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Film Mainstream media

Joker: a destructive review

If the media and Hollywood are in the hands of the Jewish quarter, it is only justified to watch television programs or movies to indicate where the bad messages are, which was what I did with Game of Thrones, in addition to using the TV series to change the subject and talk about matters that interest me.

Exactly the same can be said of Joker, a film I used in the previous week to talk about my subjects, such as a model of the trauma of mental disorders. Regarding a film review per se, there is not much to talk about Joker except to point out the bad messages.

The most conspicuous is that the white Arthur Fleck apparently fancies a mulatto woman: the worst possible bad message for a white audience. In fact, it is not even necessary to try to find another bad message in Joker since miscegenation is the greatest conceivable self-betrayal.

Moreover, Joker’s final scene is a sort of disclaimer, as Richard Spencer was told in this video. This means the movie is not even valiant, as they have been saying on social media. Remember what a commenter recently said here, that almost all movies after 1969 must be destroyed in the ethnostate.

I would include Joker among them.

4 replies on “Joker: a destructive review”

Watched the movie a few days ago, through a pirate torrent file. Absolutely disgusting. A test of moral resilience.

Kike director Todd Phillips shows scenes of Arthur being mistreated, ridiculed, and assaulted by rich whites, but not a single scene showing the most horrifying abuse of his entire life: the neglect of his single foster mother, since she allowed her violent boyfriends to brutalize her adoptive son.

I haven’t read Greggy’s review of the film. But if he despises Arthur’s suffering and can’t empathise on the level of an abused downtrodden loser, that’s because Greggy is, deep down, an abuser himself, and, like the faggot that he is, only empathises with strong men whose dicks he’d like to suck.

For me, the scene where Arthur failed at his stand-up comedy act was heart-breaking. The guy was far too broken, too traumatized; try as he might, he couldn’t even pretend to be normal.

Similarly, I didn’t feel any satisfaction at the murder of Murray Franklin nor Thomas Wayne. The one who got what she fucking deserved was Penny Fleck, and far too late at that.

This movie is accelerationist. Kike Hollywood wants more incel werewolves shooting up normies and niggers, so the Kikes in Congress can put the final nail in the 2nd ammendment coffin.

And you nailed it in the last post, about the genesis of Batman.
Dumb Bruce chooses to perpetuate the System who caused the deaths of his parents, by becoming a vigilante in a bat suit.
With his billion dollar inheritance and Wall Street connections he could fund a mercenary army, and possibly even attempt a coup.

Want to hear a joke?

Richie and Andy were at the morgue to identify the burned corpse of Greggy. The doctor asks the two:

“Do you recognize the victim? Is this Greggy?”

The body was a cremated mess. Richie asks “Doc, can you turn him face down on his stomach?”

The doctor turns over the corpse. Andy asks “Now can you spread his butt-cheeks?”

The doctor spreads the glutes and they both take a gander.

“That’s not Greggy.” says Richie.

“Nope. Not Greggy.” says Andy.

“How can you tell?” asks the doctor. “Were you guys… uh… intimate?”

“NO!” the two protest. “Of course not. We’re straight!”

“Then why do need to look at his ass to recognize him?”

“Doc, it’s because Greggy had two ass-holes.”

“What?! How is that anatomically possible??”

“Well you see Doc, every time we went to the bar, everybody would look at us and say:
“There goes Greggy with the two assholes.”

In his video, Stefan Molyneux says that the film industry still does not dare to film the evil of women, or rather of mothers. See for example The Piano Teacher, spoken in French, which I mentioned in my first article about Joker. Even in such European film we cannot see how some mothers are merciless with their children, as it puts the interaction of an adult daughter with her suffocating mother (something similar to what the Jewish director did with Arthur Fleck).

The straightforward way to approach the subject is brutally honest autobiography: my specialty. Once I translate my first book, Carta a mamá Medusa (Letter to mom Medusa), even if movie directors do not yet dare to film such family dynamics, at least this new genre may be available in literary form.

As to Greggy, he’s both part of the problem and the solution: the perennial issue with those anti-Semite white nationalists who love (((Hollywood))).

P.S. Within the article I’ve just corrected the timing of what a movie pundit told Spencer.

“If the media and Hollywood are in the hands of the Jewish quarter, it is only justified to watch television programs or movies to indicate where the bad messages are, which was what I did with Game of Thrones, in addition to using the TV series to change the subject and talk about matters that interest me.”

I do the same thing with various alien forms of media: whatever non-white creation that so-called “Far Righters” like is something that merits investigation. In my case I study all the Japanese degeneracy that so many self-declared “literal Fascists” love. Needless to say, these “literal Fascists” need to be purged in a Stygian pit. The fact that one of the epicenters of incel werewolves online was originally meant to be an imageboard for Jap cartoons was of such profound confusion and disillusion for me that at the time I could not understand why the (((alt-right))) gathered around such clearly unsound material.

“Once I translate my first book, Carta a mamá Medusa (Letter to mom Medusa), even if movie directors do not yet dare to film such family dynamics, at least this new genre may be available in literary form.”

Good grief, that title sounds so reminiscent of the one example I was talking about on another post! The terrible mother in that story was a literal Medusa made in the likewise of the mythological character [the story is a cross of the real and fantasy].

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