In 1980, when I was much younger, my dad invited me to watch Cosmos, in his words, ‘the best television show’. And indeed, Cosmos really captivated me. I watched it again last month, but from the point of view of a mature César who has emerged from the cave of the three-eyed raven (cf. the final pages of The Grail).
I have already posted a couple of entries about Cosmos in 2012 and 2017 but now I would like to elaborate on a few points.
In the first episode Sagan introduces us to what will be this thirteen-episode series, and in the opening moments he tells us: ‘Our species [sic] is young and curious.’ So right from the opening moments we hear something that isn’t quite true, in that only the white race [1] has been truly curious, to the extent of having invented and/or discovered philosophy and science. What sense does it make to call sub-Saharan negroes ‘curious’ (Sagan uses the word ‘species’ as referring to all apterous bipeds)? Also, in those opening minutes, Sagan comments: ‘I believe that the future depends powerfully on how well we understand this cosmos…’
This is the crucial error I have detected in all science educators: from a writer of countless popular science books, Isaac Asimov (of whom I own several of his books), to Sagan’s predecessor Jacob Bronowski, and even the society of sceptical scientists CSICOP (now renamed CSI), at one of whose conferences I shook Sagan’s hand a couple of years before he died.
Carl Sagan was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist and astrobiologist. His words (‘I believe that the future depends powerfully on how well we understand this cosmos…’) remind me of the anecdote of the Greek philosopher who, distracted by stargazing, fell into a hole. The reality is the opposite of what all the aforementioned popularisers of science believe: it is only by knowing ourselves (gnōthi seautón—inscription at the temple of Apollo at Delphi) that we will arrive at wisdom.
The hard sciences, that is, the objective study of the empirical world, can only be wise if we know beforehand who we are. I remind the regular visitor that The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour includes an article summarising National Socialism from its ‘esoteric POV’, to use the term from my last article.
I refer to ‘National Socialist worldview – SS pamphlet’. In just ten pages, perhaps dictated by Himmler himself, we are informed that, for our psyches, the revolution on racial issues will be far more cataclysmic than the Copernican revolution. It is a manifesto (pages 501-510 of The Fair Race) that admirably sums up National Socialism.
Hitler said so too, as we see in these words of Savitri Devi from the book I’m still proofreading: ‘Despite his political alliance with Mussolini’s Italy the Führer was perfectly aware of the gulf separating his biologically based Weltanschauung from fascism, which remained alien to the “stakes of the colossal struggle” that was about to begin, that is, the meaning of his mission. “It is only we National Socialists and we alone,” he said, “who have penetrated the secret of the gigantic revolutions that are coming”.’
It is the scientific study of human races, not cosmology, that will revolutionise the world. Thus, from the very beginning of Cosmos, Carl Sagan puts the cart before the horse. He died in 1996, two years before the first signs of the metastasis of what has now become the Woke monster: a state of mass psychosis suffered by all white nations except Russia, thanks to the warlike barrier that she has just put up (‘They shall not pass’) against the insane Homo-Globo agenda. Despite immense advances in the hard sciences, including astronomy, the egalitarian folie en mass that began with Christianity’s universalism, the founding of the US, the French Revolution ideals, and is culminating now is such that a huge number of whites can no longer even define what is a woman.
Back to Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. After the initial journey in which Sagan shows us the universe on its grandest scale, his ship of the imagination arrives on Earth and here we watch the first bad message of the series. When I was a kid, American popular science magazines only featured the white man in their illustrations. Here Sagan shows us, as he arrives with his ship on Earth, all races without distinction—and the TV producers did it with the first movement of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony as background music.
The first hero in Carl Sagan’s personal journey is Eratosthenes, the chief librarian of the Library of Alexandria, who was neither sandnigger nor Indian, gook or kike. In fact all the heroes of this series are whites: something Sagan cannot say openly out of political correctness. Then, this first episode shows us images of Alexandria, now the second largest city in Egypt, and acknowledges that the city has lost its glory, and that now there are only minarets. But ancient Alexandria was a white-dominated city (I remember a documentary that shocked me when I saw a reconstruction of a North African city in the Ancient World completely populated by whites).
Sagan fails to see the relationship between scientific flourishing and the white race. ‘Our race [instead of species] is young and curious’ he should have said. The scientist Sagan was unable to connect the simplest info of two of his neurons because he lived and died within the Christian Era in which even secular humanists, like him, subscribe to a universalist doctrine.
Sagan then talks about the Library of Alexandria and visits what is left of it since the Christians destroyed the classical world: a dark and dreary basement, without a single papyrus of course. Everything was destroyed! Shortly afterwards the producers of Cosmos reconstructed, with visual effects, the Library of Alexandria: the beacon of the Greco-Roman world. Sagan walks through this reconstructed library and talks about many other great whites who, like Eratosthenes, flourished in that city before the catastrophe that devastated the Ancient World. The scenes inside a reconstructed Library of Alexandria are the best of the series and Sagan will return there in the final episode of Cosmos:
What the celebrated communicator says resonates with the thesis of this site: the inconceivable tragedy for the white race of the destruction of the classical world. It is here, not in the stars, that any analysis of the West’s darkest hour should begin, which is why the masthead of this site remains the translated essay by Evropa Soberana (pages 33-123 of The Fair Race).
If you don’t want to watch the whole TV series, I recommend the first and last episodes of Cosmos as long as you pay special attention to what this guy says about the Library of Alexandria.
[1] I am referring to the pure Aryans. Regarding the hard sciences, this month we will publish a colleague’s article criticising the pseudo-scientific anti-Nordicism of the American racial right.
7 replies on “Carl Sagan’s Library of Alexandria”
A nice use of the word ‘apterous’, which means ‘wingless’!
‘a-’ = alpha privative = ‘-less’.
‘pteron’ = Greek word for ‘feather’, or ‘wing’. Nominal base = ‘ptero-’.
‘-ōsus’ = Latin adjectival suffix.
‘a-’ + ‘ptero-’ + ‘-ōsus’ = ‘apterōsus’ = ‘apterous’.
I never understood how the lovers of science and scientists themselves can subscribe to the Christianity-derived ethics. Compartmentalisation and parental introjects? Either way, history demonstrates that it was academia that gave us Darwinian science, which in Germany blossomed into the völkisch movement and the NSDAP.
There is another way, a way of pseudoscientific faith, but both in the case of the Mormons and Christian Identity, it failed. In Russia, too, such schizo views (“Slavic Vedas”) have come to naught. This is why I view academia, the centre of culture, as having more potential to a pagan awakening than the peasantry on the periphery – cf. Luther to the Renaissance Italy, or the parochial Ukrainians to the well-cultured Russians – the former fall to madness sooner, and high culture seems to shield from Christianity slightly.
Ultimately, it was the conflict between the German and the Anglo. Both of these two halves of the Aryan race developed academia, yet the Anglo never managed to break free from the Christian ethics, and killed his brother.
The name of the music piece at the end is “adagio for organ and strings in G minor” by Tommaso Albinoni. It’s not mentioned on the respective Wikipedia article (because it was apparently not in the later CDs? I cannot ask, banned for homophobia there), but I recognised it.
I can only imagine what gravitas such a TV show would have featured, had it been made in the 1900s! Carl Sagan, for all his promotion of academia, is already an agent of decay – merely still using an old language, which at the current stage of the rot is now forgotten altogether.
The essence of Christianity is profane blasphemy. This is why anything smacking of order and beauty, native or foreign, is ridiculed intensely in both America and Russia – let alone the Hitlerian Imperium with its affinity for classical music and gas chambers.
Given that I was a big fan of Kenneth Clark’s 13-part TV series Civilisation, Bronowski’s The Ascent of Man and Sagan’s Cosmos (and that my parents were music pedagogues), I detected very well-chosen classical music in Civilisation (1969), still non-degenerate music in The Ascent (1973) and a mixture of classical and degenerate music in Cosmos (1980).
It would now be inconceivable to have a humanities or science series without explicit musical or ethnic degeneration and degradation. For the so-called new Cosmos the producers even starred a nigger as the new communicator of science!
My father also venerates Carl Sagan, and also made me watch some of his Cosmos episodes (Portuguese-dubbed) when I was a kid, including that “tiny blue grain of sand” speech.
He even owns a couple of stargazing telescopes, with which he sometimes showed me the planets and stars at night in our backyard. He loves to talk about astronomy and every sort of sci-fi space stuff. It had a strong impact on me growing up.
As an adult, none of this stuff interests me anymore. It’s unfeasible. It’s Hollywood dreams. The reality is that we waste too many resources maintaining billions of shit-humans alive.
To colonize other planets, this world must be populated only by one billion smart blondes, all working together to achieve that goal.
A space-faring “Manifest Destiny” requires a Himmlerian Earth, which is anathema to this current Neochristian Earth.
Every astronomy-loving Saganista lives in an escapist fantasy. They wish for adventure millions of miles away instead of solving problems right here in ground zero.
I’d wager that, subconsciously, they feel this world is fucked, and any hope for a bright future depends on starting over in another Earth. But there’s no escaping the darkest hour of the West.
This world – and the extermination of most of humanity that inhabits it – is the main focus for this century. Outer space is a distraction.
Carl Sagan was not an American, he was a jew
In my 2012 post linked in the above article I said: ‘Bronowski was obviously Jewish. But I discovered today, in Wikipedia’s article of Carl Sagan, that Sagan was born in Brooklyn to a Ukrainian Jewish family!’