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James Mason

Siege, 48

National Socialism

He who wants to live must fight, therefore he who does not want to live in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to be alive.

—Adolf Hitler

We are the new “barbarians”, forged in iron hardness in the fires of their hate and persecution. All over the world, we wait to pounce.

—George Lincoln Rockwell

And even our present acres of death will someday bloom again…

—Alfred Rosenberg

We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection.

—Joseph Goebbels
We agree that unless something equal or better exists with which to replace something, it is damn best to leave it alone. We feel it would be a mistake, a retreat, to return to the dim, distant past for an answer, though I agree we must rediscover our ancient heritage as there is much to be learned from it. Another reason for not seeking an “alternative” religion in the classic sense is because it is utterly foolish to postulate anything one cannot see, touch, and examine. Just as the Aryan Race is the highest order of being yet produced by nature on this planet, so too is National Socialism the highest, most sophisticated, and advanced creed yet formulated by the White Man for his own betterment. Nothing more than that today exists, nothing more is required. It represents all of our needs.
The message of SIEGE is not a negative one. It is, however, important and that is why we cannot afford any longer the stupid mistake of mixing or confusing our goals and priorities like so many traditional Right Wing types have done in the past. The slogan, “For God, Race and Nation” is an example. We cannot allow any foreign, alien moral code or dogma to cramp our revolutionary style and, when the big clean-up begins, no criminal will enjoy any “hands-off privilege” just because he may be some religious master of hocus-pocus or mumbo-jumbo. Our march toward revolution will not be blocked by any rules of the Establishment and our revolutionary New Order will be absolutely free of any trace whatsoever of the old.

Vol. X, #7 – July, 1981

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.