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James Mason Quotable quotes


‘The cross is dead, now the symbol
of Aryan salvation is the swastika’.

—James Mason,
‘One Verse Charlies’

Quotable quotes


‘White nationalism is an impossible chimera
between National Socialism and Americanism’.

— C. T.

Quotable quotes St Paul

Jefferson on Paul

‘Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus’.

—Thomas Jefferson

Quotable quotes

Walsh quote

‘The White ethno-state will have to be at war perpetually against practically the whole earth in order to achieve the 14 Words’.

Joseph Walsh

Quotable quotes

Walsh quote

‘‪Even the pro-white “movement” seem beholden to this irresistible death-wish. No matter what we do, maybe all we can do is commit racial suicide’.‬

—‪Joseph Walsh

Deranged altruism Quotable quotes

Akins quote

“The problem with Christianity (and the reason why the Jews are able to use Christians to their advantage to further their agenda of promoting the extinction of the White race) is that Christianity is founded upon the principle of altruism.”

Steven L. Akins

Quotable quotes

Ryckaert quote

‘The slogan “all men are unequal” should be written in gold in all our public institutions’.

—Franklin Ryckaert

Quotable quotes

Linder quote

Christians will always put Christ above their race-soul. Or as Alex Linder put it: “Christian or white man. You can’t be both.”

Quotable quotes Real men

Slippery slope

“It is far too easy to abandon our principles and values arguing pressure of circumstance. It takes strength of character, fortitude and resilience to resist the corrosive ideas of our enemies who bid us take the easy way… We have only to compromise once and we are on the slippery slope that leads to betrayal.”

—Derek Holland (The Political Soldier)

James Mason Quotable quotes


“Only man in his ignorance, pride and conceit, his off-base worldview with himself as the center of the universe and above Natural Law, has made possible the awful mess people are living in today.”

“National Socialism has been the closest thing yet to approach successfully the task of putting the Truth to work in reality.”

—James Mason