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The interview between Derek, whom I have already mentioned this month, and biblical scholar Dr Robert Cargill is interesting. In the beginning, Cargill claimed that his life in a fanatically Christian family and town had been idyllic, without any trauma. But after some time, it became clear that Cargill was simply repressing his traumatic past. He told a horrifying anecdote when he was just a child about his endless fears of the doctrine of damnation (I can well understand this as it was exactly what was done to me too as a teen).

Both interviewer and interviewee are people who think they are apostates but who, in reality, are clinical cases of what we have been saying: that the apostasy of Christianity leads to an axiological neo-Christianity. For example, I interrupted the interview after the hour because I was extremely annoyed that Derek, as neo-Christian as Cargill though unbeknownst to him, commented that poor LGBT people commit suicide because of social ostracism. Cargill had said that, although he is one hundred per cent straight, he helped homos overcome their moralistic traumas, and even supported the misnamed gay marriage.

Watching the interview for at least more than the hour I saw gives a sense of how the (pseudo) apostasy from Christianity is transfigured into neo-Christianity.

4 replies on “Pseudo-apostates”

I likewise gave up on that interview. A lot of these Christians and atheistic HyperChristians will never express righteous hatred for their parents who tortured them. Mike Winger’s parents weren’t Christian, but they tortured him and sometimes even let him go hungry. Cargill was obviously tortured by his parents in some way, perhaps even physically. Will from the Church split was tortured by his parents, perhaps even sexually, and yet in his podcasts he says that he now lives his parents and even gets on well with them. That Winger, Cargill and Will Hess do not allow themselves to hate their torturers indicates to me that they are under the spell of Christian brainwashing. Hating one’s enemies is the one thing that one must not do in Christianity and in atheistic hyperchristianity.

Atheistic hyperchristianity is a wonderful term!

Since I dedicated my magnum opus to understanding the psychological trauma caused by abusive parents (even though they don’t realise they are abusive), I fully understand what you’re saying.

One of the things that neophytes in the field ignore is that the worst trauma is not sexual abuse, but this type of manipulation of the ego of the child/teen by parents who are so narcissistic that they don’t realise that they are undermining the mental health of the child with threats of eternal fire.

It was precisely because my father never spoke publicly of his horrid childhood in Catholic schools that made him not realise that trauma demands repetition, and he repeated abusive behaviours without realising that they were abusive.

What impressed me about Cargill’s confession is that this soul-destroying of a child with theological weight as the threat of eternal fire wasn’t seen as mistreatment. ‘Know thyself’ is not only the maxim of Delphi but mine in my books, and it is obvious to me that Christians, and agnostic hyperchristians like Cargill, don’t know themselves.

In my featured post my autobiographical books in Spanish are at the end. But if a Christian or an atheist hyperchristian, as you call them, wanted to heal they would have to start with them and only later would the racialist literature come. Otherwise we are putting the cart before the horse.

I don’t know if you have ever read Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism (2013) by Paul C. Vitz.

There was obviously some parental trauma inflicted upon Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011) by his father, Eric, whom he would coldly call “The Commander”. Let us remember that Christopher Hitchens essentially drank and smoked himself to death. And so there are very real consequences following on from not dealing with parental trauma. As I said to you in a private email, Cesar, Will Hess from The Church Split gives subtle hints that there are concerning things going on in his private life. Let us remember to that the son of IFB preacher, (1921-2016) committed suicide, and murdered his children, at the same time. Ruckman said in the pulpit how he would beat his children. I think that this world would be a much less disfunctional place if we could bury, once and for all, the traumata inflicted upon us by Christianity. Ingersoll (1833-1899), would say to Christian fathers: why do you beat your own flesh? I agree with Linder: most of the Intellectual work pertaining to white nationalism is done. It was done by the likes of Ford and Fahey and Coughlin. However, the one piece of intellectual work that does still need to be done is to deprogram white people from Jewish Christianity. I don’t believe in a Classically theistic god, however, I do not call myself an “atheist”. However, one thing that I do like about the atheist community is that they say: “It ends with us!” This cycle of abuse and trauma ends with us. We shall not pass it on to our own sons and daughters. Also, Christianity ends with us. We shall not pass on this vile death cult to our own sons and daughters. By this means, methinks, trauma will be extracted from the world, and the world shall, one day, be a brighter, less violent place.

It looks like Derek deleted the comment I posted on Wednesday. It reminds me what I said today in another thread about coward liberals who cannot discuss with folk on their right.

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