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Greek vs. Christian

‘If we ask ourselves what is the main difference between the Greek and the medieval outlook we might well say that the former lacked a sense of sin’ said Bertrand Russell on page 168 of my old, 1959 edition of Wisdom of the West, an introduction to philosophy.

Today, Richard Spencer’s group talked again about how the new Negrolatric cult among whites is basically a Christian awakening of the 21st century, starting: here.

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Some years ago I used to talk about a witches’ brew of several causative factors of the current white malaise. Not anymore.

Christianity is the main culprit.

The Chinese have imitated whites in both capitalism and technology, but they aren’t facing extinction because their moral grammar wasn’t corrupted with a Levantine infection.

It’s just that simple. Reductionist explanations work per Occam’s razor. —C.T.

Blacks Deranged altruism Quotable quotes

Negrolatry’s aetiology

‘With Christ as part of the equation, the Christian ethics of the Gospels became balanced. Humans were seen as imperfect and it was Christ who covered for us with his self-sacrifice.

In Secular Christianity each person has to be like Jesus himself [emphasis added], doing self-sacrifice, since there’s no other way to fulfill Christian ethics’. —Conservative Swede

Blacks Quotable quotes

Negrolatry quote

‘Whites have whipped themselves up into an orgasmic religious fervor. Instead of a semite to grovel to, it is now a simian. As they gleefully murdered the heretics to their masochistic desert cult ages ago, any modern day Whites will soon face their malignant wrath if they do not repent their White ways’.

Dave Stewart

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Latin quote

Veritas odium parit. ―Terence

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Bran in a nutshell

Christianity + the false, lying WWII narrative from the Jews perspective = a lethal cocktail for the Aryan mind.

Removal of Christianity + the truth about Adolf Hitler, National Socialist Germany and WWII = liberation for the Aryan psyche.

– J.W.

Mainstream media Napoleon Quotable quotes

The new idiots

‘Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets’ said Napoleon Bonaparte.

And yet this idiot emancipated the Jews, who thanks to such ‘emancipation’ not only took over four French newspapers, but most of the media throughout the West!

Presently the new idiots are the Americans. As Jake has just commented on this site, ‘Many Americans view themselves through the lens of the Old Testament. By striking down the Hebrews, Hitler cut into the heart of America. Such a deep wound explains why many otherwise racist Americans hate National Socialism’.

Which is why I no longer visit their sites…

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Paraphrasing Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson once said that the government you elect is the government you deserve. But what Americans will soon find out is how H. L. Mencken, called the American Nietzsche, paraphrased him: ‘Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard’.

Quotable quotes

Mad groupthink

‘Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one’ (a quotable quote by Charles MacKay)!

Indeed. Whites, who had the most beautiful Aryan gods in the Greco-Roman world, accepted the god of the Jews and destroyed their Aryan statues and temples while embracing the Judeo-Christian doctrine of eternal torture for them!

And after the French Revolution, and even more after the civil revolutions of the 1960s, the psychotic idea of ontological equality of all humans (‘neo-Christianity’) has now come to regard even trans-kids as equals as the others!

Concerning economics whites go mad in herds and very few understand what’s happening. Yesterday, the Federal Reserve announced that it would start making 125 billion Quantitative Easing (QE) per day. That’s not a typo. Just for the record, in QE3 they used to make 85 billion a month. The Fed is now buying 125 billion treasures and MBS per day!

Hopefully before, during and after the economic implosion, these mad whites who have been thinking in herds since Constantine will begin to recover their senses, one by one, as the poet MacKay observed.

Ancient Greece Indo-European heritage Quotable quotes

H.P. Lovecraft’s letters

‘I’d like to see that Delphic festival. Greece is the third in order of European nations which I would enjoy visiting—England and Italy being the other two. Greece contains some remarkable survivals of classic myth among the peasantry—I heard a highly illuminating lecture on the subject a year ago by Sir Rennell Rodd, a lifelong student of neo-Hellenic folklore. Much remains to be excavated in Greece—indeed, it is possible that art will receive a new stimulus from what archaeolgy will unearth during the next ten or twenty years’.

‘Emotionally, I endorse religion, and people the fields and streams and groves with the Grecian deities and local spirits of old—for at heart I am a pantheistic pagan of the old tradition which Christianity has never reached’.

Epistle to Woodburn Harris, 1929

‘The cringing Semitic slave-cult of Christianity became thrust upon our virile, ebullient Western stock through a series of grotesque historic accidents’.

Selected Letters, III, p. 45

‘If a Christian tells me he has felt the reality of his Jesus or Jahveh, I can reply that I have seen hoofed Pan and the sisters of the Hesperian Phaethusa… My pompous book called Poemata Minora, written when I was eleven, was dedicated “To the Gods, Heroes and Ideals of the Ancients”, and harped in disillusioned, world-weary tones on the sorrow of the pagan robbed of his antique pantheon… I was, and still am, pagan to the core’.

February 1922