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Ritter is an idiot

The Wikipedia article on Scott Ritter has him as an American author, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and former UN Special Commission weapons inspector. In my last few posts I have passed the microphone to him only because his view of the Ukrainian war differs completely from the lies of the MSM. But Ritter is an absolute idiot when it comes to the Third Reich.

In the first forty minutes of this long interview, the Gentile Ritter utters the most vociferous propaganda against Hitler’s Germany as no Jew could, which ratifies my opinion that a misinformed white is far more dangerous than a malicious kike.

The fact that in the previous few days I have passed the mic to Ritter on the Ukrainian issue teaches me a lesson. I must never again take seriously vloggers who aren’t strictly National Socialists. If I did so, it was only because I am disgusted by Western propaganda on Ukraine, which includes what the MSM has been saying for a year in Spanish, both in Latin America and in Spain. While it is refreshing to hear a dissenting voice from the accepted wisdom on Ukraine, when we scratch the surface of that apparent dissenter, we find a normie who is playing a negative role in the darkest hour for the fair race.

In the video linked above Ritter talks about the so-called holocaust but in the 40 minutes I watched he fails to mention the figure of the tens of millions killed by Lenin and Stalin’s willing executioners (many of these executioners were Jews).[*] Ritter is probably not even familiar with Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together. And let’s not talk about Goodrich’s Hellstorm and other books that mention Dwight Eisenhower’s death camps (remember: millions of unarmed Germans were holocausted between 1945 and 1947).

So that this doesn’t happen to me again, I will never listen to YouTube normies again. Now that I am about to start the last proofreading of Savitri’s book, I’d better be adding here some quotes from her that I found remarkable.


[*] Always keep in mind the words of Jewish scholar Ron Unz referring to the Gulag:

‘In per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe’.

Read also An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans by another Jew, John Sack.


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Scott Ritter’s views

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Translation of the final paragraph of ‘The ice mysteries – evolutionary effects of glaciation’:

There is no doubt that benevolent conditions spoil man and cause his evolution to stagnate, just as happened to the less carnivorous hominids who did not chase the herds of animals during the great migration of Homo erectus out of Africa. The mild temperatures and various comforts of human civilisation are producing real psychophysical monsters, and if a return to glaciation is not possible, at least a civilisation that does not damage the human genome with its lack of natural selection and severity should be achieved.

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Croatian folk costume from Vrlika

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

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The US creates conflict
