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Fury in Saxony

Thousands of angry Germans, led by National Socialists, crowded the streets of the Saxon city of Chemnitz in protest of violent crime committed against Germans by non-White invaders.

I don’t usually report on the news. But the case of Germany is different. This article by James Harting deserves consideration.


More shrink stuff

Eleven days ago I said that I was going to start translating other texts of an online book unmasking the fraudulent profession called psychiatry, texts that I originally published in Spanish. If life allows, I will be doing it on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Given that, unlike The West’s Darkest Hour, in that online book I use bibliographical references, I would like to clarify that the acronym EHSS that I will be using means Ethical Human Sciences and Services (Springer Publishing Company), which more recently changed its name to Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry. This critical journal of official psychiatry is published by the International Society for Ethical Psychology & Psychiatry.

Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) New Testament Racial right

C.T.’s New Testament

Disclaimer of September 12, 2018. In the below post mistakenly I used a fundamentalist order of the New Testament. In the new incarnation of this site I’ll be using Marcus Borg’s order of the 27 books of the New Testament.


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As I’ve said elsewhere, I believe that Jesus of Nazareth is a semi-legendary figure. Today I spent all day watching videos of lectures and debates with Bart Ehrman. When I complained years ago that visitors were not familiar with the studies of scholars about the New Testament, I did not imagine that ignorance was so widespread. Just yesterday and today, seeing the videos of Ehrman, I realise that only recently there has been an attempt by some scholars to pass this knowledge to the general public through the most powerful rhetorical means: the spoken word.

By the minute 30 in this video for example, Ehrman talks about what we have been saying recently with some sections of volumes II and III of Karlheinz Deschner’s Christianity’s Criminal History: that there are literary forgeries even in the New Testament itself.

White nationalists in the United States would do themselves a huge favour if they began to educate themselves on the New Testament theme from the point of view of history. For the leap from level 5 to level 6 it is essential to know the historians’ consensus about the New Testament. The biography of Ehrman himself is very didactic. He started his career as an evangelical fundamentalist, and only began to have doubts when he learned Greek to study the New Testament in a more scientific way, as the original New Testament is in Greek.

With entry 100 of Christianity’s Criminal History I finish my selection of translations for what will be the first volume in English in this abbreviated selection of Deschner’s work. A visitor to this site, who unlike me is a native English speaker, has volunteered to correct the syntax of my Deschner translation, which I will soon send him in a single Word document.

Given that The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH) is a place for white nationalists to awaken to the real world, from level 5 to level 6, and that the stumbling block is Christianity (and the neo-Christian ethos of the secular world), an idea has occurred to me.

In this article I said that the order of the New Testament of our Bibles is very deceptive. And that if we read it chronologically—that is, beginning with the oldest manuscript—it would be easier to see how the legendary layers were formed around the figure of Jesus. Why not put together a New Testament in the order in which it was written and sell it to the general public in printed form?:

Date written C.E.

1) James – 49

2) Galatians – 49

3) First Thessalonians – 50-51

4) Second Thessalonians – 50-51

5) First Corinthians – 54

6) Second Corinthians – 55

7) Romans – 55

8) Mark – 57-59

9) Ephesians – 60

10) Colossians – 60

11) Philemon – 60

12) Luke – 60

13) Acts – 61

14) Philippians – 61

15) First Timothy – 62

16) Titus – 62

17) Second Timothy – 63

18) First Peter – 63

19) Second Peter – 63-64

20) Matthew – 60s

21) Hebrews – 60s

22) Jude – 60s or 70s

23) John – late 80s

24) Revelation – late 80s – early 90s

25) 1 John – late 80s – early 90s

26) 2 John – late 80s – early 90s

27) 3 John – late 80s – early 90s

28) Thomas – as early as 40 or as late as 140?

I could read it in the order above and offer my comments on this site about each of the 27 canonical books of the New Testament.

I have added book 28 to the list, the Gospel of Thomas that the Jesus Seminar (mentioned on this site) included in The Five Gospels. The fact is that, although I numbered it as book 28, the Gospel of Thomas could have come before the old Gospel of Mark as it is similar to Q. But I place it as #28 in C.T.’s New Testament as its dating is uncertain. It is the only ‘apocryphal’ text that I would include in my collection.

The idea is not to copy and paste in WDH these 28 books. I’d only put my impressions here once I finish reading each book, and leave the 28 books for the printed version with my comments. We could call that printed book The Ordered New Testament, or something like that.

What do you think?

Catholic Church Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Christianity’s Criminal History, 100

Below, an abridged translation from the third volume of
Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums.

Most of the written statements about the martyrs are false, but all of them were considered as totally valid historical documents (7 of 7)

Although the number of Christian martyrs in the first three centuries could be calculated at 1,500 (a figure certainly problematic), although of the 250 Greek martyrs in 250 years only 20 are historical, although only written news of a couple of dozen martyrs remain and although the greatest theologian of the pre-Constantine era, Origen, says that the number of Christian martyrs is ‘small and easy to tell’, in 1959, the Catholic theologian Stockmeier continues writing:

For three centuries they were persecuted to death.

Also in the middle of the 20th century, the Jesuit Hertling writes:

It is necessary to assume a six-digit number.

Is it really necessary? Why? He himself says it: ‘The historian who critically analyses the sources and wants to relate things as they have been, constantly runs the risk of hurting pious feelings—if he does not reach the result that there were millions of martyrs’.

But the Church has not only criminally exaggerated the number of martyrs, but also its description. Still in the middle of the 20th century, the Catholic Johannes Schuck boasts (with double imprimatur), as if the history of the Church by Eusebius of the 4th century continued:

It was a fight! On the one hand the beasts of the circus, the bonfire that burns the throbbing limbs, the torture, the cross and all the torments that seemed to come out of hell like a dirty sewer. On the other hand, the unwavering strength with which Christians faced the whole world, helpless… with the heart already under the first glows of eternity.

Schuck himself rejoices that the cruel persecutions against Christians ‘produced a great benefit to the kingdom of God’, and that ‘the Church only won’. While ‘the blood of their martyrs’ deprived ‘the Church from its most valuable souls’, these, who were the best, ‘passed into the fold of the Lord by faith and the spirit of sacrifice, love and nobility of the Christians’.

And with a tide of fabrications.

Fabrications of this kind were also found in another very different, though interdependent, field of ecclesiastical politics. Just as in order to increase the faith the written statements about false martyrs were created to increase the clerical power, false catalogues of bishops were made. That is, little by little an apostolic origin was attributed to all episcopal sees.

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On accusing commenters of being Jews

Today Arch Stanton said that Jack Halliday is probably a Jew (link: here). A few months ago he said the same about Spahn Ranch, another respectable commenter of this site. In that April (link: here) Stanton wrote:

I note your tone is considerably different than the “Spahn Ranch” that presented a civil war battle flag juxtaposed with a portion of the national socialist flag as his avatar. Do I detect a Jew troll hiding behind an identity theft? How typical of the cowardly Jew.

What had ignited the flaming was a monocausal comment by Stanton (link: here):

Considering Jews are the sole force behind the social programming that has led to the nihilistic, suicidal bent of the white race, how can the problem with whites be any more effectively addressed than the root Jewish problem?

As far as I can guess, what moves Stanton to do these accusations is his ideology of the single-cause hypothesis: that the Jews are to blame for white decline while the Aryans are, basically, innocent of their own decline.

I have discussed monocausalism elsewhere and won’t do it in this entry. But I must say that monocausal visitors of The West’s Darkest Hour who want to discuss their views must not accuse bona fide commenters of being crypto-Jews. I myself have been called ‘Jew’ in a Majority Rights featured article for not believing in the 9/11 conspiracy theories, and know how exasperating it is trying to prove my innocence before a dogmatic author or commenter.

Arch Stanton,

If you cannot provide reliable evidence that some commenters of this site are Jews, please abstain from further accusations if you want to continue to comment here.

Thank you.

Catholic Church Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Christianity’s Criminal History, 99

Below, an abridged translation from the third volume of
Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums.

Most of the written statements about the martyrs are falsified, but all of them were considered as totally valid historical documents (6 of 7)

It only remains to say that we are not talking about pious legends, but about written statements, of historical stories; that these documents also expressly claim to be the ‘correct notes’ where we can read, ‘The exact history of those who were before us has been written down by the lips of elders and reliable bishops and priests who love the truth. They saw it with their own eyes in their day’.

The Christians gave testimony of their faith with their blood in increasing groups, that in such quantities and so heroically died that the executioners ended up exhausted from the massacres. On one occasion they die with their sixteen bishops, on another 128 martyrs; then 111 men and nine women, then 275, then 8,940, then they cannot be counted since their number is greater than several thousand.

In fact, there were far fewer Christian martyrs than the world was led to believe over the centuries. Some of the true ones disappeared without a trace, their ashes were thrown into the rivers or scattered by the wind.

There were vast regions in which the martyrs were scarce or nonexistent, and as relics began to be placed in the altars, pilgrimages to distant places were organised and painful travels were carried out, if indeed they were made. The remains of known martyrs reached a high price, but the demand of pieces of martyrs was excessive, whether or not their names were known. Group martyrs enjoyed special preference:

• The 18 of Zaragoza,

• The 40 of Sebaste, all the ‘servants of arms’,

• The 70 companions of the holy monk Athanasius,

• Those who were drowned in a river, the 99 executed with St. Nicon in Caesarea/Palestine,

• The 128 who died with the holy Bishop Sadoth under the Persian King Shapur;

• The nearly two-dozen bishops and 250 clerics who reached martyrdom also in Persia,

• The 200 men and 70 women who suffered heroic martyrdom under Diocletian on the island of Palmaris,

• The 300 suicides that Prudentius invented (the most admired and read Christian author in the Middle Ages), who, to avoid being slaughtered under Valerian, threw themselves into a pit of quicklime,

• The—more stories of falsehood!—1,525 martyred saints of Umbria, the Theban legion,

• No less than 6,600 men who were apparently martyred in Switzerland (probably they alone more than all the Christian martyrs in all of antiquity),

• The thousands of martyrs that Emperor Diocletian burned alive in a church because they refused to do any ‘offering to idols’ (Roman Martyrology),

• The 10,000 Christians crucified on Mount Ararat or the 24,000 Catholic companions of St. Pappus, who under Licinius died for Christ in Antioch.

Afterwards even the figures are left untold, speaking of ‘innumerable’ martyrs. The deaths of ‘many martyred saints’ are stereotyped as ‘almost all the flock’. There are accounts of ‘the suffering of many holy women who out of love for the Christian faith were martyred in the cruelest way’. The following can be read in the Roman Martyrology:

Record of all Christians crowned with holiness and death in martyrdom, whose life, written statements and heroic deaths the Roman Catholic Church has compiled from the most secure sources and which it records and preserves for their eternal commemorative memory; with added summaries of the highlights of their lives, the reason for their conversion, their acts and their painful death.

It is understandable that very often the relics were designated with the formula: ‘whose name God knows’.

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