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Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Free speech / association


I’m sick of censorship. After Lulu, Inc. closed my account last year, these days I had everything ready to publish The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour at Amazon’s CreateSpace. But yesterday I received an email from the latter saying that they have suppressed the book from my account.
Outside Lulu and Amazon, I do not know of another press that makes print-on-demand books. Let it be clear that my purpose is not to make money, but to awaken some Aryan males from the matrix that controls them; and it seems to me that extensive books, which require meditation, should have a publishing house.
I have tried to contact Noontide Press to see if their house could host The Fair Race. However, since the essays in this book represent the cream of this site, I am tempted to leave a free link to the PDF of it.
That sticky post would work like the masthead of The West’s Darkest Hour. In addition, a PDF has the advantage of being able to be printed at home for comfortable reading—although there is nothing like a printed book in our home library.

18 replies on “Deplatforming”

I for one would appreciate the PDF dearly. I do think it should be possible to get it printed though, if you keep looking!

Personally I’d love to have the PDF.
I planned on purchasing a copy at the same time which your Lulu account was suspended, and haven’t gotten back around to it since.

What’s about Arktos?
But overall, all these for-profit racist publishing houses amaze me. People spend years of their time working on video game modifications for absolutely free, yet here it’s all about profit and trade (not talking about you, just in general)…
PDF files are indeed a great way to spread ideas.

I too would like a PDF. However I say first contact Noontide and Redpill and see if they will do it. Fact is, many do not appreciate free information. Sometimes one must pay for what they get.
I for one support paying for your effort, at the very least, to defray the costs. I would put out a full PDF as a last resort, but would publish it in part so people can take a look. Reading excerpts from Day of Wrath persuaded me to buy it. Cesar, your thoughts are well worth the price of admission.

Just curious, even if I have already published here all the articles that appear in The Fair Race (see the updated table of contents: here) would you advise against the PDF?

I would like a PDF. I would print three copies – one for myself and two for my close friends.
I also think it’s time for me to support your site. I’ve been reading this blog since June 2017, and for me it’s the vanguard in red-pill reading. No other site comes even close to the hard truth. It’s as if you’re Frodo climbing Mount Doom, and every other “based” site out there is fighting pointlessly at the gates of Mordor. I’ll be sending you some lembas bread shortly Cesar.

The Frodo metaphor is very kind of you, especially if we keep in mind that in the novel, during the War of the Ring, his age was closer to 50.
(If you use PayPal, please inform me by mail. It is on the sidebar: ‘Contact’.)

Speaking from my own awakening over the last 15 years some of the greatest stuff I read was simple online web pages, including your site. There is something about the immediacy of web pages where people will sit and digest them in manageable chunks.
Of course books did play a part for the more complete picture and can build up a more complex narrative for people seeking more.
I find PDF’s to be the WORST way to transmit information (although its a great archive tool), its a quick download (HOORAY i’ve got it) then it sits never accessed…………

That’s true, but if I use the PDF, the idea is that people print it—the way I originally read Pierce’s books, as years ago I could not afford international orders.

Do you have a direct email for contact?
We have a small, traditional, book publishing press and two Imprints, (10,000 titles) interested in rare books, out-of-print titles, selected controversial material in both fiction and nonfiction, and rejected ‘gems’ accepting new as well as established authors.
We are interested to publishing your complete set of books in a collection set, and to have those translated in few foreign languages.
Details following our communication.
Thank you.

PDF is an acceptable intermediate form since it is readymade to produce handsome prints for those (such as myself) who prefer hard-copy texts.
Today’s visit to your site is courtesy of the semi-synchronistic thought, “I’d better buy some Cesar Tort books before that is made impossible.”

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