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A paradigm shift in pro-white forums

Today a friend in the UK sent me a link to yesterday’s article, ‘The Jewish Rape of Europa vs the Awakening Lion…’

What these guys don’t want to see is that Protestantism created the cultural milieu for accepting Jews again in the island after Edward the Great had expelled them centuries before. They also don’t get, as another overseas commenter said in a previous thread, that ‘The dominance of Christian ethics on the western mind is the real problem’.

There are even commenters using the term ‘psychopath’ or ‘sociopath’, one of which I did not let pass because I am fed up of their silly monocausalism (it was the thread quoting the Unz commenter’s thought-experiment about snipers on the border).

The article linked above, ‘The Jewish rape of Europe’ could easily be renamed as ‘Whites allowing the rape of Europe’ and precisely because of Christian ethics: which is why I am quoting the Unz commenter on a daily basis.

Commenting on the new subtitle of this site, ‘The JQ and Christianity are one and the same’, Joseph Walsh re-tweeted yesterday: ‘In order to solve the Jewish Problem Aryan males have to overcome Xtian ethics. To defeat the outer, biological Jew it is necessary to defeat the inner, mental/psychological Jew (Jesus)’.

But white nationalists are not doing that. They still obey the inner Jew. Just see how they have treated Brenton Tarrant in sharp contrast to how Jews love Benjamin Goldstein (pic left). Obviously, most white nationalists not only ignore that Jews are merely a secondary infection and that the primary one is Christianity. By obeying the inner Jew white nationalists are also traitors to the white race.

In other words, the point of view this site provides is a paradigm shift in pro-white forums. And as all paradigm shifts, the first stage means that most nationalists will simply ignore us. Just compare the zero comments in our latest post that substantiates that the JQ = Christianity with the hundreds of comments that sites such as The Unz Review get.

Feels lonely sometimes. But this is the price for breaking away from the current paradigm in white nationalism.

Unz commenter, 4

There was never a time, even in colonial days, when America was without at least a substantial undercurrent of white self-contempt. Abolitionists of the day, adhering to an egalitarianism inspired by their Christianity, regarded race-based slavery as an abomination. In fact, free blacks were legally equal to whites in several of the original colonies, and were extended the franchise in some. This undercurrent of white self-contempt ultimately resulted in the Civil War, at the end of which blacks were made the legal equals of whites nationwide; and this at a time when the country was virtually 100% white and Christian. This act of racial self-abnegation is still without parallel, even in modern times.

Having studied this issue, I’ve come to the conclusion that preserving their own race is very low on the list of white Americans’ priorities, if it registers at all. Mostly, the opposite is true. The common opinion among them is that any concern for preserving the white race is “racist”, akin to Nazism, and deeply Evil. Of course, without a conscious effort to preserve their race, it’s obviously not going to survive.

Consequently, American whites accept their own looming racial extinction with apparent equanimity. They have approved it directly through their own actions, and indirectly through laws passed by their representatives, for over a hundred and fifty years. They’ve had plenty of time to reverse course, and haven’t done so. Again and again, white dissidents have stepped forward to warn them, and they have been ignored or destroyed. All their efforts have done is underscore the fact that saving a race of people that doesn’t want to be saved is an exercise in futility. I must conclude that if there is hope, it won’t be found in politics.

Pseudoscience Psychiatry Psychoanalysis

Advice to victims of psych abuse

To contextualise this series about psychiatry, see: here. Below, an abridged translation of a chapter of one of the books that I wrote at the beginning of the century:
After the parody of the previous pagesI recover my original voice.

If you are a victim of abusive parents, the ideal is that you run away before they harm you.

If you stay in your parents’ home and they want to take you to the therapist, you blunder by believing he’ll be your ally. If you need someone to talk to, do it with a friend of your entire confidence. Don’t go with someone who makes his living from what abusive parents pay him, not even to one session. Remember that society gives the therapist powers to slander you with a psych label.

In case you have already gone with a therapist never, ever take any ‘medicine’ he gives you. These legal drugs are more toxic than the illegal ones that are being sold on the street. Having a real confident outside the mental health profession is the best option.

Alas, sometimes there is no one to trust or who is willing to listen. The family is such a monolithic institution that there are many taboos to question it, and the psychiatric profession has deceived many people.

In some cities there are places for people in distress where you can get some shelter. When I lived in England, part of the college course on mental health consisted of visiting Drop-in centres. I realised that only a few of those who took shelter there were genuinely disturbed; the majority were unemployed people in Manchester. It was refreshing to see that in those centres there were no psychiatrists or other professionals, not even social workers. No one who sided society or the family directed these centres. They even offered me to work if I volunteered. It’s not a bad idea that you go to one of these shelters for people in distress.

If the city where you live lacks a Drop-in shelter, or if there are no jobs to flee from your abusive parents, or if you are suffering from a panic attack, go to the nearest library and see if they have books by Alice Miller (child abuse) or Robert Whitaker (the most readable critic of psychiatry). If not, ask for any of these books:

Thomas Szasz, Anti-Freud: Karl Kraus’s criticism of psychoanalysis and psychiatry (NY: Syracuse University Press, 1990). 

The critique of language is the most radical of all critiques. This is the number one book in my list because if we don’t uproot from our vocabulary the Newspeak of psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and clinical psychologists it will be impossible to understand the victims of the family. The millenarian humanities history, biography and especially autobiography after Modrow (see below) are more than enough to understand the human mind. The new and aggressive psychiatric and psychoanalytic ideologies, and especially their language, only mystify our self-understanding.

Karl Kraus, who lived in Freud’s Vienna, was a man of good heart who perceived the dangers that the Newspeak of psychiatry and psychoanalysis represented for the underprivileged of his native city. Kraus tried to debunk it in the strongest terms in his periodical, but his admonitions fell in deaf ears:

Yes, our pitiable state is partly caused by stupidity […]. Profound stupidity carries deep conviction and cannot be bought off for any price. The greatest public menace, therefore, is the incorruptible psychiatric expert […]. The very unselfishness with which such psychiatric outrages are perpetrated suggests that they spring from pathological imbecility rather than from any other source. If only such idiocies were not destined, in each and every case, to destroy a life! (p. 135). 

I would recommend reading Anti-Freud together with the appendix of 1984where Orwell resumes ‘The principles of Newspeak’.

John Modrow, How to become a schizophrenic: the case against biological psychiatry(Seattle: Apollyon Press, second edition, 1996).

In spite of the fact that Modrow uses a psychiatric label on the very title, on the first page he writes mockingly:

Actually I have about much belief in the reality of ‘schizophrenia’ as I have in the reality of witchcraft or demonic possession. 

This book consists of two parts: an autobiographical recount of the author’s experiences about how he lost his mind when he was young due to parental abuse, and a scientific debunking of psychiatry.

The value of Modrow’s book lies in that compared to, say, a brilliant essay by Ronald Laing about madness, Modrow explains how he lost his mind from his own subjective experience. Given the unique value autobiography has in the true study of the human psyche, Modrow’s study must be considered a paradigm to understand the victims disturbed by an all-out assault at home. Robert Baker, a professor of psychology that I met in 1994, has said that Modrow ‘is, perhaps, the unrecognized and unappreciated world’s foremost authority on this disorder [schizophrenia]’. [1]

Jeffrey Masson, Against therapy: emotional tyranny and the myth of psychological healing (London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1997).

——————, Final analysis: the making and unmaking of a psychoanalyst (London: HarperCollins, 1991).

Everyone should know, then, that to step into an office of a psychotherapist, regardless of the latter’s persuasion, is to enter a world where great harm is possible (Against Therapy, p. 298). 

The most difficult thing for a fish is to do a critique of the water.

Let’s imagine a fish in a factory-polluted waters. The only way this animal may realise that the pollution is poisoning it is to see the factory from a POV outside of the lagoon. But his aquaculture prevents it from doing so.

We are living 120 years after the first case of psychotherapy, Freud with Dora. Nowadays psychotherapy is a multibillion-dollar quack profession accepted and respected by society. Many of Freud’s ideas are now part of our culture’s folklore: repressed memories, sexual sublimation, phallic symbols, castration anxiety and more—the ‘water’ we breathe every day in our lagoon. Following the metaphor, Szasz and Masson are the amphibians that evolved, came out from the lagoon and saw the polluting factory from a privileged viewpoint.

Masson, a great fan of psychoanalysis in the past, defrocked himself from the profession because he didn’t want to play the role of an agent of the family, but of the family’s victims. He convinced me that the diverse schools of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy have not broken away from psychiatry. It’s very telling, Masson says, that no psychotherapist dares to denounce electroshock in the media. Those who still believe that psychotherapy (including psychoanalysis) and psychiatry are essentially different things would benefit from reading these books by Masson.

Many people have not realised yet that Freud was a writer of fiction. It’s incredible that Freud’s literary fiction has bamboozled so many intellectuals and sophisticated people. Someone said hyperbolically that the criminal of criminals is the philosopher. This sentence may be imputed not only on Marx but on Freud as well: the damage their followers did to the 20th century has not been fully appreciated yet.

After reading the Afterword to the second edition of Against Therapy I felt very pleased to see that Masson concludes his book advising his readers that instead of childishly searching for ‘therapy’ in a paternal figure they write their autobiographies.

Alvin Pam, ‘Biological psychiatry: science or pseudoscience?’ in Colin Ross and Alvin Pam Pseudoscience in biological psychiatry: blaming the body (NY: Wiley & Sons, 1995), pp. 7-84.

The most difficult thing for a fish is to do a critique of the water. But the most difficult thing of all, even more difficult than to criticise psychotherapy, is to criticize a pseudosciencethat is being taught to medical students.

The psychiatrists of the 19th century had the political genius to perceive that science, and not the humanities, was going to be the paradigm of the 20th century. So they invested their ideology with a scientific robe. But as Alvin Pam says:

What I mean is much more fundamental: biological psychiatry cannot fulfill its mission properly because in its current state it has more the accoutrement of a scientific discipline than the substance. To be sure, this statement will raise skeptical eyebrows. It will be the burden of this chapter to spell out the grounds for such a broad iconoclastic assertion. 

A common ‘fish’ frequently listens in his aquaculture that the gene of depression has been discovered; that a physician won the Nobel prize for his investigations on dopamine (that the psychiatrists relate with ‘schizophrenia’); that in his school Ritalin is recommended for kids who suffer from ‘attention deficit disorder’; that studies on twins have demonstrated that ‘mental illnesses’ are hereditary, etc. Since our fish is completely immersed in this water it’s impossible that it becomes aware that the water is contaminated. His critical intelligence has no basis to realise that these affirmations don’t come from scientists but from pseudo-scientists that have self-deceived themselves in order to make a profit.

Pam’s chapter originally appeared in the journal Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavicaand represented the ‘emergence from the water’ for a student of psychiatry who read it and became aware that in her university she had been taught a false science (pp. 241f). Pam’s paper uses the same jargon that biological psychiatrists use and it contains almost two hundred references of specialized literature. It’s ideal for medical doctors and scientists who are interested in a scholarly rebuttal of the claims of psychiatry and its ‘medical model’ of mental disorders.

Peter Breggin, Toxic psychiatry: why therapy, empathy and love must replace the drugs, electroshock, and biochemical theories of the ‘new psychiatry’ (NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1994).

The picture I have drawn looks overwhelming, yet it is not an exaggeration. Psychiatry is a giant industry, protected by a state monopoly and promoted by a psycho-pharmaceutical complex with multi-billion-dollar power (p. 370). 

Just as Loren Mosher, Breggin realized that his profession might be based on a theoretical fraud. There is nobody more authoritative to debunk a cult or a pseudoscience than he who devoted decades of his life researching its foundations.

Breggin has fought against the tide in his profession. He sides children re-victimized by his colleagues. He has performed campaigns against the revival of lobotomy, electroshock and the medication of children and the elderly with neuroleptics.

Breggin’s book is a treatise of almost five hundred readable pages for the non-specialist. In the chapters on the alliance of parents with psychiatrists, Breggin denounces psychiatric labels and the drugs that are being prescribed to millions of children and adolescents—yes, millions of them [2]—at the initiative of psychiatrists hired by the parents.

Anyone who has been deceived by the media and believes that depression or even a severe mental disorder is of biological nature, or that it may be treated medically, must read Breggin’s book, especially if he is taking psychiatric drugs.

Breggin’s chapter on electroshock shocks the reader: it shows the truly inquisitorial methods of the psychiatric profession. It’s also shocking the chapter on the alliance of psychiatry with the medical schools in the universities; the insurance and the drug companies; the media, some government institutions and associations of parents: everyone except the ‘patient’ identified by all of them.

Since 1971 Breggin is director of the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology. Originally the centre was founded to oppose the revival of lobotomy, and today it opposes the inclination in our culture to diagnose and medicate children and adolescents. Since 1999 the centre publishes a journal critical of bio-reductionist theories. [3]

Thomas Szasz, The manufacture of madness: a comparative study of the Inquisition and the mental health movement (NY: Syracuse University Press, 1997).

During the past two decades I have devoted much work and many words to exposing the scientific stupidity, the philosophical folly, and the moral monstrosity of this official psychiatric posture. [4] 

Aristotle said that to obtain a truly profound knowledge about something it’s necessary to know its history. This scholarly treatise showed me what is psychiatry and why psychiatrists do what they have been doing in the last three centuries. In this work Szasz examines the great similarities between the Inquisition and psychiatry, including present-day psychiatry. Without the Inquisition there can be no ‘witches’. Likewise, without the Psychiatric Institution there can be no ‘schizophrenics’. In other words, psychiatrists manufacture madness.

Ignoring this work reminds me of the Russian who was ignorant of The Gulag Archipelagobefore the fall of the Berlin wall. Trying to understand the mental health movement without reading Szasz is like trying to understand Stalin’s Russia without reading Solzhenitsyn.



[1] Mind games (op. cit.), p. 223.

[2] Your drug may be your problem(op. cit.), p. 16.

[3] Information about the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology can be obtained in the website (http://www.icspp.org) or writing to ICSPP, 4628 Chestnut Street, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, USA.

[4] Schizophrenia (op. cit.), p. 44.

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Eduardo Velasco Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 11

Wilhelm Petersen, unknown boy

The selection and the elimination carried out in a territory belonging to a specific species means that only those who have succeeded in the conditions of that particular area reproduce in the long term. Conversely, whoever does not overcome these conditions disappears. As the researcher V. Eicktedt has done, let us take as a basis that Europoid Nordic humanity with light skin has been particularly marked by the uniform and isolated Nordic-Eurasian (Siberian) habitat of the ice age.

We can easily imagine the consequences of a natural selection and elimination in that space. Only those who had been subjected to the harshest conditions of existence could survive and perpetuate for the next millennia. Reproducing and perpetuating was granted only to those who finally revealed themselves superior to that climate and to that inhospitable aspect of the earth; to those who were, in short, stronger than Nature thanks to their inflexibility and their hardness. Only the qualities that allowed the victorious man to overcome Nature were perpetuated and consolidated by the means of hereditary transmission.

Notebook of the Schutzstaffel (SS) No. 7 of 1942. The biological sense of the selection. Habitat produces a certain type of selection, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.2.

Conspiracy theories

Unz commenter, 3

As should be obvious to anyone except a complete buffoon such as yourself, if whites don’t believe the races differ—and in vast majority they quite obviously don’t, and aren’t shy about telling you so—then there’s no reason to be distressed about being replaced.

The truth is, your sort of conspiracy nonsense is nothing but phony opposition, taking up space that should be occupied by real opposition such as that of Brenton Tarrant.

It exists so that whatever revolutionary sentiment there is can be diverted into harmless channels.

It exists so that the real, cultural cause of the ongoing white racial suicide can never be understood and addressed.

That is the place of conspiracy nuts like you in the political ecology, and a large part of the reason why the white race seems likely to become extinct.

On the Historicity of Jesus (book) Richard Carrier

Unhistorical Jesus, 3

Editor’s note: Today I changed the subtitle of this site from ‘Two lies are murdering the white race’ to ‘The Jewish Question and Christianity are one and the same’. In the excerpts reproduced below from chapter 5 of Richard Carrier’s magnum opus, he wrote:

Thus it should not surprise us that Christianity converted all the military imagery of popular messianism into spiritual metaphor, to represent what we would now call a culture war.

Emphasis appears in the original. In the next page he added:

That the Christians and the Zealots both may have come from the same sectarian background, and pursued collectively the only two possible solutions to the problem facing the Jews at the time, reveals Christianity to be more akin to something inevitable than something surprising.

Definitively, Carrier’s On The Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reasons for Doubt contains key passages that substantiate the content of the masthead of this site, the Rome vs. Judea essay, linked in the sticky post above.

These are the first paragraphs of the chapter “Background Knowledge (Context)”:


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The previous chapter surveyed the background knowledge directly relating to the Christian religion (origins, beliefs and development) that we must take into account when evaluating any hypothesis regarding the historical existence of Jesus. This chapter will survey the most important background knowledge regarding the context in which Christianity began (political, religious and literary), as well as its most pertinent scientific and historical analogs.

Elements of Political Context

The origin of Christianity makes sense only within the peculiar political context that produced it, and in light of analogous movements throughout history.

Element 23: The Romans annexed Judea to the imperial province of Syria in 6 CE, bringing the center of the Holy Land under direct control of the Roman government, ending Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem and the temple of the Most High God, along with most of the Holy Land that had been promised by God to the Jews.

In fact, God had promised that the Jews would not only rule their own land, city and temple, but subjugate all peoples and rule the whole world as the chosen people of God (Zech. 14.9-18; Psalm 2), which was also a common feature of messianic belief (Elements 3 and 4), one timetable for which predicted this outcome was imminent (Element 7). The Roman annexation contradicted all of this, which would have inevitably produced cognitive dissonance between what Jews expected (the fulfillment of God’s promise) and what happened (the Jews lost their sovereignty and became a subject people). The result was a permanent state of violent tension between the Roman occupation and Jewish rebellion that concluded in three devastating wars (against Nero in 66-70 CE, against Trajan in 115-117 and against Hadrian in 132-136) and countless smaller rebellions (beginning with Judas the Galilean in 6 CE), all of which the Jews consistently lost.

Element 24: (a) Owing to their vastly greater resources (in materials, money and manpower) and superior technical ability (in the training, equipping and supplying of their armies) the Romans were effectively invincible and could never be expelled from Judea by force or diplomacy. (b) This fact was so empirically evident and publicly tested and demonstrated on such a wide scale that it had to have been evident to at least some Jews, even while many either didn’t see it, denied it even when seen, or imagined celestial aid would redress the imbalance.

In other words, the traditional messianic hope (of a conclusive military victory over all of Israel’s neighbors) was a doomed hope, and that would have been obvious to at least some Jews. History would of course decisively prove this, as messianic movements were either wiped out quickly (Element 4) or led to the utter defeat and destruction of Jerusalem and the entire Jewish polity (already in the Neronian War of the 60s; even more so in the subsequent wars under Trajan and Hadrian: Element 23). This had happened before, most infamously to both Carthage and Corinth in the same year (146 BCE), which any educated observer would know about. In fact, up to the time Christianity began, Roman victory was always the outcome, without exception, for every nation that ever stood against any concerted Roman conquest and occupation.

For example, even the infamous defeat of Varus by the Germans in 9 CE was decisively redressed by Germanicus only a few years later, illustrating the futility even of a victory against the Romans. This was a phenomenon so consistently repeated that it had already become a popular joke by the time of Christ, which is called even still a ‘Pyrrhic victory ‘, from the legend, widely circulated in antiquity, that in the third century BCE the Greek upstart Pyrrhus had won his victories against the Romans at such cost that he declared ‘one more victory and I’m done for’ (or words to that effect), which prophecy was fulfilled in short order. After centuries of history repeating itself like this without fail, only a fool would bank on a future rebellion against the Romans having any other outcome. And though fools were always to be found, not all men are fools.

It would therefore be extremely improbable if no early-first-century Jews could foresee this (even if most, evidently, did not). Predicting this outcome would have been all the easier for anyone aware of recent analogous events, from the fates of Carthage and Corinth to the early Jewish rebellions described by Josephus, which were so quickly and easily suppressed that the reality must have become apparent to some. It would have been a simple matter to put two and two together: Roman military might plus Jewish military messianism equals the inevitable destruction of the Jews.

Element 25: The corruption and moral decay of the Jewish civil and temple elite (regardless of to what extent it was actual or merely perceived) was a widespread target of condemnation and often a cause of factionalizing among Jewish sects. This is evident throughout the narrative of Josephus regarding the causes and outcomes of the Jewish War, as well as in the literature recovered at Qumran (e.g. 4Q500), and in much of the apocryphal, apocalyptic and pseudepigraphical literature produced or popularized by first-century Jews. It is also a persistent theme in the Christian Gospels, which in that context do not seem aberrant in this respect but in fact typical.

Element 26: For many Jews in the early first century (in accord with the previous element) the Jewish elite became the scapegoats for God’s failed promises (in accord with Elements 23 and 24): the reason God withheld their fulfillment (and instead allowed the Romans to rule) was imagined to be the Jewish elite’s failure to keep God’s commandments and govern justly. God would come through only when all sin had ended and been atoned for (Dan. 9.5-24). The Dead Sea Scrolls, for example, repeatedly denounce the Jewish civil and temple elite as responsible for the evil that has befallen the land, in terms similar to those found in the Christian Gospels. […]

Element 27: (a) The temple at Jerusalem was the central focus of most Jewish messianic hopes (as, for the Samaritans, was Mount Gerizim), which entailed that as long as the ‘corrupt’ Jewish elite control led it, God would continue Israel’s ‘punishment’ (in accord with Elements 25 and 26); and as long as the Romans remained in power, they would maintain the corrupt Jewish elite’s control of the temple. Accordingly, (b) Jewish religious violence often aimed at seizing physical control of the temple and its personnel.

Element 28. […] But if any Jews had realized that such a reconquest was impossible (as some must, in accord with Element 24) but still sought a means to escape their cognitive dissonance (in accord with Element 23) without denying the evident facts or abandoning deep-seated religious beliefs, then for them only one solution remained: to deny the physical importance of the temple at Jerusalem itself. […]

Therefore, if any religious innovator had proposed that God had arranged a supreme sacrifice capable of cleansing all sins once and for all (such as, e.g., through the ritual atoning sacrifice of his firstborn son: Element 10), and further arranged that God’s spirit would, as a result, dwell forever within each individual who pledged himself to him (and thus no longer dwell, or dwell only, with in the temple at Jerusalem: Element 18), then his message would resonate among many Jews as an ingenious and attractive solution to the problem of Jewish elite corruption and Roman invincibility (Elements 23-26), by eliminating the relevance of the temple to messianic hopes, and thus eliminating the basis for any doomed military conflict with Rome […].

The basic Christian gospel—imagining that the death of a messiah had conclusively atoned for all sins, and that by joining with him God would dwell in us (instead of the temple)—would thus be recognized by many Jews as an ingenious and attractive idea. […]

The only sacred space this doctrine required one to physically control was one’s own body, a notion already popularized by philosophical sects such as the Stoics, who taught that nothing external can conquer a man who in his wisdom remains internally free. Not death, nor imprisonment, nor torture represented any victory over him. This was therefore a battle one could always win, even against the ‘invincible’ Romans. One merely had to believe it, to feel it was true, that God now lived in you. No other evidence was required. Thus it should not surprise us that Christianity converted all the military imagery of popular messianism into spiritual metaphor, to represent what we would now call a culture war. […]

The relevance of this observation is that the earliest Christian gospel makes far more sense as a product of its political context than it does when completely divorced from that context, and in consequence, theories of historicity [of Jesus] that ignore that fact are unlikely to have any objective merit. The centrality of the temple was a continual problem for the Jews. A physical location requiring political control entailed military domination. So long as the Romans had the latter, the Jews would never have the former. The Zealots took the logical option of attempting to remove the Romans and restore Jewish control. But the Christians took the only other available option: removing the temple from their entire soteriological (or ‘salvation’) scheme.

Christians could then just await God’s wrath to come from heaven (in accord with Element 10), while in the meantime, God’s promise could be delivered unto the kingdom they had spiritually created (Rom. 14.17-18; I Cor. 4.19-20), first in an anticipatory way (in the moral and ‘supernatural’ success of the Christian community), and then in the most final way (in the apocalypse itself: e.g. I Cor. 15.24, 50; 6.9-10; Gal. 5.19-25; 1 Thess. 4.10- 5.15). That the Christians and the Zealots both may have come from the same sectarian background, and pursued collectively the only two possible solutions to the problem facing the Jews at the time, reveals Christianity to be more akin to something inevitable than something surprising.

Emigration / immigration

Unz commenter, 2

The wall is a good example of why the issue is cultural, not the result of a conspiracy. Endless excuses are given for not building it (too expensive, won’t work, will cause too much environmental damage, will interfere with local jurisdictions, etc.), which of course is part of its charm for those who, like Trump, really don’t want a wall anyway. But a moment’s thought shows that calling for a wall in itself proves the lack of seriousness with which American whites take the problem of illegal immigration.

The approximately 2000 mile long border with Mexico could be better protected by perhaps a hundred roving snipers who shoot to kill, and this at an infinitesimal fraction of the cost of a wall. Each sniper could be made responsible for a 20 mile stretch of border, upon which he could station himself at random, ever-changing locations. After only a few illegal crossers are shot and killed, it’s overwhelmingly likely that attempted infiltrations would drop to close to zero. After all, would you want to cross the border illegally if you knew for a fact that there was even a 1 in 100 chance it would be the last thing you ever did? Thus, instead of billions for a wall, the problem could be made to disappear essentially for the cost of a few bullets.

A simple solution like this is ruled out though by Christian ethics, which has so influenced Western culture that it’s considered outrageous; completely beyond the pale even by those who nominally are opposed to Christianity itself. When even non-Christians and anti-Christians subscribe to Christian ethics, then you know that Christianity’s cultural dominance is total.

Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 10

Propaganda NSV, promoting the figure of the Nordic mother as the most important biological weapon of all: birth.

The young peasant remembered the stories that the black-haired merchant from the South had told him. There would be people who avoided the memory of the dead because they were afraid of the dead. Remembering it, Eib shook his head. Why fear the dead when, despite everything, they were still part of the clan? Don’t the ties that unite the generations go back so far that no one knows their origin, and will not continue through future generations in a future from which nobody knows the end? Had not the dead transmitted their patrimony to the living as a sacred legacy to be respected?

The man from the South had spoken of demons and ghosts, of disturbing beings in whose bodies the dead lived, of beings who played a macabre game with men, thinking only of harming them and bringing them misfortune. How much would death have changed the parents who rested under these hills? Incredible, no, impossible: the young peasant answered his own question. He who had been okay in life could not be different in death. Whoever had worked for the welfare and the future of his clan and his people could not, once his ashes are buried in the bosom of the earth, become the enemy of his own race.

It is possible that in the villages of the South, they frightened the living during the lonely nights. The men with black hair were of such a different nature, of such a sombre character; maybe their dead were different from ours.

Notebook of Schutzstaffel (SS) No. 7 of 1938. Solstice.

Deranged altruism

Unz commenter, 1

Editors’ note: With this entry I am starting a new series collecting some aggregations from a commenter in The Unz Review webzine. He has a good grasp of what I have been calling ‘the Aryan problem’, which, in my opinion, is enabling the Jewish problem.

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‘It’s a red herring to single out the media, since American culture is itself relentlessly anti-white in its mindset. For what is anti-racist but anti-white? Reflecting the culture at large, the average white American is anti-racist to his core, and has been for a long time now. A white man being against racism is the same thing as him agreeing to the eventual extinction of his race, since it’s patently obvious that the white race won’t be preserved without conscious effort; i.e., without racism. Negroes have been equal to whites under the law for over a century and a half at this point. That is the ultimate in an “anti-white mindset”, and it was put into place when America was virtually 100% white and Christian. No corporate media was needed’.

Source: here. The full title of the webzine is: The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection (A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media).

Eduardo Velasco Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 9

Wolfgang Willrich, Thekla Reiff

The Nordic race is more or less strongly represented in all regions of the Reich, both North and South, West or East. Many men within our people cannot be assimilated exactly to a precise race. Except for the representatives who seem pure race; each race lies at the bosom of all peoples in a more or less strongly mixed form.

Nordic inheritance predominates in the German people. The Nordic race is not only the predominant race, but its blood is present in almost all Germans. The concepts of ‘blood and soil’ do not form an empty notion but constitute our destiny. The objective pursued by the selection of the German people has also been defined. It is done by remaining faithful to the vital law of your creative race.

The share of Nordic blood in the hereditary mass of the German people rises to approximately 50%. In addition, the genealogy shows us that every German is a carrier of Nordic blood.

Thus, the German people is a racial community in the truest sense of the term. History interpreted in terms of a raciological principle has long shown that the Nordic race produces a much greater number of eminent men than the other races. The Nordic race is first and foremost the custodian of the genius of the German people. Great achievements in all areas have made it the leading race of humanity. No other human race has produced so many spiritual leaders, army chiefs, and eminent statesmen.

In the course of intrepid expeditions, the Nordic man conquered vast territories, founded States and created civilizations. By the year 1000, the Vikings had reached America. The Nordic spirit revalued and colonised vast territories.

One of the most notorious qualities of the Nordic race is self-control. The Nordic race has inspired the warlike conquests. Probity and will power, allied to self-confidence, strongly reinforce the feeling of independence. These qualities certainly diminish the intuition, and the Nordic man incurs then in great danger of getting lost and wasted. The Nordic feels a great predilection for sport and combat: he loves danger. He is thus found more frequently than other men in the professions that entail danger. But we must confess that the character of the individual is more determinant than the colour of the hair. The individual belongs for the essential to a race whose virtues are professed by action.

When each country of Europe is examined in its racial composition, it is found that in almost all States the same races are found. We find the Nordic race outside of Germany, in the Scandinavian countries, in England and in the Netherlands, as well as in Russia, in Italy, in France, in Spain, etc. But we also find, for example, men of the oriental type in the various European countries. The important thing, after all, is not to issue a general racial judgment on a people. It is more about studying the predominant elements of each race in a specific town. And it is noted that, on a purely numerical level, the Reich is already leading the other peoples as far as the Nordic blood part is concerned.

In a totally legitimate way, Germany can pretend to lead the Nordic-German peoples.

‘Believe and fight’, The German people and the Nordic race, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.1.