as a necessity for the creative life of our old continent, rejuvenating itself today in a great revolution.

If a new visitor is not familiar with our recent psychobiography on Nietzsche, he could do so now.