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Child abuse Daybreak Publishing Hojas Susurrantes (book) Psychohistory

Fourth book of “Whispering Leaves”

Hojas Susurrantes
(Whispering Leaves)

Book 1. Letter to mom Medusa
Book 2. How to murder your child’s
_____ soul

Book 3. My childhood
Book 4. The Return of Quetzalcoatl
Book 5. Whispering leaves

Only most of the fourth book will be published in this blog. The rest would be even harder to sell to the nationalist community; though I believe that child abuse studies are germane to understand the whys of Western self-loathing.

Of The Return of Quetzalcoatl, an introduction to the shocking field of research known as Psychohistory (leaf through “The Feathered Serpent” linked below), its three chapters can be read in this site:

1. The Trauma Model

2. The Feathered Serpent

3. Psychohistory

5 replies on “Fourth book of “Whispering Leaves””

Thank you for this series of posts.
I had originally wanted to post something intelligent that would show that I had read the material carefully, but in fact I haven’t been reading these posts as closely as they deserve. I get into each post for about five minutes, and then my phone rings and I have to run off to save someone else’s project. But thanks, even though I can’t join you in the real scholarship of this material.

What role does child abuse play in western self loathing? One form of child abuse that not a lot of people talk about is when kids are forced into excessive athletics to the point where they have no free time.

I found this article to be insightful but my question to you is what percentage of anti-western people do you think suffered childhood abuse? Also we have to keep in mind different styles of abuse. I know one leftist who when we were in 7th grade I saw him bullied by more athletic kids. And he grew up to be an extreme leftist, maybe him being bullied by kids relates to that. Also I wonder how many are leftists due to trauma and how many are leftists due to the strength of leftist brainwashing. I suspect that the original seed of far leftism in the west is due to trauma and it is perpetuated to a degree by the trauma of individuals however at this point it is developed into a religion and is able to perpetuate itself without trauma although trauma is its origin… I would say trauma is the origin of this anti-western(anti-white) religion sometimes referred to as leftism. Although I would like to also say that classic marxist leftism seems to be race neutral so when I use the term leftist I use it to refer to anti-white people but I am not using it to refer to classical marxists.

what percentage of anti-western people do you think suffered childhood abuse?

All of them (cf. Alice Miller’s work).

Also we have to keep in mind different styles of abuse. I know one leftist who when we were in 7th grade I saw him bullied by more athletic kids.

However painful, that’s not the most serious case of mind-destroying abuse. What really destroys the soul is parental abuse due to the problem of attachment to the perpetrator.

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