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Heisman’s suicide note, 12

Editor’s note: This is the hatnote of the blogger Eximius, presenting eight pages of still another Heisman chapter on how ‘Normanity’, the historic English belief in the superiority of those descended from the Norman conquerors, affected the Anglo-Saxon psyche, including the US:

This is an excerpt from an online eBook by Mitchell Heisman called Suicide Note. It is taken from pages 1601-1609. The title of this subchapter heading is counter-intuitive, along with perhaps the title of his whole book, as the Suicide Note could be taken to represent the Suicide not just on an individual, but of an entire biologically determined nature (of which white European suicide and consequent genocide by opportunistic aliens is a subset). His predictions may be strange but his analysis of the evolutionary history of liberal democracy are fantastic. I implore people to have a good look through his eBook for the merit that it deserves, as it operates at a very broad spectrum that cross pollinates between otherwise irreconcilable world views.

Read it all: here.


Articles of interest

Note of March 25, 2016: I’ve just removed the content of this entry—basically a link to another article at my Addenda—because I’ve deleted the Addenda article, “Links of interest”.


Addendum’s new URL

I’ve just changed the Addenda address from




I didn’t bother to purchase a redirect. However, I’ll be linking to the new address those Addenda posts I consider important.


Recent comments

On the sidebar they just disappeared. I only see “There are no public comments available to display”.

If you see them, please let me know. This is not the first time that WordPress’ gremlins play with me. I’ll delete this entry if the links to “Recent comments” appear again with its avatars…


Time to “name the Jew”

GD symbol
This note comes from Hellenic Republic
– Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos met Wednesday, 25 September, on the margins of the UN General Assembly, with representatives of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the American Jewish Committee, the World Jewish Congress, B’nai B’rith, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the World Jewish Congress, and the Anti-Defamation League.

During the meeting, Mr. Venizelos referred to the strong, historical ties of friendship and cooperation that exist between Greeks and Jews in the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as between members of the Greek and Jewish Diasporas throughout the world. Moreover, he went into depth on Greece’s stance on all the major issues facing the international community, and especially issues concerning the wider region of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and North Africa.

Having outlined political and economic developments in Greece, praising the successes that have been achieved in the economic and other sectors thanks to the sacrifices of the Greek people, Mr. Venizelos underscored the importance to Greece of the unwavering enforcement of existing anti-racist legislation and of the categorical condemnation of racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and the instigation of ethnic or religious violence as extreme criminal acts. He also stressed that the neo-Nazi elements assailing Democracy and the Rule of Law will be marginalized by Greek society, which, in its vast majority, deplores intolerance and violence.

Finally, Mr. Venizelos referred to the upcoming Greek-Israeli intergovernmental meeting—which is set to take place on 8 October, in Israel—as an opportunity to further promote and deepen bilateral contacts in all sectors and to strengthen the strategic relationship between the two countries.


Source: here.

For the context of this entry, see here.


The antifascist crackdown

by Dimitrios Papageorgiou

On Tuesday in the center of Athens the owner of a pet store was brutally beaten by a mob of antifascists. He was also pierced with a used needle, which may or may not be infected with something. He actually had no connection with Golden Dawn, nor was he a nationalist. He just happened to be muscular and have a shaven head.

GD symbolThis is just one of many similar incidents. Dozens of people have been attacked in plain sight, in the middle of the day, by anti-fascist mobs, who feel righteous in “hunting down” nationalists. In another case, an off duty policeman was attacked in the metro station, during an antifascist rally. He ran for his life and when cornered fired twice in the air. The result? No antifascist was arrested. The policeman was, though, and he is now being prosecuted.

The same thing happened to members of Golden Dawn guarding their offices in Halkida. About ten Golden Dawn regional offices have been attacked multiple times in the last few days with Molotov cocktails. By arresting the defenders the police make it certain that Golden Dawn members cannot fight back. You either get physically abused or arrested if you choose to participate in the party’s activities. An MP’s store was also destroyed. The list goes on, but I think everyone gets the point. This is the culmination of the two-pronged attack of the System against Golden Dawn. I wrote about this strategy some months ago, here.


For the context of this entry, see here.


Lew on GD crackdown

GD symbol

The Greek government, under the influence of organized Jewry, is targeting GD [Golden Dawn] using illegal methods because the GD is for real. GD has been showing the worldwide nationalist community what the system considers a real threat. Basically, GD has given all nationalists a road map.

GD does have a consistent message. It boils down to being pro-Greek, Greece for Greeks.

These developments show the other side will drop the mask and revert to Bolshevik methods the instant they perceive a real threat.

The establishment has not gone after those parties like it has gone after GD. Most of those groups play ball with Jewry and will go exactly nowhere. Ilias Kasidiaris was about to be elected mayor of Athens. At a minimum, he had a realistic shot at it. Why do you think they’re attacking GD now? It’s to stop their momentum at the polls.

The government arresting your leadership on phony charges and declaring your party a criminal organization can stop any group. The left is sticking with proven methods it has been honing since 1917, that is, Bolshevik methods, harass, arrest, destroy.


For the context of this entry, see here.


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Traffic on WDH posts

John Martínez’s recent comment about my posting tastes
moved me to add this entry:

Irmin Vinson on the Holocaust – 12,270

What Germany was trying to prevent – 5,952

Hellstorm (book review) – 5,286

Lycanthropy – 3,267

This blog in a nutshell – 3,194

Wagner’s wisdom – 2,507

A slim book that nationalists
should be reading in bed – 2,154

The Christian problem encompasses
the Jewish problem – 2,120

Sexual utopia in power – 2,020

The Red Giant – 1,931

Théoden or Denethor? – 1,882

The US: the greatest threat to the white race – 1,856

Best essays on Hitler – 1,805

Blonde aunt – 1,759

Alt Right did not pass a “shit test” – 1,736

A pic of the author at 33 – 1,569

All is about valor and honesty – 1,532

Gitone’s magic – 1,531

Brief manifesto – 1,516

The Holocaust perpetrated by Jews – 1,506

Seeing the Forest – 1,481

Translation of pages 483-541 of Hojas susurrantes – 1,410

God and white nationalism – 1,380

Orwellian rewriting of History – 1,326

The word “racism” – 1,280

Women & cities – 1,272

What is white nationalism? – 1,254

The king of the animals – 1,193

Unfalsifiability in psychiatry
& licit drugging of white children – 1,161

Mars and Hephaestus – 1,124

How the sexual revolution is destroying the West – 1,124

Differential IQ among the races – 1,116

William Pierce’s Who We Are – 1,116

Breivik’s spectacular message – 1,103

A 5% decline in average IQ would cause
our civilization to collapse – 1,076

Hitler on Christianity (1941) – 1,059

The Death of Nazi Germany – 1,037

Liberals—about to be mugged by reality – 1,019

Linder’s Weltanschauung – 1,019

How the Jews took over America – 996

The Scouring of the Shire – 991

Anglos & Hitler – 980

The West’s Darkest Hour – 929

America’s unpardonable crime – 922

Translation of pages 419-482 of Hojas susurrantes – 868

Hitler – 865

Fuck the Holocaust! – 855

Blaming the shark, sparing the megalodon – 819

Dies Irae – 813

Linder on Breivik – 799

Are white nationalists cultural niggers? – 785

The Führer’s way is the only way – 772

The Yankee problem enabled the Jewish problem – 769

Greg Johnson on homosexuality – 767

Spielberg & the holocaust – 752

Sebastian discusses peak oil with skeptics – 731

No nationalist would open fire on white kids! – 716

A German-American woman scolds Takuan Seiyo – 704

What is the best Hitler biography? – 699

Guernica – 636

The future is for the bloodthirsty – 634

The liberal axiom – 632

A tribute to the American Nazi – 632

Breivik’s closing statement – 605

Fjordman, “the best of us” or a master of taqiya? – 604

“This article was like a breath of fresh air” – 592

My evil parents – 591

Fourth book of Whispering Leaves – 588

For a century we have no longer been wolves,
but dogs – 584

I love your race more than you do – 572

The ascent of the soul – 550

Get ready for Armageddon – 546

A postscript to Dies Irae – 542

The physical basis of race – 539

Why Hitlerism should be our new religion – 533

White nationalist Christians—in a nutshell – 527

Pseudo-men in white nationalism – 527

Who is the foe? – 519

Lethal mixing of bloods – 499

Gospel Fictions – 498

Are monocausalists paranoid? – 493

Against Fjordman II – 489

Ronin on Breivik – 483

Genetic communism – 482

On feminism – 481


Weigel on the Ronin controversy

My Full Support for the RPN [Renaissance Party of North America], by Erick Weigel, Co-Chair, RPN (USA) Steering Committee


I am not interested in getting into an online pissing match with anyone, but since I have a stake and role in the future and successful development of the Renaissance Party of North America (USA) as one of two Co-Chairs of the RPN (USA) Steering Committee, I will make some statements.

All of the concerns put forth in the recent criticisms of Sebastian E. Ronin and the RPN can be alleviated by simply reviewing the Renaissance Vanguard website and the Renaissance Party of North America website. The Three Pillars (Peak Oil, Secession, Ethno Nationalism), the Ten Principles of Ethno Nationalism, the RPN Constitution, and the RPN Policy Positions in particular, will address all concerns and criticisms. All of them:  Ethno Nationalism, Peak Oil, race, religion, left/right or otherwise, White Nationalism and so on.

Read it there. Either you get it, or you don’t (or won’t). Either you jump onto the program, or you don’t.

Regarding Ethno Nationalism:

The Renaissance Vanguard and the RPN have reached out to nearly every potentially friendly North Amerikan White Nationalist personality and organization at one point or another over the last three years regarding mission, policies, and positions. The concept of Ethno Nationalism has always been met with a degree of contempt and/or ridicule by most Amerikan White Nationalists, up to and including a total black-balling by the WN community of the RV [Renaissance Vanguard] and the RPN.

That is until recently. Now it is the “new thing” among the so-called elite of Our Cause, several being those who have ridiculed, that we are all supposed to rally behind as the next great concept to save our race (and get page hits).

From my observations this recent jumping onto the Ethno Nationalist bandwagon by White Nationalists is either one of two things.  It is either that there has been suppression of egos coupled with a very uncanny instance of synchronicity where everyone concerned had a moment of clarity on the subject…or…they finally realized that Mr. Ronin may be onto something and feel they can run with it as their own.

The former is quite unlikely. So that leaves a greater possibility of the latter. Naturally, one would take extreme offense to such blatant attempts to re-package and peddle their position as belonging to one of our own WN “great thinkers.”

Would it not be more honourable and respectful to simply give credit where credit is due? I mean so many personalities and activities are cross-promoted in certain circles, why not in this case? It comes down to egg on the face, personality conflicts, online pissing matches, and that most arrogant and suicidal of Amerikan cultural poisons, imperialist exceptionalism.

Regarding left/right/libertarian or whatever:

None of that matters. It’s all bullshit. The tags of leftist, ring-winger, liberal, and conservative no longer hold any meaning. They are all potentially, i.e. more than likely, the problem.

“No enemies on the Right” as adopted by the New Orleans Protocol no longer applies, as pointed out by Mr. Ronin, because the Right is every bit of an enemy as the Left. Over the years I have met people that have come to Our Cause from all over the political map. Some of the most ardent have been former “lefties” (or worse).

The RV appeals to all factions at a point of overlap. This is the gist of our philosophical Vesica Piscis. We don’t want everyone, just the ones in each sphere that “get it.”

Regarding Heathens and Christians:

This fight has been a long standing one. It has nothing to do with peak oil, Ethno Nationalism, RV, the RPN, or Sebastian Ronin. Unless, of course, pointing out some really poorly thought out public statements by certain people is considered instigating.

Actually, some of these poorly thought out public statements re-opened the Pandora’s Box of religion once again, just when it was quietly drifting towards a non-issue.

It just so happens that most RV participants have a non-Christian view of things. The only people that it seems to bother are the Christian zealots who insist that faith (theirs, of course) be a firm basis for any organizational statement of principles.

In conclusion, I would simply like to make it public that Mr. Ronin has my full support in the ongoing attempts at character assassination and theft of ideological breakthroughs tossed in his direction by cowardly and unprincipled detractors. No one stuck a gun to my head to force me to come over to the RPN from the American Third Position for which I was Northeast Regional Director. I came over of my own free will, as will others in time. I came over because I am convinced, as has been pointed out by Mr. Ronin, that the RPN is the future.