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Art Christendom Evil Libanius

Why Europeans must reject Christianity, 7

by Ferdinand Bardamu

Christianity: bringer of darkness
Section I: The Christian destruction of Europe’s artistic heritage
Theodosius was the first Christian emperor to systematically legislate paganism out of existence. He began by enacting a series of draconian measures, soon after his declaration that Nicene Christianity was the official state religion in 380 AD. Towards the end of his reign, legislation proscribing Hellenistic religion—the so-called Theodosian decrees—became increasingly harsh. This imperial program of cultural genocide descended into an orgy of violence and destruction in the final decades of the 4th century.
The coming storm was foreshadowed by the Christian fanatic Maternus Cynegius, appointed by Theodosius as praetorian prefect in 384. Under imperial orders to suppress pagan sacrifice and divination, he launched his own personal crusade against the Hellenistic religion. With the help of bishops, priests and an army of rampaging monks, Cynegius demolished some of the holiest sites in the Greek east. Many of these buildings housed antiquity’s greatest artistic treasures.
Archeological evidence, gathered from eastern Mediterranean sites, reveals significant temple destruction and desecration. This can be dated to the period of Cynegius’ activity in the east. Contemporary hagiographical sources, like the Vita Porphyrii, bear witness to the spectacular religious violence directed against the pagan shrines and temples of the Levant.
In 386, the pagan orator Libanius, an outspoken critic of Christian iconoclasm, begged Theodosius to preserve the temples and shrines of the empire. He spoke of armies of “black-robed monks,” gluttons and drunkards, who would

hasten to attack the temples with sticks and stones and bars of iron, and in some cases, disdaining these, with hands and feet. Then utter desolation follows, with the stripping of roofs, demolition of walls, the tearing down of statues and the overthrow of altars, and the priests must either keep quiet or die. After demolishing one, they scurry to another, and to a third, and trophy is piled on trophy, in contravention of the law. Such outrages occur even in the cities, but they are most common in the countryside. Many are the foes who perpetrate the separate attacks, but after their countless crimes this scattered rabble congregates and they are in disgrace unless they have committed the foulest outrage…

Christians not only vandalized temples, they also mutilated pagan statuary and defaced inscriptions. Violent destruction of pagan religious artifacts is archeologically well-attested in the Levant and Africa, where Christian iconoclasts were at their most active.
This pattern of destruction was empire-wide and can be seen in places as far away as North-western Gaul and Britain. Far more destructive than the temple destruction carried out by Christian zealots was the imperial anti-pagan legislation ending all subsidies to the once thriving polytheistic cults of the empire. Without subsidies from the imperial treasury, pagans were unable to maintain and repair their religious monuments. This was reinforced by additional legislation ordering the closure of all shrines and temples, threatening pagans with death if they continued to practice haruspicy and animal sacrifice. This condemned the empire’s major structures and artistic monuments to permanent disrepair and eventual ruin.
The widespread Christian vandalism of late antiquity was the largest campaign in world history to destroy an entire civilization’s artistic and architectural heritage. This campaign to erase the great monuments of antiquity from memory was significantly more destructive than the barbarian invasions of the 5th century. The Christians of the late empire were the ISIS or the Taliban of their day, although this may be an understatement as Christians were many times more destructive. Without this added ingredient of ritualized violence, Christianity would never have become the dominant religion of the ancient world.

5 replies on “Why Europeans must reject Christianity, 7”

Christianity is the only religion known to me that makes positive virtues of stupidity, ignorance, and credulity. It’s a religion that has selected for these qualities among its adherents for 2000 years. Unfortunately, though it’s being superseded by science in the modern world, and few still take literally the Bible’s tall tales about miracles, Christianity’s ridiculous moral code and egalitarian worldview remain almost untouched. Having shaped Western civilization, they pervade and control public opinion, even of those who ought to know better. Historians tell us the Dark Ages the ascendancy of the Christian religion induced ended centuries ago, but in truth the Dark Age of the mind Christianity brought to the white race has yet to end. You will know the Christian reign of ignorance and darkness has ended, if it ever does, when the insane Christian teaching of universal racial brotherhood has been thoroughly repudiated by the white intellectual elite.

Indeed. Recently, Greg Johnson told Jack Halliday at Occidental Dissent that his pity for antebellum blacks was simply empathy. Jack responded that it was Xtian morals. Secular Greggy et al ignore they have a mutated virus in their minds.

“Christianity is the only religion known to me that makes positive virtues of stupidity, ignorance, and credulity. It’s a religion that has selected for these qualities among its adherents for 2000 years”
Islam is the same crap coming from the same desert root. What libraries the Christians didn’t destroy the Moslems took care of later. It’s actually a wonder that anything survived at all.
Actually, any kind of religion that is egalitarian makes Whites go into a self destructive meltdown.

Islam is more of a warrior religion than a death cult like Christianity. While any religion that exalts faith over reason is bad, I don’t think it has the same denigration of reason as Christianity; nor Christianity’s crazy emphasis on non-violence, love, and forgiveness. It also doesn’t, as far as I know, hold up children as an example of how adults must behave to achieve salvation, as does Christianity (see Matthew 18:3). Islamic slave traders also routinely castrated their male negro slaves, which Christian whites should have done, but didn’t. So Islam was less egalitarian than Christianity in that respect, and also differs in its treatment of women; it has a well-developed tradition of patriarchy.

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