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Why don’t those who have criticised me so harshly outside this site ask me smart questions now that they have the last chance?

One way to understand what’s going on throughout the West is simply to consider that what normie whites do is more or less what whites do in the various forums of the racialised right.

The former are found in Normieland. The latter have taken two or three steps into the river to flee Normieland, but then they are frozen stiff like statues and for decades have been unable to continue crossing the psychological Rubicon. This second group forms a sort of statuary of human figures by refusing to continue their journey some one hundred meters across the river, until they reach the lands of National Socialism.

As people who read my books in Spanish know, sometimes I pay attention to my dreams. Most dreams are indeed junk of the mind, but not all. Today, for example, I woke up with the dream that there is finally a civil war! And knowing that I could finally take up a gun, I knew we were in a state of euphoria like we had never been before!

Alas, white nationalists, petrified statues who had barely begun to cross the river, are in no man’s land. Although they cannot return to Normieland they cannot either, in their frozen stiff condition, continue to cross the river. They aren’t stepping on solid ground but with the water on their ankles without being able to return or advance.

It doesn’t take much brains to realise that the curse they suffer is the Christian ethics that prevent them from seeing the nobility of the land they see in front of them: the territories conquered by Germany in the century in which most racists were born. So petrified are they that cannot even ask me something intelligent before I close the comments on January 1. What’s left of 2020 is their last chance to ask me something…

Most likely, instead of breaking the spell, alt-lite people, advocates of race realism, the alt-right, southern nationalists, white nationalists, and even so-called neo-Nazis will be frozen stiff to the point of letting the elements dissolve them within the river.

In addition to Christian ethics, another factor in understanding what’s happening is the extreme feminisation of men, both normies and racialists. If a Spartan, Roman, or Viking could visit us in a time machine, he wouldn’t understand why Aryan males don’t fight to reclaim their lands. The fact that none of the main racialised forums is talking about a civil war, even as a cold academic exercise and without a premature call to arms, vindicates the bully’s words, nothing but a little chick!

4 replies on “Chicken?”

Breaking the malicious programming of Abrahamism and Semitic materialism is paramount. Agreed 100%.

For AH detractors, this is why the mission of Rosenberg and others was punished equally after Nuremberg, because they dared to resurrect pre-Christian cultural memory. We must break the bonds of Christianity’s slavish and womanish moralism, the virtue of slaves, designed to subdue us to Semitic masters.

As Plato told us in Phaedo, a man who is brave only out of fear of greater punishment, is, in fact, motivated by cowardice. We must be brave because it is our birthright to be brave, it is who we are, if we would only remember. Denying this is sacrilege. Denying or suppressing racial memories (anamnesis) disconnects us all from the sacred chain to our ancestors.

The wellspring is most pure at the source, and our ancestors were not desert thieves, robbers and lepers. The fact that our grandfathers were rectors or churchgoers is no binding tradition worth keeping compared to the thousands of years of history before Christianity that distilled our true nature.


Since you are fielding stupid questions, I suppose I will do my own. About 3 weeks ago I had a debate with someone who made the case that the Christian malware infecting the Aryan psyche was capitalizing upon a pre-existing weakness within Aryans. The evidence they presented that this weakness was pre-existing was this:

After the Punic Wars, the Roman’s first course of action wasn’t to outright slaughter or expel any and all Semites within their lands. Instead, they granted some Semites–such as Saul of Tarsus–Roman citizenship and one Semite–Philip the Arab–the seat of the Emperor. The Judean Wars should never happened in the first place; the moment the Romans conquered Judea they should have exterminated everyone there. At the very least, they should’ve gotten the idea after the First Judean War, or the Second, or the Third. But even then they allowed Semites to exist in their lands, where they then concocted the Mind Virus we have destroying us to this day.

So my question is this: Why did the Romans not do what should’ve been done? Why did they hesitate?

I have already written about this on this site. If Emperor Hadrian or even Titus had known that the Jews were a much more resistant type of Semites than the Carthaginians, and that after a few centuries a book of them, that of evangelist Mark, was going to become the Trojan horse for Rome, he would have ordered to kill every kike in the besieged city.

The Romans tried to do in Judea what they had done in Carthage (and what centuries later the Spanish would do in Mesoamerica). They didn’t get that the archetype of Yahweh was deeper than that of the Carthaginian deities. A mistake of empathy for sure, a failure to decode the enemy’s mind: but understandable at the time.

But that has nothing to do with Aryan DNA being faulty. Most likely they believed that killing all those Jews cornered in Jerusalem in 70 c.e. would be like throwing gold into the river, insofar as they could sell them on the market along the Mediterranean. This was Rome’s biggest blunder in all of her history because these Jews would be pivotal in the creation of Christianity (see the maps in the masthead of this site).

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