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Evropa Soberana (webzine)

On the One Ring (2 of 2)

by Evropa Soberana

Note of the Editor: For the first installment of this essay see: here.

Of the dozens of quotes against civilisation in Evropa Soberana’s collection, I will only quote two of them. Since the collection has been done in Spanish, I don’t have the time to search in proper publications the English translations of the bulk of Soberana’s quotations. The two reproduced quotes are enough to convey why the present generation of whites is the worst since prehistory.

Compared to the Aryans of yore, Nietzsche’s quotation reminds me how tamed so-called white nationalists are, internalising Yahweh’s indictment against civilisation in the sense that like the normies, white nationalists are also behaving ‘like lambs to the slaughter’. (One example of such sacrificial lamb is a John Henry Eden who tried today to post a comment on ‘WN is a Club for Women’ that I did not let pass: ‘I’m not an intellectual, nor do I pose as one in comment sections, but The Turner Diaries is the biggest load of hooey I’ve ever read’.)

These are the two quotes that appear as epigraphs in Soberana’s essay:

______ 卐 ______

Babylon was a gold cup in the Lord’s hand;
she made the whole earth drunk.
The nations drank her wine;
therefore they have now gone mad.

I will dry up her sea
and make her springs dry.
Babylon will be a heap of ruins,
a haunt of jackals,
an object of horror and scorn,
a place where no one lives.

But while they are aroused,
I will set out a feast for them
and make them drunk,
so that they shout with laughter—
then sleep forever and not awake,
declares the Lord.
I will bring them down
like lambs to the slaughter,
like rams and goats.


To call the taming of an animal its ‘improvement’ sounds almost like a joke to our ears. Whoever knows what goes on in menageries doubts that the beasts are ‘improved’ there.


Evropa Soberana (webzine)

On the One Ring (1 of 2)

by Evropa Soberana

It is not gold all that shines.

The ‘indefinite progress’ is an idea of illuminist origin, which was born in the Near East with the same civilisation and theoretical-rational legitimacy as it was sought during the French enlightenment of the 18th century. It is based on the notion that human beings come from a sick, dirty, ignorant and primitive past, and that little by little they move towards a healthy, clean, cultured and ‘advanced’ future. Archaeology suggests rather the opposite, namely: that civilisation has caused the fall of the human being from the state of grace, making him sick. The idea of religious traditions was similar: there was an Edenic ‘golden age’ (Satya or Kritta Yuga for the Hindus) in which the human being was more perfect, and after which a trauma caused human degeneration and the appearance of misery and disease, culminating in the Iron Age (Kali Yuga for Hindus). Despite this, the industrial spiral in which we are immersed continues to propagate that infinite economic growth is viable, that the Tower of Babel can rise indefinitely, that things are going better and, in short, that the human being ‘has improved’.

Throughout its evolutionary history, man ascended the food pyramid from the archaic frugivorous apes, becoming an increasingly effective predator and crowning the peak when, after the carnivorous revolution, he ceased to be the victim of other predators. However, with the end of the ice age and the advent of the Neolithic Revolution, man and the planet fell under a new form of predation: technology and parasitism of the Earth—two new factors that violated a hitherto harmonious holistic equation, and that forever upset the ecological balance of the planet and the biodiversity and genetic quality of the species.

The human being, or rather, a type of uprooted human, alienated, mixed and confused, believed that the reason for his discomfort and his fear was that the natural order was poorly designed. The glacial cold penetrates to the marrow, oppresses the heart, demoralises the timorous and does not allow thinking about anything else. The elements and vegetation whip and scratch the skin. The ground abuses the feet. The daily sustenance is only gained with atrocious sacrifice and bloodshed. Women, monopolised by the best hunters and warriors, are hard to come by. Every minute of life is a minute torn from death by struggling against the environment and against oneself. And to top it off, in every corner lurk the jaws of a predator or the sharp flint tips of an enemy tribe that has no qualms about cheerfully devouring whatever miserable falls into their hands. As for the tribe itself, it is a forceful, ruthless, cold and severe organism. It is not a mother in whose tender lap we cry for consolation and charity, but a strict father who imposes obedience, who rejoices with sacrifice and who does not forgive error. As military commanders, the wise elders marginalise the weak of the reproductive life, reward only good hunters and fighters, demand absolute loyalty and devotion and do not hesitate to let the less valuable elements of the community die for the good of the clan. Like it or not, these are the factors that made us rise above the ape-man and who wrote our genome as a novel with letters of ice, stone, blood, semen, flesh and sweat.

‘Evolve or die’, said the world at that time. But that law can be very hard for the victims of the voracious evolutionary machinery: to live like cannon fodder of natural selection is not life. Therefore, it is necessary to question this horrible state of affairs, redesign everything from scratch, reorganise the work of the gods—since they have not been able to organise it to the taste of man—flee from suffering and erect a messianic ‘new order’. The moral of the slave is born. A system (civilisation) must be built within the System (Nature), in which the daily sustenance does not involve so much effort and in which the search for pleasure and comfort prevails over the alchemical virtues of asceticism, sacrifice and willpower. The competitiveness must be attenuated and the ferocity of the predator must be softened to make it fit into the new pseudo-matriarchal social mould. To achieve such a goal, people of diverse backgrounds must be recruited, willing to work for a new common good—by persuasion or by force—and abolish their baggage of ancestral traditions and identity. Where previously there were only the professions of mother, hunter, warrior, fisherman, harvester and shaman, now there will be completely new occupations (potter, farmer, shepherd, merchant, prostitute, priest, miner, servant, slave) that will hierarchise society based to criteria that have nothing to do with the quality of genes. A weak and cowardly man can now be valuable if he is dedicated to moving objects along commercial routes. A promiscuous woman, once cursed by the tribe, can now sell her body. The nascent society must be a mass entity in which the strong pull the car, towing the weak with the sweat of his forehead. The brave ones die in the war while the cowards multiply in the rear. They do not need to hunt anymore; bread replaces meat and wine the blood. There is only one universal god: that of civilisation. All other gods are abominations. Those who belong to this kind of sect are the chosen ones. Those who do not belong to it are the pagans, the barbarians, the profane, the violent: the blind, savage and impure human mass that lives in darkness and that must be enslaved and integrated into the system so that the elect can live without working. This linear, rational and logical thought must grow monstrous until annulling the symbolic and instinctive thought. Civilisation will eventually dominate Nature, deciphering all its secrets, dissecting it and finally subduing it, phagocytizing and domesticating it completely, so that nothing escapes human control and for the system to be predictable, mechanical and mathematical.

This philosophy had to take root very early in the Near East and affected many peoples, among them the Jew—who is currently the human group that has lived the longest under civilised conditions. The Old Testament is dotted with testimonies about the dawn of civilisation, collected throughout the Fertile Crescent, from the Sumerian city of Ur to the Egyptian of Memphis.

It is much studied by eugenics that civilised social environments that preserve the lives of weak and stupid will be unable to perpetuate their ancestry. By throwing the strong and intelligent into fratricidal struggles or aberrant occupations that undermine their fertility rate, this irreparably causes the degradation of the genetic code of the human being. Nature has very twisted ways of taking revenge on those who turn their backs on it or pretend to dominate it. The fossil record shows that once man stopped hunting and embraced agriculture, he paid for it with a tremendous decline in his health and biological quality, as we saw in the article on the Neolithic Revolution.

Currently, the increasing proliferation of degenerative diseases, allergies and mental disorders (‘The investigation of diseases has advanced so much that it is increasingly difficult to find someone who is completely healthy’, said Huxley) is a clear signal that we have not been dominating Nature, but it continues to dominate us as always, only this time it attacks us, because we are not obeying it. Disease and degeneration are Nature’s ways of protesting and making us see that we are not exercising our human functions, that we ignore reproductive wisdom and that we are breathing, drinking and eating things we should not. If civilisation is like a snake that bites its tail, it is because it is the result of genetic quality and depends on it, but like a curse, it turns against the same substance that feeds it, closing the circle of its own perdition. This biological boomerang effect is the true reason why all civilisations collapse sooner or later, and raises a logical and disturbing question: if the next human civilisation will be global, what will come next?

Civilised man has not experienced the hardness of the real world in his flesh nor has he ever adapted to Nature. On the contrary: his actions are aimed at adapting Nature to him, even if by hammering. Therefore, he tends to have a big ego and a small spirit, and considers that he is the peak of evolution. This new artificial creature, this new domestic animal that is the modern human, for its isolation in the bubble of ‘well-being’, ignores the humility before the Creation, and is therefore the only way of life on the planet capable of deviating from natural laws, reverse the correct order and incur in the sin of rising against the work of the gods. To this sacrilegious and self-destructive pride, the Greeks called hubris or hybris. [1] It is the reason why, despite the fact that civilisation has been totally, absolutely and indisputably catastrophic from a strictly evolutionary, biological, spiritual and environmental point of view, man has become a ‘satisfied gentleman’ of his work.

Is civilisation a war to the death against biology and, therefore, a revolt against life, by the sickly, malignant and antithetical forces of the world, those who are resentful of suffering? Is man running the risk of becoming a slave to his own creation, in a simple productive factor, a number, a statistic? Have we created a system with a life of its own that has subordinated our good to yours? Is technology dehumanising and mechanising the species, exterminating its biodiversity, causing its involution and taking its domestication to chilling levels? Is modern society an immense concentration camp, a mass zoo in whose cages languish, domesticated and castrated, the degenerate mutant descendants of the free man and hunter? What kind of natural selection are we promoting? What human type is most favoured by ‘progress’? What will man become the day he has definitively lost his adaptation to Nature and instead is fully adapted to the industrial, commercial and technological world? Has the human species arrived at senility? Do we suffer from Alzheimer’s? Is the modern world in general and Western Civilisation in particular self-destructing? Is civilisation still that jealous Eastern sect that demands the submission of life and that to achieve that, like every sect, it removes the individual from its ancestral framework, annihilating its identity and dynamiting the loyalties it may have outside the sect (nation, people, race, class, sex, family, religion, guild, etc.)? This is the kind of questions that could be asked by the authors that we shall see in this article.

Civilisation has meant the overwhelming advance of inert matter (technology, commerce, consumerism, comfort), and the absolute regression of living matter (health, body, genetic code, mind, sacrifice), not to mention the fall of spirituality. Until the human power systems do not adopt a biocentric perspective in general and anthropocentric in particular, and while the top of the pyramid of world power remains occupied by the international financial elite (the shepherds who are domesticating us, castrating and poisoning us), the species will continue to degenerate itself, and the planet as well. Cutting down entire forests to print millions of copies of the magazine Telva make people sick so that they have to buy medicines from the pharmaceutical industry, charging maternity and births so that women work in order to earn money to buy completely useless things, or pulling millions of people from the Third World to feed the machinery of multinationals, are things that only in a wrong economic and rotten system could be beneficial—for a few, and only in the short term. As long as the states do not rebel against the free market economy and the stateless international trade, and as long as they do not resolutely and decisively intervene in human reproduction to stop the involution of the species and improve its genetic code, the human being is on the way to becoming an increasingly ridiculous being, uprooted in his lifestyle. The modern world desperately needs a series of popular revolts that overthrow the financial, global and consumer economy, and establish a multipolar, austere and simple economy based on self-sufficiency, the autarchy of each State, local goods that are strictly necessary and in which the State, identified with the working people, controls the merchants, the parasites and the usurious lenders.

The current lifestyle has nothing to do with the needs of the species, but with the demands of an economic system, which is in total contradiction with human nature, its innate instincts and the real role of the free man in the concert of life and the world.

The collection of quotations of the next post should not be understood as an argument against civilisation or against technology, but against a misunderstood civilisation, against misused technology, against the usurious, free-market, parasitic, consumerist and indefinitely growing economy, and in favour of a radically different kind of civilisation, as for example Sparta was in its day: a State, perhaps the only one in history, that with an unprecedented clairvoyance, realised that gold corrupts and that the Civilisation is a distinctly dangerous product that you have to approach with the whip in your hand. For centuries, Sparta was able to keep the nature and tradition of its citizens alive, but it was also able to defend the most vulnerable geopolitical environment in Europe against enemies infinitely more advanced, economically and materially.


[1] From hubris comes the Latin hybrida, from which comes the word ‘hybridize’, that is, the crossing of two varieties.

Evropa Soberana (webzine) Free speech / association Nordicism

Nordicism and National Socialism

I’ve now run a grammar engine to correct the previous translated entries so that I may now offer a syntactically-corrected PDF of Evropa Soberana’s essay. I apologise for the syntactic inaccuracies that may still linger on this PDF but again: my native language is not English.

Now that Facebook has said it will ‘block praise, support and representation of white nationalism and separatism next week’ I would recommend saving the PDF (here) in your hard disk. One never knows when will such deplatforming of our texts spread to other platforms.

Evropa Soberana (webzine) Indo-European heritage Nordicism

Nordicism and National Socialism, 17

by Evropa Soberana

We can finish this list of quotes with a phrase of a SS general who never came to deny Nazism, Leon Degrelle (1906-1994), founder of the Rexist Party, the fascist movement of French-speaking and Catholic Belgium: ‘Every time you look for civilisation anywhere in Europe, you see the blood of the North’ (‘Europe Will Live’).

The Nazis had in mind that, in the future, the selection of the leaders and the best ‘Aryan’ spiritual talents should be carried out over the entire body of the ‘white race’, while the selection of the racial elements to predominate gradually in posterity should be done on the basis of the best specimens of ‘Nordic’ blood. For them, the value of the individual to the community was not necessarily the same as their genetic reproductive value.

In the same German National Socialism, we see a great variety of characters. Thus, Adolf Hitler and Hess; Göring, Heydrich, Darré, Schirach, Todt, etc., were predominantly ‘Nordic’. Goebbels, Streicher, Himmler or Frank were not.

(Adolf Hitler, in colour.)

The ‘Nordic’ ideal was what National Socialism was trying to promote for the future of Europe, since it was what it took as the mould of the Overman, divinity in power and the germ of a superior humanity. Thus, in National Socialist art and propaganda, Nordicism is extremely clear. Even in the National Socialist documentaries (such as The Triumph of the WillTag der FreiheitOlympiaThe March Towards the FührerThe Eternal Jew, etc.), whenever you see German crowds, the camera tries to draw close-ups of more or less perfect Nordic specimens with the aim of inculcating in the mind of the spectator the ideal of racial selection promoted by the NSDAP.

This ideal of Nordic beauty as representative of the most treasured heritage of a people is common to all eras and all Indo-European civilisations. Both the Indo-Iranians and the Iranians, the Hellenes, the Romans, the Germans, the Celts, the Slavs, feudal or Renaissance Europe, the colonial empires, etc., considered the Nordic aspect as ideal, ‘authentic’, aristocratic, pure and uncontaminated; depositing in it the hopes for the future.

In our days, normally without realising it, the birth of a blond boy with blue eyes is seen as a good omen of prosperity and happiness for what it symbolises by our instincts and by the hereditary cultural load that, unconsciously, takes root in our brain since ancient times.

Evropa Soberana (webzine) Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 11

Wilhelm Petersen, unknown boy

The selection and the elimination carried out in a territory belonging to a specific species means that only those who have succeeded in the conditions of that particular area reproduce in the long term. Conversely, whoever does not overcome these conditions disappears. As the researcher V. Eicktedt has done, let us take as a basis that Europoid Nordic humanity with light skin has been particularly marked by the uniform and isolated Nordic-Eurasian (Siberian) habitat of the ice age.

We can easily imagine the consequences of a natural selection and elimination in that space. Only those who had been subjected to the harshest conditions of existence could survive and perpetuate for the next millennia. Reproducing and perpetuating was granted only to those who finally revealed themselves superior to that climate and to that inhospitable aspect of the earth; to those who were, in short, stronger than Nature thanks to their inflexibility and their hardness. Only the qualities that allowed the victorious man to overcome Nature were perpetuated and consolidated by the means of hereditary transmission.

Notebook of the Schutzstaffel (SS) No. 7 of 1942. The biological sense of the selection. Habitat produces a certain type of selection, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.2.

Evropa Soberana (webzine) Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 9

Wolfgang Willrich, Thekla Reiff

The Nordic race is more or less strongly represented in all regions of the Reich, both North and South, West or East. Many men within our people cannot be assimilated exactly to a precise race. Except for the representatives who seem pure race; each race lies at the bosom of all peoples in a more or less strongly mixed form.

Nordic inheritance predominates in the German people. The Nordic race is not only the predominant race, but its blood is present in almost all Germans. The concepts of ‘blood and soil’ do not form an empty notion but constitute our destiny. The objective pursued by the selection of the German people has also been defined. It is done by remaining faithful to the vital law of your creative race.

The share of Nordic blood in the hereditary mass of the German people rises to approximately 50%. In addition, the genealogy shows us that every German is a carrier of Nordic blood.

Thus, the German people is a racial community in the truest sense of the term. History interpreted in terms of a raciological principle has long shown that the Nordic race produces a much greater number of eminent men than the other races. The Nordic race is first and foremost the custodian of the genius of the German people. Great achievements in all areas have made it the leading race of humanity. No other human race has produced so many spiritual leaders, army chiefs, and eminent statesmen.

In the course of intrepid expeditions, the Nordic man conquered vast territories, founded States and created civilizations. By the year 1000, the Vikings had reached America. The Nordic spirit revalued and colonised vast territories.

One of the most notorious qualities of the Nordic race is self-control. The Nordic race has inspired the warlike conquests. Probity and will power, allied to self-confidence, strongly reinforce the feeling of independence. These qualities certainly diminish the intuition, and the Nordic man incurs then in great danger of getting lost and wasted. The Nordic feels a great predilection for sport and combat: he loves danger. He is thus found more frequently than other men in the professions that entail danger. But we must confess that the character of the individual is more determinant than the colour of the hair. The individual belongs for the essential to a race whose virtues are professed by action.

When each country of Europe is examined in its racial composition, it is found that in almost all States the same races are found. We find the Nordic race outside of Germany, in the Scandinavian countries, in England and in the Netherlands, as well as in Russia, in Italy, in France, in Spain, etc. But we also find, for example, men of the oriental type in the various European countries. The important thing, after all, is not to issue a general racial judgment on a people. It is more about studying the predominant elements of each race in a specific town. And it is noted that, on a purely numerical level, the Reich is already leading the other peoples as far as the Nordic blood part is concerned.

In a totally legitimate way, Germany can pretend to lead the Nordic-German peoples.

‘Believe and fight’, The German people and the Nordic race, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.1.

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 7

by Evropa Soberana

Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945). If the SS was a Nordicist institution, it was natural that its Reichsführer or Chief, was also a Nordicist.

(Recruitment poster for the SS.) The Waffen SS incorporates the highest ideals of National Socialism. They are the successors of the famous bands of Nordic warriors of antiquity. It is the unity of creed and sword, of military power and political faith that makes the Waffen SS so feared in the battlefields of Europe, so invincible… Never an elite military force has reached such perfection in such little time. 


The ultimate aim for those 11 years during which I have been the Reichsführer SS has been invariably the same: To create an Order of good blood that is capable of serving Germany; that without failure and without sparing you can make use of because the greatest losses can do no harm to the vitality of this Order, the vitality of these men, because they will always be replaced to create an Order that will spread the idea of Nordic blood so far that we will attract all Nordic blood in the world, take away the blood from our adversaries, absorb it so that never again […] will fight against us.

Addressing the officers of the SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte ‘Adolf Hitler’, document 1918-PS, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Vol. IV, USGPO, Washington, 1946, page 558.

Therefore, only the perfect blood, the blood that by testimony of History has proved to be of true value in the creation and foundation of States, as well as in its military activity, that is to say, the Nordic blood, is the only one that must be taken in consideration. If I were lucky enough to select for my organisation individuals possessing this blood, who formed a majority, inculcating the military discipline and, at leisure, indoctrinating them about the value of their ancestry and the ideology derived from it, then we would manage to create an organisation that would be the cream of our movement, able to face any eventuality. 

Quoted by Jacques Delarue in The Gestapo.

Every manifestation of a people depends on the individual and the family. The health and vitality of a people, as well as the duration and quality of their culture, depend on whether there are enough racially valuable groups. The individual and the government have a common duty which can only be achieved together: to maintain the racial purity of these valuable families and groups. 

Adolf Hitler led the German people to the understanding that the Nordic race is the most creative and valuable race in the world. It has determined its nature, its culture and its history. Therefore the care of the valuable Nordic blood is your most important task. Each one of us has a role. The awareness of our ancestral pride must be the force that guides our behaviour. We do not want to be the last of an advanced and ancient millenary culture that ends with us, but members of an endless chain that extends from our oldest ancestors to our most distant grandchildren.

In ‘Rassenpolitik’, Der Reichsführer SS/SS-Hauptamt, Berlin, 1943, chapter 2, ‘Rasse und Volk’.

The Nordic race is decisive, not only for Germany, but for the whole world. If we succeed in establishing this Nordic race from and around Germany and inducing them to become farmers, and from this nursery we produce a race of 200 million, then the world will belong to us. If Bolshevism wins, it will mean the extermination of the Nordic race. 

Editor’s note:…and Bolshevism won, courtesy of the Anglo-Saxons. As long as American white nationalists are unable to face this fact I won’t interact with them.

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 6

by Evropa Soberana

Walther Darré

Richard Walther Darré(1895-1953) was the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Supplies of the Reich, Chief of the German Peasants, Director of the SS Office of the Race and Resettlement, co-founder of the Ahnenerbe and father and promoter of the geopolitical idea of Blut und Boden (blood and soil). Darré had an important role in the policy of German racial hygiene, especially in the National Socialist attempt to create a new rural nobility that—as it could not be otherwise—should be Nordic.

Almost all the empires in the history of the world, and all great cultures, have been founded and maintained by men of Nordic blood. We also know that these great empires and cultures have fallen into ruins because the men of Nordic blood who ruled over them did not keep their blood pure. 

It is the Germanic race—the ‘Nordic’ race according to the expression in vogue—what has breathed the blood and life into our Nobility; it is this race that has dictated its customs… 

New Nobility from Blood and Soil, 1935, chapter 1.

It is demonstrated that everything we call German has been created exclusively by the Germanic man we now call the man of the Nordic race, and that, in each case, only the Germanic peoples have been the basic element of German culture and history… 

Being able to demonstrate the origin of this race as located in the northwest of Europe, an agreement was reached to give to this species of men the name used by the natural sciences of the Nordic race, or the Nordic man. Many genuine Germans are still opposed in their hearts to being designated as ‘Nordic’ as they have liked to consider their whole life as Germanic for the authentically German, but it is for the sake of clarity of the statement that that particular word should be created for this new conception. 

It is impossible to speak of ‘Germanic race’, because then we would arrive at the false conclusion that the Roman, Greek, Persian cultures, etc., were created by the Germans. We need, on the other hand, a conception that expresses this race, which was common to all these peoples. The Indo-German designation has been proposed, but it is based exclusively on a linguistic element. With this it induced an error, because the towns where the Nordic blood has become extinct can very well speak an Indo-Germanic language. We had, then, to introduce a new conception, which had long been established in the form of the ‘Nordic race’. The Nordic idea is, then, the study of the German to its ultimate roots, beyond even the Germanic… 

For us, Germans, there is only one possible goal: To try by all possible means to ensure that the blood that is creative in the body of our people, that is to say the Nordic blood, is conserved and multiplied, since of that depends the conservation and development of Germanism… 

That in eminent men non-Nordic features exist, demonstrates that a certain contribution of non-Nordic blood is not necessarily an obstacle to the formation and development of a personality of value… This would not, of course, justify taking care of the non-Nordic races in Germany, let alone recommending them to the German people as the objective of their selection, even admitting that this would not lead to miscegenation… 

It is true, on the other hand, that the depletion of the Nordic blood extinguishes the creative force in the body of the people. The reached conclusion is the following: Everyone who is stimulated to a certain degree by some non-Nordic blood is not necessarily harmful, but it becomes so if that degree is exceeded… Therefore, the fact that we can see today a strong miscegenation in our people is not a reason to continue along the same path. It is, on the contrary, a reason to indirectly stop miscegenation by clearly designating a result to be achieved as a goal of selection to our people.

We have absorbed so much non-Nordic blood that even if we only reserved marriage to the girls of Nordic blood, we would still preserve for millennia in the body of our people parts of non-Nordic blood sufficient to bring the richest food to the diversity of temperaments creators… German morality flourished on the primitive background of Germanic blood. Even today that background conceals a lot of non-Nordic blood. One must regret it and see in it, undoubtedly, in large part, the reason for the current decay of our morality… 

The purification of the German hereditary protoplasm from its non-Nordic blood parts is easy in the field of selection. 

To inspire us again from the experience of animal husbandry, we will deduce that we must educate the German people so that they recognise the Nordic man as an objective, and in particular, that he may discern his features in a mestizo, since in the end this is the decisive issue… The habitual abandonment to Fate of our precious hereditary protoplasm sabotages our tribes of origin: such a state of affairs shall not last for long… 

The selection by the outer physique has the advantage of limiting the cross-breeds. Thus the truly foreign blood is drawn away from our people, whose effect is incalculable on the blood heritage of the offspring… 

It is true that in this evolution, England had the advantage that in many regions there inhabited, above all, the Nordic ‘Anglo-Saxon’ peasant classes: a kind of source from which the upper class continually received the influx. The circumstances are still analogous today in Germany. In large part, our peasantry still has an excellent ‘blood heritage’. Ultimately, there is no reason to doubt that it is possible to turn Nordic our people again through a clear example of the selection to be made, in the sense in which Günther understands it. 

New Nobility from Blood and Soil, 1935, chapter 8.

Alfred Rosenberg Evropa Soberana (webzine) Nordicism

Nordicism and National Socialism, 5

by Evropa Soberana

Wilhelm Petersen, unknown woman.

Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946) was a member of the Thule Gesellschaft, a National Socialist ideologue, head of the Service of Foreign Affairs of the NSDAP and head of the Reich Ministry for the occupied Eastern territories—the most important ideologue of National Socialism after Hitler.

The ‘sense of history’ has not gone in any way from East to West, but has changed rhythmically. In the past Nordic Europe sent fruitful waves of peoples, who in India, Persia, Hellas and Rome, created states and cultures. Then they penetrated by infiltration in Europe the Eastern races from the East. Furthermore, Asia Minor sent a human species that reached the present Europe.

Not a ‘Central Europe’ without race or people, as announced by a Naumann, not a Franco-Jewish Pan-Europe, but a Nordic Europe, is the slogan of the future, with a German Central Europe. Germany as a racial and national state, as the central power of the continent, as an assurance of the South and the Southeast; the Scandinavian States with Finland as a second league, for the assurance of the Northeast, and Great Britain as assurance of the West and of the regions beyond the sea where that is necessary in the interest of the Nordic human being. 

This also demands a foundation of greater scope.

Ancient Greece Evropa Soberana (webzine) Mein Kampf (book) Miscegenation Nordicism

Nordicism and National Socialism, 4

by Evropa Soberana

Cover of Gutes Blut – Ewiger Quell
(Good blood – eternal spring), an SS
propaganda booklet that deals mainly with
Nordicism and eugenics through images.

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) does not need introduction.

It is therefore outrageously unjust to speak of the pre-Christian Germans as barbarians who had no civilization. They never have been such. But the severity of the climate that prevailed in the northern regions which they inhabited imposed conditions of life which hampered a free development of their creative faculties.

If they had come to the fairer climate of the South, with no previous culture whatsoever, and if they acquired the necessary human material–that is to say, men of an inferior race–to serve them as working implements, the cultural faculty dormant in them would have splendidly blossomed forth, as happened in the case of the Greeks, for example. But this primordial creative faculty in cultural things was not solely due to their northern climate. 

For the Laplanders or the Eskimos would not have become creators of a culture if they were transplanted to the South. No, this wonderful creative faculty is a special gift bestowed on the Aryan, whether it lies dormant in him or becomes active, according as the adverse conditions of nature prevent the active expression of that faculty or favourable circumstances permit it. 

Mein Kampf, 1924, Volume II, Chapter 2.

A complete assimilation of all our racial elements would certainly have brought about a homogeneous national organism; but, as has been proved in the case of every racial mixture, it would have been less capable of creating a civilization than by keeping intact its best original elements. 

A benefit which results from the fact that there was no all-round assimilation is to be seen in that even now we have large groups of German Nordic people within our national organization, and that their blood has not been mixed with the blood of other races. We must look upon this as our most valuable treasure for the sake of the future. During that dark period of absolute ignorance in regard to all racial laws, when each individual was considered to be on a par with every other, there could be no clear appreciation of the difference between the various fundamental racial characteristics.

We know to-day that a complete assimilation of all the various elements which constitute the national being might have resulted in giving us a larger share of external power: but, on the other hand, the highest of human aims would not have been attained, because the only kind of people which fate has obviously chosen to bring about this perfection would have been lost in such a general mixture of races which would constitute such a racial amalgamation. 

Mein Kampf, Ibidem.

If Nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such a case all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile. 

History furnishes us with innumerable instances that prove this law. 

It shows, with a startling clarity, that whenever Aryans have mingled their blood with that of an inferior race the result has been the downfall of the people who were the standard-bearers of a higher culture. In North America, where the population is prevalently Teutonic, and where those elements intermingled with the inferior race only to a very small degree, we have a quality of mankind and a civilization which are different from those of Central and South America. 

In these latter countries the immigrants—who mainly belonged to the Latin races—mated with the aborigines, sometimes to a very large extent indeed. In this case we have a clear and decisive example of the effect produced by the mixture of races. But in North America the Teutonic element, which has kept its racial stock pure and did not mix it with any other racial stock, has come to dominate the American Continent and will remain master of it as long as that element does not fall a victim to the habit of adulterating its blood. 

Mein Kampf, 1924, Volume I, Chapter 11.

Ten generations of Germans left without the corrective and educative effect of military training and delivered over to the evil effects of those dissensions and divisions the roots of which lie in their blood and display their force also in a disunity of world-outlook–these ten generations would be sufficient to allow our people to lose the last relics of an independent existence on this earth. 

The German spirit could then make its contribution to civilization only through individuals living under the rule of foreign nations and the origin of those individuals would remain unknown. They would remain as the fertilizing manure of civilization, until the last residue of Nordic-Aryan blood would become corrupted or drained out.

Mein Kampf, 1924, Volume II, Chapter 14.

I shall have no peace of mind until I have succeeded in planting a seed of Nordic blood wherever the population stand in need of regeneration. 

If at the time of the migrations, while the great racial currents were exercising their influence, our people received so varied a share of attributes, these latter blossomed to their full value only because of the presence of the Nordic racial nucleus. Thus it is that we have acquired a sense of poetry, a tendency to nostalgia, which finds its expression in music. 

But it is thanks to those attributes that are peculiar to our race and which have been preserved in Lower Saxony that we have been able harmoniously to absorb extraneous characteristics—for we possess one faculty which embraces all the others, and that is, the imperial outlook, the power to reason and to build dispassionately.

Hitler’s Table Talk, May 12, 1942.