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Civil war Harold Covington Hate William Pierce

Only in the movies…

In “Already Dead: The Manifesto of a Blonde Beast,” Andy Nowicki, who has been tempted by the dark side and passed the test, as can be guessed in his novella The Columbine Pilgrim, writes that Breivik “committed an abominable act, and to regard him a hero since he was on ‘our’ side puts on the same level as the type of idiot leftist who idolizes a thug like Che Guevara…”

In the coming Holy Racial War in Western Europe, what would the “dark side” would be? Nowicki explains what he read in Breivik’s manifesto:

Breivik also counsels the commission of “deadly and strategic attacks” against unarmed groups of Muslim women, as he thinks that this will have the benefit of enraging and radicalizing the men, “inciting them to choose the path of Jihad prematurely” and thus assuring a quicker victory for indigenous Europeans. He regrets the necessity of taking so cold-blooded an approach, but reconciles it with his notion of justice by that age-old formula for justifying atrocities: to make an omelet, you have to crack some eggs.

In the comments section I immediately took issue with Nowicki’s “Harry Potter” approach:

* * *

Do you know that through the novels Harry never uses “Avara Kadavra”, the killing spell against the bad guys? He merely uses the disarming charm, “Expelliarmus.” But only in the movies for children the Harry characters win. In real life you have to make a transition to the dark side to become a good soldier.

I have read The Turner Diaries twice. When I read it for the first time I didn’t like the Breivik-like cruelties: for example the killing of an innocent black—the first killing of the novel—or an entire group of nationalist white warriors in Toronto for not taking care of the Jewish Problem almost at the end of the Holy Racial War. And in the Day of the Rope many innocent young women (and men) also die. Then I read Covington’s Quartet. I sensed a moral difference. Covington’s characters are not so cruel, in the sense of so many innocents dying too, as Pierce’s characters. I imagine myself doing the things in Covington’s novels. But some passages of the Diaries make me wonder…

But you know? Pierce was ultimately right. As soldiers of The Order, we must be like the warriors of yore. The difference with the Quartet (Uncle Harold hasn’t finished the fifth novel) and the Diaries is that in Pierce’s world not only an ethno-state is born: in the final pages it’s described that only the white race shall inherit the Earth.

This final item of the Diaries is too strong meat to digest in a mere blog comment and I won’t go further with that, save saying that if completely heartless people followed the cruel script you quoted above, the chances of setting fire on Europe by provoking the Muslim population that way would be infinitely greater than the Expelliarmus charm that this blogsite seems to promote.

Americanism Audios Harold Covington

“America must end” – Covington

Today’s podcast
by Harold Covington
has been described
with these words
by one of the radio listeners:
“Your best podcast ever, Harold.
The Jew Republic is dead.
Long live the coming
Aryan Republic. 14/88.”

Here there are a couple of excerpts transcripted from the podcast:

America must end. It is a disease: a leprous thing. There’s no health or goodness in it that has been for long time, and the ultimate interest of all humanity lies in this rotting and poisonous monster called the United States being removed from the Earth. All of us know in our souls what must be done [Revolution]…

The filth that is America will be purged from the world with fire and sword. The darkness that covers this land will be lifted. And a new generation of white children will be born and grow strong in the light.

Listen to it: here.

Audios Harold Covington

Covington on Hitler

Listen to Harold Covington’s podcast on Hitler and the ten principles of National Socialism that he recorded this April 20th.