Three recent comments by a commenter motivate me to quote, in a single post, all his comments since last year, including recent ones:
Eradicating non-Aryan elements from the planet is a legitimate, sensible and practical strategy for continued existence for Aryankind. People captured by Neo-Christian morality condemn such actions as evil. But what greater evil is the complete extinction of Aryankind and degeneration into an Untermenschen cesspool.
—posted last year in the thread ‘Black Bread’.
In any given future Aryan Ethno-state, societies or communities, Christian-related materials will be only be available to those who are extremely racially sound and immune to the Christian poison. Such materials are only to be used for historical or academic research or evaluation. Individuals who are able to access such materials should be as ruthless as Heinrich Himmler and fiercely racially loyal or unpolluted as SS members.
—posted in the thread ‘On John Milton’.
In Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar by Miguel Serrano, (Miguel Serrano was one of Savitri Devi’s companions and compatriots), it reveals that Yahweh and its supposed son Jesus are the demiurge. Yahweh is the evil “god” of the world and it is demonic. Whether this hypothesis is true or not, Aryans are the true stepping stone for the next stage in human evolution. As time and the Kali Yuga advances, the forces of decay and disintegration at work as described by Savitri will accelerate their actions against the true divine spark and chosen race of humanity which is the Aryan. The ultimate endgame is the devolution of humanity back to the ape and Neanderthals.
—posted in the thread ‘Moloch = Yahweh’.
Yes, the Serpent, Molech, Baal, Satan and Yahweh are one and the same, this is true of all Semitic entities. Yahweh symbolizes the entirety of the forces of decay in our present age that bring Aryans to their final doom, it is the prime mover of the Kali Yuga. The day of salvation will finally arrive for the Aryan once Christian ethics are extirpated from the world forever. I am shocked that there are no rigorous and supportive reactions from Aryans to this post. [emphasis added by Ed.]
—posted in Ibid.
I just hope the seed planted will blossom into an even mightier tree than the poisonous weeds that are Christianity and Neo-Christianity. Racially healthy Aryans in any future Aryan civilization or society will look back on Christians and Christianity as abhorrent and ridiculous as dunking your face or body into a pool of pig swill. If all Aryans in the entire world start burning bibles in bonfires and smashing the last stones of these very last churches into the ground, we knew that we had finally won.
—posted in the thread ‘Crusade’.
The near perfect comtemporary antithesis of the Christian poison are Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, and members of the SS. The relentless and pathetic slander on Heinrich Himmler and the SS shows how afraid the racial enemies of the Aryan man are. It shows us a glimpse when Christian “values” and “ethics” (I would call that poison) are completely repudiated. Once the Christian poison is totally expunged from the soul of Aryan man, he is completely healthy again and it will be gameover for racial enemies, traitors and the world we known today.
—posted in the thread ‘Might is Right, 8’.
This is the precise reason it requires a systemic collapse of such unprecedented severity to weed out unworthy Aryans that are still entrapped in the snare of Christian ethics. The present status quo and the “world” as we knew it not only reinforce Christian ethics, it rewards and incentivizes them. The entire ludicrous and ridiculous notion of “last shall be first, the first shall be the last” will be proven false and illusory once the iron law of racial survival is the only way.
—posted today in the thread ‘Christian nationalism’.
I would like to say that the Christian “god”, which is a virulent mental virus [emphasis added by Ed.], is solely responsible for the population explosion of the racially and genetically inferior in the past few hundred years. It paves the way for Aryan extinction and it requires Kalki or an exterminationist solution to remedy it.
—posted in Ibid.
You might have a better chance of convincing a clumsy bull to climb or fly up a high wall than convincing Christian nationalists the error of their ways.
A racially-sound Aryan child or youth raised in a racially-healthy Aryan collective can easily understand the obvious contradiction of trying to preserve the biological existence of the entire Aryan collective and embracing a foreign Semitic god created from the foul sands of Judea.
Useless to state it again, many Christian nationalists are suffering from psychotic and schizophrenic ambiguity.
—posted in Ibid.
4 replies on “A concerned reader”
I agree with all these excellent points, and am glad to read the inspiring posts of ‘A Concerned Reader’. Particularly the responses to Black Bread and Christian Nationalism. I’ve just got off the phone to my English friend. He acknowledges our country is deeply impoverished (bankrupt), the native people are awful – ‘too lazy and too nice’ in his words, and that immigration is fast destroying and overwhelming all our services just as these foreigners abuse and attack our citizens with legal impunity. Breaking him out from Christian morality is the hardest struggle for me though. That I actively wish it to collapse altogether is too much of a stretch of the imagination, even though he acknowledges that a political solution is neither available nor correct. He says he would like to leave the country (to go and live in Dubai) and I am currently counselling him against this. Only the day before, as an historical conservative, he surprised me by suggesting “we should all arm ourselves” and words to that effect, but now it’s back to “there’s nothing we can do” type thinking. I tell him collapse in inevitable, but I understand the waiting process is dire. I think the difference between us is that, from preparedness books, historical accounts, and intuition, I can envisage it whereas he can’t, much as he can countenance a recession or even what he would call ‘a bad depression’. Maybe it would help people like this to flesh out in concrete terms just what collapse would mean in a domestic day-today sense, and to go into a little more detail over that, especially over what could be done in that window of opportunity (scenarios I tend never to share online, and which I yearn for face to face conversation over). I’ve mentioned external nuclear strikes to him also, but, sadly, I think that’s off the cards for the immediate future.
Yesterday I was watching videos about the huge amount of corpses abandoned on Mount Everest including the trash, and poop left behind by reckless climbers that doesn’t decompose due to the temperature (and smells bad to climbers who still want to conquer it!). I couldn’t help but think about the commenters on this site.
Few of us can stand the air of the heights.
Perhaps it helps me that I entered NS thinking as a prepper, not as a prior conservative or white nationalist (although at first I did go through a newbie’s wishful-thinking conspiratorial period I’ve since thankfully abandoned). Basically, I was already anticipating that things would fall apart, though I couldn’t accurately enunciate this, or why. I see it as a challenge more than an unyielding obstacle bearing down on me.
It’s a shame. Perhaps it’s the waiting that does them in. The knowledge that one must draw back and rest stoically until the historical conditions are right (i.e. direct existential threat), which is why I think your resources in the interim are vital, to keeps those few minds focussed on the intellectual and spiritual matters that concern us, as much as the perfection of an internal jihad, the latter the most important in these cold final days.
No one daily ever mentions gold stockpiling and the like to me, but I hope everyone who can is doing it. The same with food and crops. My friend’s former (pre-regression) suggestion made obvious sense. I find some of Dmitry Orlov’s books very useful in understanding what are practical safety steps in the interim. Selco Begovic to a lesser degree.
Did you hear the news that Thomas Goodrich author of Hellstorm book has died?
Paul English did a tribute stream: