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Troll ’em all!

I’m not finished with Counter-Currents because I find that webzine a real tidbit to show the principle of this site: that the value scale of white nationalists, who mistakenly perceive themselves as Jew-wise, isn’t wise at all in that it drags the tail of morality bequeathed to us by Judeo-Christianity.

Earlier I had quoted some more or less critical comments in the Counter-Currents comments section on Greg Johnson’s article ‘Palestinians & Jews, again’ where Johnson simply replied with flat statements; that is, he took Judeo-Christian morality so much for granted that he didn’t even bother to try to rebut his critics with arguments. Well, recently another C-C commenter posted a comment that demonstrates just what we have been saying, and in no uncertain terms:

Ahh, but isn’t this [Johnson’s stance—Ed.] merely a “Paretian” old Christian residue? I agree with your ethical position, but that is because a) I was raised Christian, and b) would someday like to become Christian again, provided I can resolve to my satisfaction the various philosophy-of-religion problems that originally led me away from the faith. In the meantime, I mostly hue to the old moral codes, first, because I’m psychologically and culturally oriented towards them, and second, because, in Pascalian fashion, I believe such a course would be pleasing to (and perhaps even required by) God, should He in fact exist.

As always, the fear of eternal damnation, with which our idiotic parents raised us (that’s why my autobiographical books are so important!), haunts the psyche of the Aryan to keep the commandments that the god of the Jews dictated for us Gentiles.

But if one does not believe in God, what is the meaningful ground of ethics? Eat or be eaten is the primordial law of life. Among animals, there is no ethics—and even that behavior which merely mimics human-understood ethics is limited to genetically similar creatures. Social animals, like chimps and humans, are tribal in nature. Such tribal structures mightily contribute to their members’ reproductive fitness. What imaginative philosophers might characterize as “ethical” behavior within such tribes are instinctively cooperative actions which strengthen the tribe as a whole, or else sanctions against ‘antisocial’ actions which weaken the tribe. Within a naturalistic metaphysics, from whence would be derived inter-tribal ethics?

And once again, Johnson responds with a flat, non-argumentative statement; though he now concedes that that is a discussion for another time:

No, I don’t think the only foundation of ethics is religion. Nor do I think Social Darwinism is a valid moral code. I think it is just post hoc rationalization for criminality. But that’s a conversation for another place.

Criminality? The only foundation of Western ‘ethics’ is the Judeo-Christian religion! The key is that, before Christianity, exterminationist genocide wasn’t considered criminal by the Aryans. That was malware that Constantine and his bishop minions (many of Semitic origin) began to implant in the Aryan psyche long ago. See the very important Neo-Christianity PDF of our featured post. Those new visitors who haven’t read it should read it now.

It seems to me intellectual quackery not to know that the morality with which we Westerners were all educated ultimately comes from a so-called new testament for Gentile consumption written by Jews. For now, I would just like to quote from page 83 of another of our PDFs, On Exterminationism:

What is certain is that the Holocaust would not have produced any debilitating psychological effect on non-Christian whites. (By Christianity I mean ‘Christian morality.’ Most atheists in the West are still Christian, even if they don’t believe in God or Jesus.) Being emotionally affected by the Holocaust presupposes that you think: (1) Victims and losers have intrinsically more moral value than conquerors and winners, (2) Killing is the most horrendous thing a human can do, (3) Killing children and women is even more horrendous and (4) Every human life has the same value.

None of these statements ring true to a man who has rejected Christian morality. Even if the Holocaust happened, I would not pity the victims or sympathise with them. If you told the Vikings that they needed to accept Jews on their lands or give them gold coins because six million of them were exterminated in an obscure war, they would have laughed at you!

What can the priest of holy words do in the face of so much Christian and neo-Christian swarming American white nationalism? Rather than despair, simply Troll Em All with Nietzsche’s maxim: Umwertuung aller Werte!

12 replies on “Troll ’em all!”

I’m not sure you can ascribe the squeamishness entirely to Christianity. I think we feel uncomfortable in proximity to death because it reminds us of our own mortality, and we feel that we could easily be in their position. Once we found out about evolution, our concept of an anthropocentric universe could no longer be sustained. Any notion of an afterlife, a creator, or a grand cosmic destiny became a farce. Death is a more intimidating prospect now than it ever has been before, because now we fully understand the implications. Without our cherished illusions, it is little wonder that the white man has given up. I’m not sure I could imagine a bleaker reality than the one we’re stranded in. When I finished my essay An Indictment of Life and read it back, I was aghast at our predicament as sentient creatures. If there is a hell, I think we’re already living it.

There are two things to bear in mind. The first is that the above post is a retort to the recent thread on Johnson’s webzine (not the philosophical issues you address). The second is that, as I told you recently, you should interrupt your online activities and try to heal yourself. Haven’t you even read ‘On Depression’ (pages 27-41 of my book Daybreak)?

I’m afraid I haven’t. Perhaps you would like to share some relevant parts of it with me here. I’m not doing any livestreams and my interaction with online acquaintances has declined significantly. I am still reading and writing, though. I find it is the only thing that calms me down.

What is your source of solace? You know how bad the situation is. And I don’t just mean the here and now. I mean how bad it has always been, though we did not appreciate why until more recently. I think to be depressed in a world of futility and decay is perfectly reasonable. Indeed, it is the most human response.

Start by reading what is linked above and please do not comment again until you do some psychological healing work (which is explained at length in my texts on the subject, some of which have already been translated into English).

You, Sir C.T., have a good point, to abolish the Christian religion! We must immediately replace it with something else, and quickly..! It’s too bad that Emperor Julian didn’t live longer, as he was to do just this..

I confess I’m still trying to get Christian morality completely out of my life, even though I was never a devout catholic. It’s more difficult than a thought, and I want to thank you, Mr. Tort, for everything you do here. It’s helping me to get rid of the semitic disease.

Indeed, although many of us so-called atheists considered ourselves free of our Christian upbringing, I eventually realised that the whole scale of values of the secular West after the Enlightenment, from Alpha to Omega, was still Christian. The work of this site is simply to point that out.

Cesar, off topic, but I want to hear your opinion about Francisco de Quevedo. By the way, I’m from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. And I’m not an Aryan (I have amerindian blood from my father’s side of the family).

I like his poem:

Amor constante, más allá de la muerte

Cerrar podrá mis ojos la postrera sombra que me llevare el blanco día, y podrá desatar esta alma mía hora a su afán ansioso lisonjera;

mas no, de esotra parte, en la ribera, dejará la memoria, en donde ardía: nadar sabe mi llama la agua fría,
y perder el respeto a ley severa.

Alma a quien todo un dios prisión ha sido, venas que humor a tanto fuego han dado, medulas que han gloriosamente ardido,

su cuerpo dejará, no su cuidado; serán ceniza, mas tendrá sentido; polvo serán, mas polvo enamorado.

Beautiful (I had to translate into Portuguese).
Would you recommend his work for those who “crossed the Rubicon”?

They are very different animals. Quevedo is one of the poets of Spain’s Golden Age, and his poem speaks of the immortality of his soul. Even an American who didn’t know Spanish, Martin Gardner, loved it (a sceptic and great critic of the paranormal who nevertheless believed in postmortem life).

To cross over the Rubicon you must read Savitri, whose book is already in Spanish but I don’t know if it has been translated into Portuguese.

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