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Heinrich Himmler Quotable quotes

Himmler quote

‘Every healthy young German is committing a crime against the Volk if between age twenty-five and thirty-five he does not have four or five children’.

—H. Himmler, Das Schwarze Korps, 1939.

Horace Quotable quotes

Latin proverb

Quidquid præcipies esto brevis.
‘Whatever advice you give, be short’.
Horace, Ars Poetica (18 BC), CCCXXXV.

Quotable quotes

Lucretius quote

Suave mare magno

(It is pleasant to watch the wild sea)

— Lucretius, 98-55 b.c.e, Roman poet

Heinrich Himmler Quotable quotes

Himmler, my patron saint

Quotable quotes

Pau’s quote

‘Cómo es necesaria la humildad para reconocer los propios errores’ (How humility is necessary to recognise one’s mistakes).

—Letter from Paulina, page 443 of Hojas Susurrantes.

Quotable quotes

Mantra post

«Raised profoundly as a Catholic, today I am convinced that it is not enough to leave the religion of our parents. Liberation will need us to burn down worldwide all Christian churches to the ground. Such is my inspiration and mentality in the struggle for our survival». —Albus, from Germany

Quotable quotes

Finis coronat opus

This means ‘the end crowns the work’, and is used to indicate that a long and important work has been completed.

Quotable quotes

Latin locution

Ad augusta per angusta

Roughly ‘through difficulties to greatness’ it means we don’t achieve success except by overcoming a thousand difficulties.

Poetry Quotable quotes

Virgil quote

Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris  
Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit litora

I sing of arms and of the man, fated to be an exile;
who long since left the land of Troy and came to Italy
to the shores of Lavinium

Quotable quotes

Two recent quotes

‘The Nazis tried to save the world and now it will be destroyed. WWII was about saving communism so the global Soviet could be installed’. —Wewelsburg SS

‘Jew Stefan Molyneux admits that he is a deradicalization agent. This Jordan Peterson tier pacifism is suicidal. The center must be destroyed for us to survive. The other side, the anti-whites, have no brakes and that is by design so they keep winning’. —Baron Strucker