One way to demonstrate that the American racial right is monumental nonsense is simply to compare what the Founding Father of the United States said with what Hitler said in his public speeches a century ago.
With this post, I begin a new series commenting on his speeches in German, which only until this year were available in English thanks to A.I.’s translators (translations that, by the way, were all censored on YouTube but not in Rumble).
Near the beginning of this speech that we can now hear in English, originally delivered in February 1920, Uncle Adolf says that only Aryans can be German citizens, so Jews cannot be. That was an early pronouncement by Hitler before he took power.
Let’s compare it with a few words from a speech by George Washington, who in 1790 before the Newport Hebrew Congregation said: ‘May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in [the US], continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants, while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid’.
In other words, to save the Aryan on the continent where I live it is imperative to repudiate American patriotardism and replace it with Hitlerism. There is no third alternative.
3 replies on “Hitler’s speeches – I –”
Wonderful what can be done with AI today.
Recently, I tried to find a simple video of white South African farmers asking for asylum in Russia, and is nowhere to be found today. Other people have noticed this and it is strange why it is so difficult to find it today. It was not like this 5 years ago.
Youtube search algorithm is simply hiding it from the top results. Its censorship is rampant and very insidious of anything that it is pro white, and it is getting worse every year.
The biggest censorship on YouTube was the vaporisation of Alt-Lite, represented by bloodsports that heatedly discussed IQ among races, and informational channels on the subject such as Stefan Molyneux’s.
The current version of YouTube is strictly for normies. Those who have barely dipped their toes in the Rubicon have to watch videos on Bitchute, Odysee or Rumble. And even there there is censorship for those who actually try to cross the river…
Not just censorship on those alternative platforms but also close scrutiny by the authorities. It’s like they’re some type of corralling trap. Back in 2021 I watched a number of ill-fated clips on Bitchute, Goyim TV, and World Truth Videos, and simply clicking ‘like’ on a few of them absentmindedly was enough (well, in part) to bring a SWAT team battering through my door.