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Vegetarianism Welfare of animals

On fasting

Less than a year ago I wrote ‘Keto diet and the 4 words’. Taking into account that every winter I catch the terrible flu (as terrible as the symptoms of covid), I decided to try the keto diet for the last six months while consuming vitamin D3. Until this day of January I haven’t had another flu. But yesterday I discovered that it’s possible to get all the benefits of the keto diet without violating the four words.

The revelation began after watching Rich Roll’s interview with Dr. Alan Goldhamer, a video with more than 809,000 views that was uploaded last August. The trick is prolonged fasting: something that the ancient Greeks did, a kind of detox as a Chinese dude explains.

(Left, the second day of the ancient Greek festival Thesmophoria was a day of fasting.) Rich Roll also interviewed Dr. Michael Klaper, who spoke about his childhood experiences in his grandfather’s farm as the starting point for why not we mustn’t be involved in tormenting animals, not even by consuming dairy (on the keto diet I had to consume lots of butter).

I haven’t started this a hundred percent vegan diet with long fasts yet, although I’m preparing myself. I might purchase a textbook that explains the tremendous benefits of fasting more formally than the videos linked above. Fasting also produces ketosis, the goal of the keto diet, although to produce this ideal state to burn all unnecessary fat you have to fast several days a month, at least initially.

Another reason for discontinuing the comment section is that the visitors didn’t seem to reflect the dreams of my idols Hitler, Himmler, and Göring when it comes to vegetarianism and animal welfare. A true priest of the 4 and 14 words may be able to exterminate the Neanderthals, but never cause unnecessary suffering in our cousins, the animals. (See for example Hitler’s table talks about vegetarianism below, in the categories box after the words ‘Published in…’)