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Explaining my midnight post

Today I woke up shortly after five in the morning because the topic addressed by an Unz Review columnist made me anxious and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I mean ‘Pro-BLM Demonstrations Sweep Across Europe: We’re all living in Amerikwa’ by Guillaume Durocher.

Such collective hysteria (the crucified nigger by evil whites is the New Jesus!), though secular in Europe, is clearly a spawn of Christian ethics that the spiritual children of the French Revolution inherited. Contrary to what conventional historians say, the gospel message has reached its peak in our time, not in the 13th century, even though this climax has occurred in the form of secular values.

No one has grasped the reason for my obsession with the figure of the fisher king looming in the Game of Thrones finale, about which I added something else at midnight. As I have tried to explain in The Fair Race, if the white man reclaims his story he would be cured of the neo-Christianity that is killing him axiologically. I am referring as much to the distant past that almost nobody knows (the real history of Christianity from Caligula to Charlemagne) to the Holocaust of 20th century’s gentiles that nobody talks about because the media hides it from us.

In other words: only a Bran capable of seeing real history has developed the necessary empathy to save the kingdoms of Westeros, and I don’t think that many of the racialists know their true story. From what they say in their forums, it is more than clear that the history books they have read were written by people who sleep in the matrix that controls them.

So I recommend Solzhenitsyn’s book to normies who have never read stories of the victims of the Russian Holocaust, perpetrated by Lenin and Stalin’s willing executioners. A banned commenter who describes himself as ‘a little Russian’ and a Stalin admirer, for example, wanted to post a comment today. He will continue to be banned as long as he continues to admire Stalin or maintain that it was good to ritually sacrifice children, as was done in the historical past (the psychoclass of this banned commenter is exactly the opposite of the psychoclass of Bran).

People who want to comment on this blog must develop the empathy of the fisher king. And that can only be done through actual suffering in the coming decades, and from that suffering finally seeing the tragic past of mankind. Only by looking at our tragic pasts—the actual stories I insist: not what can be read in the history books authored by normies—do we develop proper empathy to save Westeros.

But I’m going to be frank: I don’t think most of the visitors to this site will read the literature to see the past that I recommend up in the sidebar. So sometimes it makes me want to close the comments section and only have contact with the tree of the past with which I am fused.