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On Exterminationism (book)

Kike quote

‘The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children’. —Hassid rabbi Manis Friedman [1]

The kike quote will appear in the forthcoming edition of On Exterminationism. It is a shame that white nationalists repudiate Himmler’s exterminationism. It reminds me of Adunai’s quoted exchange in the aforementioned book:

A commenter: It is obvious that the Old Testament is just Jew mystical garbage filled with tribal hate.

Adunai: You are so Christian, you see the good part of the Bible as the bad one. That tribal hate you speak of is precisely what we need! What we must admire and put into a myth! What every single healthy nation has lived with.


[1] Quoted in Popper, Nathaniel, ‘Chabad rabbi: Jews should kill Arab men, women and children during war’, in Haaretz, 9 June 2009.

3 replies on “Kike quote”

It’s always an honor to see you recognise anything I wrote. That said, the Israeli Jews have failed to genocide the Palestinians – either they don’t have enough influence in America, or the Jews themselves have been neutered from living side-by-side with Christians. This is why I respect Hitler so much – he showed the way, and his genocidal example will be inexorably followed this century, after Christendom’s power wanes. (Although I have a terrible premonition that the current war has been unleashed by Jewry to exterminate the last Europeans.)

It is not Jewry. It is in the air, like the zeitgeist before the First World War, when all Europeans were contaminated on every side.

To give just one example: The American George R.R. Martin has bowed to US imperialism by commenting, on a TV show this month: “I wish I had a dragon I could fly to the Kremlin”.

Martin said this immediately after talking about the danger of an all-out nuclear exchange between his country and Russia: something that hasn’t happened since the missile crisis, when I was a little boy. In other words, Martin implied that he would do what Daenerys Targaryen, the Mad Queen, did in the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones: incinerate King’s Landing, the capital of Westeros.

As Gonzalo Lira says, unconsciously many Americans sense that US hegemony in the world is going to end soon. Anglin has psychoanalysed the US government well: they are throwing a hell of a tantrum because they are about to lose power.


Jews have the mentality of exterminationism but are thoroughly incompetent in practice to execute it themselves because of the manual labor it requires. That’s why they need the strength of others to survive.

In this case, they need healthy Americans to do an effective genocide of the Palestinians, but healthy Americans cannot be manipulated as easily so they need to be corrupted first. And once they are corrupted, they become as incompetent as jews for this kind of labor.

Jews cannot survive in a healthy society and that’s why Hitler wanted to get rid off them for good.

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