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Orwellian rewriting of History


Portugal and the one-drop rule

Below, (1) my abridgement of Ray Smith’s The Black Man’s Gift to Portugal from “The Best of Attack and National Vanguard Tabloid,” Ref: Issue No. 6, 1971; (2) Arthur Kemp’s more recent views on Portugal in March of the Titans; (3) the comments of John Martínez whose native language is Portuguese, and (4) my impressions on Iberian miscegenation.

Ray Smith

In view of the fact that we are now being forced to integrate with the Negroes and grant them equal participation, it might be instructive to look at other countries which have integrated with Negroes in the past to see what the Negroes gave them. What is the historical evidence?

There is a wealth of material here for study in such places as Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, etc., but the nearest parallel to the United States today is Portugal in the 16th century.

It may come as a surprise to hear of the Negroes’ role in the history of Portugal, for in spite of all the emphasis on “Black studies” in our schools, no one seems to talk about the Blacks’ contribution to Portugal—neither the Portuguese, the Blacks, nor our modern historians who are rewriting our history books to make the Negroes look good. It takes considerable digging in books written before our modern era of forced integration to uncover the story of Portugal.

Poets and explorers

By the middle of the 16th century, Portugal had risen to a position analogous to that of the United States today. Portugal was the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world, with a large empire and colonies in Asia, Africa and America. The Portuguese people were, like the Elizabethans in England, poets and explorers, a race of highly civilized, imaginative, intelligent, and daring people. They showed great potential and had already made important contributions to the Renaissance. But, unlike England and other European countries, Portugal had a large and rapidly growing Negro population and, at the same time, its white population was declining.

Portugal began the Negro slave trade after encountering Negroes in its explorations and forays into Africa. Portugal brought the first Black slaves to Lisbon in 1441, and they continued to be imported in such numbers that by 1550, the population of Portugal [especially in Lisbon] was 10 percent Negro (the U.S. is 13-14 percent Negro today).

Defilement of the blood

There was no taboo or injunction against sexual relations with the Negroes, and the Negroes blood soon became assimilated into the general population through miscegenation, so that today there are no Negroes, as such, in Portugal. The present-day population of Portugal is described by the New York Times Encyclopedic Almanac, 1971, as follows: “Ethnic Composition: The people are a mixture of various ethnic strains, including Celtic, Arab, Berber, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Lusitanian, and other racial influences. The present population is one of the most homogeneous in Europe, with no national minorities.” (Note that the Negro strain is not listed by the New York Times).

What you can see in Portugal today is the product of uniform, non-selective mixing of the 10 percent Negroes and 90 percent Whites into one homogeneous whole. In effect, it is a new race—a race that has stagnated in apathy and produced virtually nothing in the last 400 years.

The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed., 1911, in its article on Portugal states, “The Portuguese intermarried freely with their slaves, and this infusion of alien blood profoundly modified the character and physique of the nation. It may be said without exaggeration that the Portuguese of the ‘age of discoveries’ and the Portuguese of the 17th and later centuries were two different races.”

The contribution of this new race to civilization in terms of literature, art, music, philosophy, science, etc. has been practically nothing. Portugal today is the most backwards country in Europe…

Portugal and America

In spite of the close similarity between the situation of Portugal in the 1550’s and the United States today, we cannot predict that the outcome of our racial integration with Negroes will be exactly the same. The historical significance, however, is that any country, society, or group which has integrated to any appreciable extent with the Negroes has suffered drastically in its ability to maintain a civilized standard of living and its ability to compete with others. There is no evidence that any other country ever gained anything from integration with Negroes.

It should be pointed out that the Negro-White ratio, 1:9, in Portugal in the 1550’s does not represent the final percentage of Negro genes, for the Negro element was rapidly increasing while the White element was declining. The male Whites were leaving Portugal in large numbers—sailing, settling in the colonies, and marrying native women (the government encouraged this). Most of the Negro slaves brought to Portugal were adult males. The population was thus unbalanced—an excess of White women and Negro males, and a shortage of White men. Chronicles of the era relate that Portuguese women kept Negro slaves as “pets”. They also married them.

The situation in the U.S. today is not too different. The radical-chic Whites have their Black pets.

Our percentage of the Negro element today does not represent the final amalgam. The Negro birth rate is almost twice as high as that of the Whites. There is no White population explosion in America, or anywhere in the world. It is all colored. The colored woman has the children; the White women are on the pill or have abortions.

What the final amalgam in America will be we can not say, but if the present trends continue, the Negro element will be much more than 14 percent.

Why did Portugal integrate?

The British, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese all engaged in the Negro slave trade, but only Portugal brought them to their own country. The question arises—why did Portugal so willingly accept racial integration with Negroes while other European countries kept the Negroes out and maintained their racial integrity? What was the climate of opinion, the current ideology, teaching, or propaganda that led the Portuguese to depart from the behavior of the other countries? What was the difference about Portugal?

You will not find the answer to these questions in our modern history books and recently published encyclopedias, for the whole subject of the decline has become taboo. You will have to dig into older sources and discover your own answers.

You might also ask yourself why America is accepting racial integration while most of the rest of the world is “racist.” Why are we different?

History rewritten

Our encyclopedias and history books have been purged and rewritten. If you look up Portugal in the 1970 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, you will not find anything about the role of the Negroes and Jews in the history of Portugal, or anything about the decline and fall of Portugal.

The Jews are briefly mentioned among others who “exerted various influences over the territory which in the 13th century acquired the frontiers of modern Portugal.” There is no elaboration of what this influence was.

The Negroes have been eliminated entirely. They are not listed with the other ethnic groups in the ancestry of the Portuguese people. In the entire 15-page article, there is no clue that Negroes were ever present in Portugal or that they had any role or influence in Portuguese history.

The 1970 edition of the Encyclopedia Americana also makes no mention of the presence of Negroes in Portugal.

In all these sources you find “facts,” i.e., names and dates, but with no meaning and no indication of what actually happened or why. However, if you can manage to find some older sources, you can learn a great deal about the history of Portugal.


Blacks and Jews: Jewish police officers
haul away a black man
in this anonymous depiction
of a Lisbon street scene
(Walters Art Museum, Baltimore)

The article on Portugal in the 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica contains more real information than you can get in reading a hundred history books of more recent vintage. From our modern point of view, this article would probably be called “racist,” but the point is that the presence and activities of the Negroes and Jews are recorded. The information is there, and you can draw your own conclusions. The article is actually pro-Jewish. There is also a scholarly analysis of the factors in the decline and fall of Portugal, with the author tending to blame the Inquisition, the Jesuits, and anti-Semitism. However, neither his conclusions nor his bias prevents him from including factors or information which might lead the reader to a different conclusion.

Our modern scholars and authorities eliminate information which might lead the reader to the “wrong” conclusion.

Suppressing the evidence

The 1964 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica still briefly lists the Negroes and Jews, along with others, as Portuguese racial elements, but with no details or elaborations. By 1966, the Negroes have vanished completely.

Now, what has happened between 1911 and 1966 that makes us purge and rewrite history in such a way? Have we decided that race no longer is, or ever was, a factor in history? This cannot be, since “Black Studies” are flourishing at our universities. Historians are supposedly trying hard to discover all they can about the role of the Negroes in history.

In a trial, a lawyer tries to suppress evidence that would be damaging to his client. He tries to prevent this evidence from reaching the jury. Our modern historians and scholars are trying to suppress evidence. The Negro is their client. We are the jury—and we must not reach the “wrong” verdict.

Liberals in the United States often became very self-righteous and superior when the former Soviet Union purged and rewrote its encyclopedias, eliminating from its history current undesirables and making them “unpersons.” We ridicule their lack of objectivity and irrational scholarship.

But we do exactly the same thing when we rewrite history of Portugal and make “unpersons” of the Negroes (and Jews). In terms of rewriting and deliberately falsifying history, we are much closer to Orwell’s 1984 than the Soviet Union ever was. Big Brother protects us from dangerous knowledge.

Quo Vadis, Aryan man

There is a great need for the American people to know what happened in Portugal in the 16th century, for we are repeating their experience. We are in the same predicament, at the same juncture, at the same crossroads in history. There is an amazing similarity between our situation today and Portugal’s in the 1500’s. Shall we take the same road?

Travelers from other European countries were amazed to see so many Negroes in 16th-century Lisbon, as are travelers today in Washington, D.C. Our own capital is a large percentage Black, and, as was the case in Lisbon, the Negroes do all the manual labor and service jobs. The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica comments, “While the country was being drained of its best citizens, hordes of slaves were imported to fill the vacancies, especially into the southern provinces. Manual labor was thus discredited; the peasants sold their farms and emigrated or flocked to the towns; and small holdings were merged into vast estates.”

Manual labor has been “discredited” for many White people these days, and Negroes fill these jobs. We are “too good” for it.

Stout hearts—and pure blood

In analyzing the catastrophe which befell Portugal, the historian H. Morse Stephens (in his book, Portugal, written in 1891) concludes:

They [the Portuguese] were to produce great captains and writers, and were able to become the wealthiest nation in Europe. But that same sixteenth century was to see the Portuguese power sink, and the independence, won by Alfonso Henriques and maintained by John the Great, vanish away; it was to see Portugal, which had been one of the greatest nations of its time, decline in fame, and become a mere province of Spain. Hand in hand with increased wealth came corruption and depopulation, and within a single century after the epoch-making voyage of Vasco da Gamma, the Portuguese people, tamed by the Inquisition, were to show no sign of their former hardihood. This is the lesson that the story of Portugal in the sixteenth century teaches: that the greatness of a nation depends not upon its wealth and commercial prosperity, but upon the thews and sinews and the stout hearts of its people.

This is rather old-fashioned language, but what Stephens is saying is that, by the end of the 16th century, the quality of the people was lacking. Other European nations suffered military defeat, but continued to grow and develop. Portugal stopped dead in its tracks. It had nothing to build on. Portugal can now only look nostalgically to the past. We Americans must use this information as insight into our future. It is too late to save the White Aryan people of Portugal, but we must save ourselves.

Arthur Kemp

Lessons in decline: Spain and Portugal

Spain and Portugal are two countries in Western Europe which have both been marked by phases of great wealth and power and then decline—the classic characteristics of the rise and fall of civilizations. Bearing in mind the lessons already manifest from the ancient civilizations, it is therefore easy to look for the population shifts which, as always, closely track the rise and fall of all civilizations. As to be expected with both Spain and Portugal, the population changes are also evident—and are also directly linked to the leading and then reduced roles these nations have played in not only White history, but also of world history.

One of the first laws which the Gothic kingdom in Spain established was a ban on all mixed marriages. Goths were only allowed to marry Goths, and punishment for violating this ban was burning at the stake.

stakeThis overtly racial law kept the intermixing of Goths with all others to an absolute minimum—and particularly with the growing Jewish population. Gothic Spain settled down into a period of relative peace and resultant prosperity, with the only discordant note being sounded by the large Jewish population.

[However], partly because of a fanatic Christianizing zeal (which was common to all early Christians), partly because of Jewish domination of the Spanish financial world, and partly because of the exclusivity and separation which the Jewish religion gave to the Jews, ill feeling between the Christian Goths and Jews in Spain reached a height which had not been seen since the time of the Roman-Jewish war 550 years previously.

In 620 AD, the Spanish Gothic king, Sisbert, ordered 80,000 Jews to be baptized as Christians in an attempt to break Judaism in Spain. This was the start of the Conversos—Spanish Jews who publicly espoused Christianity but in secret kept up Jewish traditions. They were also known by the less complimentary name of “Marranos”—pigs.

Although the 80,000 Jews baptized by Sisbert remained in Spain, about an equal number left Spain for other parts of Europe to escape the growing anti-Semitic feeling in Iberia. Their departure was not a moment too soon—fifty-three years later, in 673 AD, another Spanish Gothic king, Wamba, formally expelled all Jews from Spain who would not convert to Christianity.

Wamba’s immediate predecessor, King Recesuinto [Recceswinth], had taken a step which was to have far reaching consequences. He abolished the long standing ban on mixed marriages, replacing it with a law stating that anyone of Christian beliefs was allowed to marry anyone else of similar beliefs. Henceforth the only ban on intermarriage would be on religious grounds, not racial.

This step allowed any person of any racial origin, as long as they professed Christianity, to intermarry and mix with the Goths. In this way the first steps were taken that would lead towards the dissolution of the Gothic tribe in Spain.

[In his book Kemp proceeds to describe the following centuries, then he writes of Spain’s Golden Age:]

st-martin-and-the-beggar-detailThe racial divisions emerge. This famous painting by El Greco, (1548 -1614), Saint Martin and the Beggar, is a vivid depiction of the emerging division of Spain into those who had mixed with the non-White Muslims and those who had not. Saint Martin is portrayed as completely White. The beggar is clearly of mixed race.

The change in the racial face of Spain, combined with its disastrous European wars, brought about that country’s decline as a great power, perfectly in line with the law that societies create cultures in the image of their populations, and change those societal norms as their populations change. Spain is a significant example of this principle, because, like Italy after the Germanic Lombard invasion, that country essentially became a bi-racial nation: White in the North, with a gradually darkening population to the south.

By 1648, Spain had been so weakened that it conceded Dutch independence in that year. French provinces were handed back to France in 1659, and Portugal was once again granted independence in 1668.

In 1497, the Portuguese King, Emanuel, mirrored the Spanish example and expelled non-Christian Jews and all Christianized Moors. A law was also introduced which forbid persons of mixed race from holding public office—the law had as its formal title the “Purity of Blood Law” [Limpieza de sangue]. In addition to this, similar restrictions were placed on what was called “New Christians”—Jews who had converted to Christianity to avoid persecution by the Inquisition, which also reached into Portugal.

[In Portugal] there were no social restrictions on the Black population, and intermarriage was as frequent as not. Over the passage of time, the entire Black population was completely absorbed into the Portuguese population, to the point where by the start of the 20th Century, there were no full-blooded Blacks left in Portugal at all.

potrugal1While not every Portuguese person today is a product of this absorption process, it is true to say that a very large number of Portuguese today are in fact of mixed racial descent, with a small amount of Moorish blood, dating from that non-White race’s occupation of the Iberian peninsula, thrown in for good measure.

portugal2The absorption of the ten percent Black population into the Portuguese population also identically mirrors the disappearance of Portugal as a world power. The Portuguese of the Age of Discoveries and those of today are essentially two different peoples. The effects of the absorption of the Black slaves has retarded Portugal’s history ever since. The rapid decline of Portugal following the intake of the vast numbers of Black slaves mirrors her decline.

In 1580, Spain annexed Portugal after the Portuguese king died heirless, and only regained its independence in 1680 once Spain itself had also gone into decline for precisely the same reasons—although the admixture of Black slaves into Spain was never as far reaching as it was in Portugal.

After 1600, Portuguese domination of trade with the East Indies was lost to the Dutch and the English. Partly in response to objections from the mixed race element in society, and partly in response to the reality that many Portuguese citizens were already of mixed racial heritage, the Purity of Blood Law was repealed in 1773, the same year that slavery was abolished in Portugal itself, and the restrictions on the “New Christians” (the Jews) in that country, were lifted.

Portugal’s dramatic and extremely quick decline from the most powerful and richest country in Western Europe to the most backward and poor country in that region, contains an extremely significant lesson. It only required an influx and absorption of just over ten per cent of non-White blood into mainstream Portuguese society to cause a significant shift in population make-up of that country. This shift in make-up immediately affected Portugal’s position and status in the world, with its decline being clearly linked to the absorption process.

John Martínez

I’ve just read the article about Portugal you sent me the other day [Ray Smith’s, abridged above]. It’s awesome, very educative.

I think you remember that I said [in a previous email] that in 19th-century Portuguese novels you never see Blacks in the plots. Despite that, I also said that there is something weird about the Portuguese as far as race is concerned, because those folks are palpably more stupid than other Europeans by and large, and I went on to mention that in Southern Portugal the Arab/Northern African racial admixture with the locals through the centuries probably had been considerable. Now, do you remember a post you prepared for your blog, concerning the frailty of the White genetic material, whose good qualities are lost by any minimum admixture with non-white genetic input? I found it so striking I even translated it and posted it on my blog.

Well, if you put together all these data I think you have a reasonable explanation for what happened to Portugal: Until the 14th century, there had been some Arab/North African amalgamation in the south, but the north remained more or less intact. In the course of the 15th century, due to Portugal’s conquests in Africa, dozens of thousands of Negroes were brought to the country, especially to Lisbon. Since there had never been anything like a racial consciousness in Portugal, racial amalgamation was rife and unchecked. Then, after a few generations, the country imploded economically and became the cultural/economic backwater we see today, especially if we keep in mind that the Black influx into Portugal most likely went on for the following centuries.

In other words, the one-drop rule should indeed be heeded. A relatively small-level racial intermixing on the part of the Portuguese was enough to destroy their character as a White people, even if not enough to give the average Portuguese of today a distinctively Black/Arab/Northern African phenotype.

Choices have consequences indeed…

As soon as I started reading those online articles [critical of both Smith and Kemp’s views on Portugal] I realized they were the work of Portuguese antifas who call Kemp a racist and, paradoxically, at the same time try hard to prove their country is not a Negroes’ nation. Pathetic.

The passage you sent me from Wikipedia says everything, and I’d like to draw your attention to the following data:

In Iberia the mean frequency of Haplogroup L lineages reaches 3.83% and the frequency is higher in Portugal (5.83%) than in Spain (2.90%) and without parallel in the rest of Europe. [emphasis added]

Now, and this is really important, you can’t lose sight of something: since the slave traffic into Portugal must have ended at some point between the 18th and 19th century, in the meantime (at least until the 1960’s and 70’s, when apparently there was a resurgence of African Black immigration into the country), the amount of Black blood among the general population necessarily decreased over time. Therefore, this 5.83% mentioned above certainly was an even higher figure a couple of centuries ago. And now that Blacks are once more migrating en masse to Portugal, the risk they might run of becoming a White nation again in the future has definitely been removed.

About the allegations one of the articles tries to make to the effect that Portugal is no backwater, that it has a vibrant culture which unfortunately is not given attention by the big media… bull. Ever since Camões, arguably the greatest European poet in the 16th century after Shakespeare, the only relevant contributions the country has given to Europe are 19th-century novelist Eça de Queiroz and 20th-century poet Fernando Pessoa. It is true that the insufferable José Saramago won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998, but so what? Even Toni Morrison won it—although Tolstoy, Joyce and Borges didn’t. In fact, I’m surprised Paulo Coelho hasn’t received it yet. The antifas in Stockholm will bestow prizes to their brothers anyway and commie Saramago would do just as well as any other.

My 2 ¢

Before discovering white nationalist literature I was completely unaware that the Portuguese ruined their gene pool by interbreeding with Blacks. And I ignored also that the Spanish had imported vast amounts of Black slaves into New Spain—presently Mexico—and that with time the Blacks merged genetically with the Amerind mestizos.

But what shocked me the most is that long ago the pure Aryans in Spain—by 476 AD a Visigoth king, Euric, controlled nearly all the Iberian Peninsula—were tricked into degrading their gene pool by means of Christian conversion and marrying non-whites, as explained by Kemp (and William Pierce).

Incidentally, in the first comment of the comments section below I reproduce the whole section on current Iberian genetic studies that Martínez used to pick a quotation. I am reproducing it in addition to linking to it above because in the past I endured the bitter experience of Wikipedia administrators deleting an entire section I had written about aboriginal infanticide in Australia in spite of the fact that it was well sourced. The article “Genetic history of the Iberian Peninsula” at Wikipedia could be censored as well.

He who controls the past controls the future! Rewriting history is therefore one of the hobbies of our anti-white culture.

26 replies on “Orwellian rewriting of History”

This is the Wikipedia section mentioned in the article:

A number of studies focus on the genetic impact of the centuries of Muslim rule in the Iberian peninsula on the genetic make up of the modern Iberian population. Iberia has the greatest presence of the typically Northwest African Y-chromosome haplotype marker E-M81 in Europe.[17][18] and Haplotype Va.[19] A thorough Y-chromosome analysis of the Iberian peninsula reveals that haplotype E-M81 surpasses frequencies of 10% in Southern Iberia.[20] As for Mtdna analysis (Mitochondrial DNA), although present at only low levels, Iberia has much higher frequencies of typically North African Haplogroup U6 than those generally observed in Europe.[21][21][22][22][23][24]

It is difficult to ascertain whether U6’s presence is the consequence of Islam’s expansion into Europe during the Middle Ages, or it is rather the result of ancient demic processes that predate the Islamic presence.[23][25]

In January 2009, a study by Capelli et al. Spanish individuals found the total contribution of specific North African male haplotypes in Spain as 7.7%.[17]

According to a widely publicized recent study (December 2008) published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, 19.8 percent of modern Iberians (Spain + Portugal) have DNA reflecting Levantine (possibly Sephardic Jewish ancestry) and 10.6 percent having DNA reflecting Moorish ancestors.[24] The study’s speculation on Sephardic origin of the Levantine markers has been widely contested since it is likely that such markers also reflect other migrations from the Near East such as what medieval Andalusians called “Syrians”, earlier Phoenician colonization or even population movements during the Neolithic.[13][23][24][24][26][27][28][29][30]

On the other hand, Chris Tyler-Smith, a collaborator with the team that carried the study,[31] argues that the individual differences in Y-chromosome markers suggest that Iberians and Sephardic Jews must share ancestry more recent than several millennia,[32] even though in also a recent study (October 2008) they attributed those same lineages in Iberia and the Balearic Islands as of Phoenician origin.[33]

A 2007 study (published 2007) had estimated the contribution of northern African lineages to the entire male gene pool of Iberia as 5.6%.”[34] Earlier Europe-wide genetic studies focusing had found no significant correlation between North African admixture and geography concluding genetic exchanges in the westernmost part of the Mediterranean to be been limited or very limited and establishing the North African contribution at 2.5% to 3.4%.[2]

An earlier European-wide study had pointed to a small North African and Arab element in modern day Iberian ancestry when compared to the pre-Islamic ancestral basis, and the Gibraltar Strait seems to have functioned much more as a genetic barrier than a bridge.[35][36][37]

Sub-Saharan Africa

In 2009, an autosomal study by Moorjani et al. that used about 500k-1.5 million SNPs estimated that the proportion of sub-Saharan African ancestry in Spain was 2.4% consistent with the historically known movement of individuals of North African ancestry into Spain, although it is possible that this estimate also reflects a wider range of mixture times.[38]

MtDNA Haplogroup L lineages are relatively infrequent (1% or less) throughout Europe with the exception of Iberia where frequencies as high as 22%[39] have been reported and some regions of Italy where frequencies between 2 and 3% have been found.

In Iberia the mean frequency of Haplogroup L lineages reaches 3.83% and the frequency is higher in Portugal (5.83%) than in Spain (2.90%) and without parallel in the rest of Europe. Furthermore, in western Iberia, increasing frequencies are observed for Galicia (3.26%) and northern Portugal (3.21%), through the center (5.02%) and to the south of Portugal(11.38%).[40] Significant frequencies were also found in the Autonomous regions of Portugal, with L haplogroups constituting about 13% of the lineages in Madeira, significantly more than in the Azores.[41] In the Spanish archipelago of Canary Islands, frequencies have been reported at 6.6%.[41] Regarding Iberia, current debates are concerned with whether these lineages are associated with prehistoric migrations, the Islamic occupation of Iberia or the slave trade. Pereira et al. (2000) suggested that African lineages in Iberia were predominantly the result of Atlantic Slave Trade. Gonzalez et al. (2003) revealed that most of the L lineages in Iberia matched Northwest African L lineages rather than contemporary Sub-Saharan L lineages.

The authors suggest this pattern indicates that most of the Sub-Saharan L lineages entered Iberia in prehistoric times rather than during the slave trade. According to Pereira et al. (2005), the sub-Saharan lineages found in Iberia matched lineages from diverse regions in Africa. They suggest this pattern is more compatible with recent arrival of these lineages after slave trading began in the 15th century. According to the study, alternative scenarios that invoke much older and demographically more significant introductions (Gonzalez et al. (2003) or that claim a substantial role of the Roman and/or Islamic periods on the introduction of sub-Saharan lineages seem unlikely. Casas et al. (2006) extracted DNA from human remains that were exhumed from old burial sites in Andalusia, southern Spain.

The remains date to between 12th-13th centuries when the area was under Muslim control. The frequency of Sub-Saharan lineages detected in the medieval samples was 14.6% and 8.3% in the present population of Priego de Cordoba. The authors suggest the Muslim occupation and prehistoric migrations before the Muslim occupation would have been the source of these lineages. The highest frequencies of Sub-Saharan lineages found so far in Europe were observed by Alvarez et al. 2010 in the comarca of Sayago (18.2%) which is according to the authors “comparable to that described for the South of Portugal”[42][43] and by Pereira et al. 2010 in Alcacer do Sal (22%).[44]

Although I have not visited Portugal, I have been told that the Portuguese “are not only less smart on average than the French and the Italians—not to mention the Germanic nations—, but they also look different: being shorter, having a darker complexion, and, to be blunt, being much uglier than other Europeans on average.”

Portuguese people are among the best looking people in the world, according to the magazine ‘TrevelersDigest’, making it to the top 10, occupying the 4th place in the chart.
See article below:

It’s people have an IQ within the European average, 95 according to Richard Lynn’s table. The lowest is found in the Balkans.
See table below:

And the people’s skin pigmentation are lighter than your average Italian, under the latest GWAS study.
See article below:

Portuguese people are among the best looking people in the world, according to the magazine ‘Trevelers Digest’, making it to the top 10, occupying the 4th place in the chart.

What about those who look almost like mulattos?

It’s people have an IQ within the European average, 95 according to Richard Lynn’s table. The lowest is found in the Balkans.

Portuguese IQ ranks below Austria, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, New Zeeland, Holland, United Kingdom, Hungary, Spain, Australia, Denmark, France, United States, Canada, Norway, Czech republic, Finland and Russia. Source:


And the people’s skin pigmentation are lighter than your average Italian, under the latest GWAS study.

Lots of southern Italians are non-whites. Try again.

I think the negro importation in Portugal was the Jewish revenge for their expulsion of the Iberian peninsula, jewish merchants played a big role the transatlantic slave trade.

Indeed, it is a great job of vulgarization and a very good introduction to the problem.

Miscegenation and its consequences on human civilization is one of those simple truths that seem at first too simple to be true, and are therefore hard to accept. It’s also one of those “big lies” that are more easily accepted by the masses than lies on trivial matters.

I remember that back in junior high school, during history classes, the mystery of Spain and Portugal’s past glory and subsequent descent into oblivion already fascinated me. Why would such a thing happen, without apparent reason — no lost war, no loss of territory, no black plague —, and why did they never “rebound”? The mystery of Africa’s eternal poverty and absence of civilization also fascinated me; the reassurances of my teacher that it was all linked to slavery and oppression coming from the West sounded a bit off. But at the time, I could not put my finger on an explanation. It just stayed that, a mystery.

In high school, though at the time I was still partially plugged in the Matrix, I wondered for the first time seriously if a link could be established between the obvious negro admixture in contemporary Portuguese and Spanish (which contrasted with the paintings and sculptures of their golden age) and the sorry state of contemporary Portugal and Spain (which can be summarized as total technological and cultural stagnation, and regression in economic aspects).

Though this explanation strangely got on with my instinct, it sounded a bit “too easy” — how come so many smart academics and historians haven’t adopted it —, and also a bit racist, so it is not until 3 full years later that I finally understood why Gobineau’s name and writings were such a taboo in France: they said something which had, if more well-known, the logical potential to rehabilitate the “Nazis”.

It is noteworthy that even after I had discovered HBD/sociobiology and scientific racism, I still could not fully accept the “miscegenation theory” as the cause of civilization failure. It sounded simply too weird and easy to be the truth. It all made sense on a logical level, but not, you know, on a social level — nobody except me believed in this. You tend to wonder if you’re the only one with a brain working, or if you are mad.

I think the negro importation in Portugal was the Jewish revenge for their expulsion of the Iberian peninsula, jewish merchants played a big role the transatlantic slave trade.

Perhaps, but why did the Portuguese population, as well as their rulers, tolerate all these Blacks on their mainland? The truth is that at the time, there was simply no understanding of the long-term dangers of miscegenation. Race mixing was perhaps condemned socially or considered odd, but it did not meet banishment or the death penalty, as it should have.

There has in fact never been a full understanding of the miscegenation problem appearing in a State policy before Hitler. Even Mussolini initially doubted the “miscegenation theory” and had to be convinced of it by Germany…

Excellent points, Deviance.

I just would like to make a comment about your first paragraph:

“Miscegenation and its consequences on human civilization is one of those simple truths that seem at first too simple to be true, and are therefore hard to accept. It’s also one of those “big lies” that are more easily accepted by the masses than lies on trivial matters.”

You hit the nail on the head: it does seem too simple. The thing is, one of the basic rules of the modern scientific method is that the most probable explanation for a given fact will naturally tend to be simple — that’s the Occam’s Razor:

“Occam’s razor (also written as Ockham’s razor, Latin lex parsimoniae) is a principle of parsimony, economy, or succinctness. It states that among competing hypotheses, the one that makes the fewest assumptions should be selected.”

Fact: Societies of Subsaharan descent (both in Africa proper and overseas) are all of them dysfunctional — every single one of them. Explanation: there must be a problem with these people. Conclusion: people of Subsahaaran descent should be kept at bay at all costs and by any means necessary.

That’s all very simple and it can’t get more simple than that.

The truth is that at the time, there was simply no understanding of the long-term dangers of miscegenation.

Not at that time, yes: but the point of my entry was that Goths—and I must have something of Gothic blood in my veins—were so conscious that miscegenation was the sin against the holy ghost of their race…

Race mixing was perhaps condemned socially or considered odd, but it did not meet banishment or the death penalty, as it should have.

..that they burned offenders at the stake. If Kemp and Pierce got their facts right, it cannot be true that “there has in fact never been a full understanding of the miscegenation problem appearing in a State policy before Hitler” because Goths and other Germanics understood it intuitively. They understood it so well that the punishment on miscegenators was that harsh.

I purposely reproduced these excerpts after the excerpts on Christianity in my previous entry to point the finger at the perpetrator. The sad fact is that our parents’ religion chose to burn heretics instead of miscegenators in the age of the Inquisition: Aryan values have been transvaluated.

This means that, although the Goths didn’t leave us literature on their laws or taboos, we can surmise that miscegenation was as mortal a sin for them as heresy was for their Christianized descendants.

Incidentally, John and I have reached identical conclusions about both miscegenation and Christianity precisely because we live in altogether mongrelized countries.

I am very flattered, but it is unfortunately not in my personal projects right now. If you want to read me, you can do it there or on Counter-Currents; I always try to post elaborated comments, and when I can’t, I simply don’t post. This is tantamount to blogging; the only difference is that I don’t have my “own turf”, to speak like Afro-Americans.

The fundamental reason I don’t wish to start a blog is that I have other, very time-consuming projects currently. Most lucrative, a few just for me and my well-being. The secondary reason is that I feel there is not that much to say about the West’s decadence and racial matters, and the topic is already handled perfectly, either by Chechar, C-C or forums like VNN and Stormfront. As to sociobiology and genes/environment relationships, I think The Occidental Observer and the Lion of the Blogosphere (Halfsigma’s new blog) will handle whatever news there are in the field. And, finally, the economic crisis and the Jewish banking system is already dealt with very well by Zerohedge.

What I could contribute would be a bit redundant.

I don’t exclude, though, the possibility of one day in the distant future — with more times on my hands, more tranquillity of mind and in another political climate — launching an online newspaper for white, race-conscious gentlemen that would go further than C-C and integrate professional news feeds.

That would be perhaps the greatest accomplishment I could hope for in my life.

I just found this:

Blacks and Jews: Jewish police officers haul away a black man in this anonymous depictiion of a Lisbon street scene on display at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore.

Read more: (link)

From the Daily Mail, Jan. 25th (link):

“Our rainbow family that’s ‘like a box of chocolates’: Two parents – and their four very different children…”

It’s the 15th century all over again, but this time, Portugal is the whole Western World…

Those two articles are preposterously fraudulent and were refuted long ago.
Both authors, Rays Smith and Arthur Kemp, manipulated history.

You don’t seem to be that much of an expert in genetics, to be quoting Smith and Kemp’s article, let alone use Wiki as a source to back up your claims.

People are unaware of one’s people History, and to be dictating one’s racial identity is even more stupid. But, this type of case are often presidential among outsiders who seem to know more, and love to dictate, one’s racial identity without proper knowledge.

Ray Smith and Arthur Kemp (are not historians), and both argue that Portuguese have Y-DNA…
Yet, Y-DNA accounted to be 0,00% in Portuguese population.

The only ‘Black man’s gift’ in Portuguese population, is in fact a ‘Woman’s gift’ mtDNA and not that significant, since all Europeans have it, dating back the first migrations of mankind from Africa.

I suggest you pick up a book, and get acquainted with
Portuguese history, because everything written above, contradicts what Academics and Historians have written over the years.

[One side not].
The Portuguese (along side with the Basques) are the oldest Europeans alive, whom preserved their genetic patrimony since the Paleolithic. Denying that is the denying the oldest Europeans genes (HLA-A25-B18-DR15 and A26-B38-DR13).

PS: If I was you I would do a background search on Arthur Kemp’s background before quoting him. It’s not so bright.

You are not replying to the main arguments. Martínez said above:

In Iberia the mean frequency of Haplogroup L lineages reaches 3.83% and the frequency is higher in Portugal (5.83%) than in Spain (2.90%) and without parallel in the rest of Europe. [emphasis added]

And Smith already explained that there has been a concerted effort to hide real history by quoting a classic edition of the EB:

The article on Portugal in the 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica contains more real information than you can get in reading a hundred history books of more recent vintage. From our modern point of view, this article would probably be called “racist,” but the point is that the presence and activities of the Negroes and Jews are recorded. The information is there, and you can draw your own conclusions.

No, I’m not any of those guys, from the link you posted.
Though, I found your blog through that Forum, if that’s what your asking.

I won’t be debating long enough this article with you, because you posted something you don’t even know about.

And the worst part is…you insist in claiming something, and at the same time, can’t tell the difference between Y-DNA and mtDNA.
“I’m dealing with morons here” is what is crossing through my mind, right now. No offense.

Anyway, you just answered and refuted Ray Smith’s article, when you quoted that same exercise, that contradicts what Ray Smith wrote.

The Haplogroup lineages are maternal, not paternal.
Again…how can Ray Smith and Arthur Kemp’s article be subjacent to the Haplogroup L exercise, when that same study showed maternal lineages and not paternal ones, as claimed by the article entitled “Black MAN’s gift to Portugal”?

Neither Ray Smith or Arthur Kemp presented any sources for their rants.

Better yet. Study Portuguese history. (It would take you years)
But since I doubt you’d be interest in such, I’ll take it you will keep relying in such article.

I advise you to see at the links below:


I won’t be debating long enough this article with you, because you posted something you don’t even know about.


And the worst part is…you insist in claiming something, and at the same time, can’t tell the difference between Y-DNA and mtDNA. “I’m dealing with morons here” is what is crossing through my mind, right now. No offense.

Thanks for the insult, but for your info I know the difference: I took a one-year biology course at The Open University.

Anyway, you just answered and refuted Ray Smith’s article, when you quoted that same exercise, that contradicts what Ray Smith wrote. The Haplogroup lineages are maternal, not paternal.

Contradicts my ass. Smith wrote that piece in the early 1970s, when those DNA tests hadn’t been performed. The tests, so well sourced in the Wikipedia article, corroborate Smith’s general view.

Again…how can Ray Smith and Arthur Kemp’s article be subjacent to the Haplogroup L exercise, when that same study showed maternal lineages and not paternal ones, as claimed by the article entitled “Black MAN’s gift to Portugal”?

Do you know English? I know native English speakers, old people in fact, that still use “man” as generic for humans.

Neither Ray Smith or Arthur Kemp presented any sources for their rants.

It was precisely the modern DNA sources cited in the Wikipedia article (forget the Wiki if you want: go after the scholarly sources in bracketed parenthesis) what moved me to quote Smith and Kemp, insofar as the DNA tests seem to have settled the matter scientifically.

Better yet. Study Portuguese history. (It would take you years)

It doesn’t take years to read the 1911 EB article that Smith cites and compare it to the newer, Orwellian editions.

I have family in Mexico who have lived decades there and completely ignore that there’s a small (but significant) percentage of Negro blood among millions of Mexicans. The system hid real history from them and millions of other Mexicans, even the well educated. Presently there are no Negroes in Mexico because they merged with the Amerind mestizos long ago.

Similarly, are you saying that those Negroes of the above painting miraculously disappeared from Lisbon; that they didn’t merge genetically with the natives?

I advise you to see at the links below.

I read those articles before writing my own. In fact, within the entry Martínez hints that I read precisely those articles. He wrote: “ As soon as I started reading those online articles I realized they were the work of Portuguese antifas who call Kemp a racist and, paradoxically, at the same time try hard to prove their country is not a Negroes’ nation. Pathetic.”

“What about those who look like this guy?”

What makes you think that guy is the average Portuguese?
i could post, lost of picture of Portuguese people, but that would just make me look like an idiot.

The IQ within Europe falls between 90-100.
Portugal has an IQ of 95, ahead of countries like Ireland(93) or Greece(93).

Countries like USA (98), Australia(98), France(98), Finland(97), only have 2 points ahead of Portugal.

“Lots of southern Italians are non-whites. Try again.”

That exercise I posted, was tested on on native Italian subjects from Central and Northern Italy.
I suggest you read the exercise before answering.

PS: This is my lost post.
I’m obviously dealing with clueless people here.

On your prior post you said:

“It doesn’t take years to read the 1911 EB article that Smith cites and compare it to the newer, Orwellian editions.”

1911 EB had an agenda to discriminate and propagate lies against non-Angols (WASPS) during the early 90’s.

Again, you show negligence towards Portuguese history, by saying that a one article’s page resumes Portuguese history. Bravo.

You also said:
“Similarly, are you saying that those Negroes of the above painting miraculously disappeared from Lisbon; that they didn’t merge genetically with the natives?”

Slaves only made 1% of the population country wide, of which only 10% were located in Lisbon and Evora.

The Slaves were eventually shipped to Brazil to work in the Sugar Cane plantation, some resold to fellow European countries in exchangeable Gold, and others died because they had no proper treatment and acquired diseases due to maladaptation, of the climate.

NOTE: The salves were castrated, as soon as bought.
Again, the Y-DNA accounts to be 0,00%

What makes you think that guy is the average Portuguese?

Strawman. I didn’t say that, only that it proves that there’s strong Negro blood among some Portuguese.

The IQ within Europe falls between 90-100.

You have missed the premise that moved Smith and Kemp write on the subject, “a 5% decline in average IQ would cause our civilization to collapse.”

Again, you show negligence towards Portuguese history, by saying that a one article’s page resumes Portuguese history. Bravo.

A grotesque strawman. Never said that. The point is whether EB is right if blacks merged genetically with the Portuguese at Lisbon.

The Slaves were eventually shipped to Brazil to work in the Sugar Cane plantation, some resold to fellow European countries in exchangeable Gold, and others died because they had no proper treatment and acquired diseases due to maladaptation, of the climate. NOTE: The salves were castrated, as soon as bought. Again, the Y-DNA accounts to be 0,00%

If this is true how do you explain that “in Iberia the mean frequency of Haplogroup L lineages reaches 3.83% and THE FREQUENCY IS HIGHER IN PORTUGAL (5.83%) than in Spain (2.90%) and WITHOUT PARALLEL IN THE REST OF EUROPE.” [capital letters added]

The whole debate can be resolved by hard sciences. The sources that the Wiki article cites look reliable to me. I would need specific studies rebutting those academic sources to change my mind. Rants like those I see over the boards against Smith and Kemp won’t do the trick.

“That exercise I posted, was tested on on native Italian subjects from Central and Northern Italy.
I suggest you read the exercise before answering”

you are a pathetic liar .the Italian samples are from Rome , Central Southern Italy ,while the Portuguese samples are from Porto in Northern Portugal.anyway your ridiculous paper in not even a real anthropological study,and is very controversial too. according to your ridiculous paper Portuguese men are lighter skinned than Polish women AH AHA AH is just an unscientific piece of crap.try again weirdo.

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