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Israel / Palestine Racial right

Bibi’s dream

fulfilled by silly Xtians

As to why I said yesterday that the Christian Question is more relevant than the JQ—something the American racial right doesn’t want to see—see a minute of Judge Napolitano’s interview with Matt Hoh today, starting here.

One reply on “Bibi’s dream”

Thanks for the clip. I found it shocking. It reminded me of reading Christopher Hitchens as a teenager. They really do believe that! Perhaps one of the reasons the racial right refuses to acknowledge the CQ, in this instance regarding Trump’s end times mentality, is similar to the reason I sometimes find it hard to fathom myself, speaking as someone who, speculations on cosmic panentheism/natural panpsychism aside, is basically an atheist (certainly an apostate): it’s just too ludicrous to imagine people sincerely believe such a thing.

After all, they are on the whole not ‘good Christians’ and are simply hanging onto their introject belief on the mistaken assumption that it’s somehow ‘the done thing’, and somehow an intrinsic aspect of historical Western culture; something to pledge loyalty to to be publicly considered pro-White. I see them as Christian-enablers certainly (or Christian defenders), but get the idea from reading UK dissident right Telegram pages, that beyond that knee-jerk assumption, they aren’t actually on the whole devout Christian believers, or church attendees. Lots of crusader memes basically, and buzz-quotes of horror as UK Muslims desecrate their native holy buildings in newspaper photos, but no real substance. Their picture of (this) religion is highly stylised and idealised, and filtered through Anglicanism. I get this subtle feeling deep down, beyond their psychological front, that they are also atheists, or close to atheists. Then again, the UK is more secularised in general, so I won’t speak for America.

The difference is though, despite being ludicrous (and dangerous), and much as it can be hard to, I do understand and can accept that Trump and his inner circle cronies believe that. I suppose I don’t share their ‘head in the sand’ lack of imagination.

I don’t really care much (at all) about Palestinians. Provided they aren’t forced over here as refugees, it doesn’t bother me if Israel wipes them out. I don’t accept Trump’s stupid Christian evangelism, but at the same time I’m always in favour of grand-scale accelerationist political moves. Quite obviously, Jesus not existing, they are not going to be able to bring on any theistic apocalypse. Anything that unseats the global order appeals to me though, hence why, as with your dreams, I was, in a little nagging guilt at the carnage it would wreak on animal life, still looking forward to a nuclear escalation in Ukraine. I also keep wondering when a proper US breakdown of relations with China will occur.

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