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Apocalypse for whites • XXIII

by Evropa Soberana

Consequences of the Palestinian revolt
The revolt had paramount consequences both for Rome and for Jewry. To begin with, the Roman losses were such that, in addition to Hadrian’s refusing to say in the military offices to the Senate that everything was going well, he was the only Roman leader in history who, after a great victory, refused to return to Rome celebrating a triumph. Titus Vespasianus had only rejected a crown of laurels in his day; Hadrian took it to the next step.
However, if the Roman losses were considerable, the Jewish losses were huge. According to Cassius Dio, 580,000 Jews were killed, 50 cities and 985 Jewish villages were completely destroyed—and they were not rebuilt—and hundreds of thousands of Jews sold as slaves throughout the Empire.
It is not surprising that the Talmud called this process ‘the war of extermination’, and that it even made outrageous statements to mythologize the conflict, such as ‘Sixteen million Jews were wrapped in parchments and burned alive by the Romans’ (Gittin, 58-A). The Jews, in any case, were definitively deprived of the will to rise against Rome by force of arms. On the other hand the Jewish threat, which had caused so many headaches to Rome, was going to increase throughout the Mediterranean due to the greater extension of the Diaspora and the ideal breeding ground that this meant for the expansion of another anti-Roman rebellion: Christianity.
The conditions of the defeat imposed on the Jews were even harsher than the triumph of Titus in the year 70. As measures against the Jewish religion, Hadrian prohibited the Jewish courts, the meetings in synagogues, the Jewish calendar, the study of the religious writings and Judaism itself as a religion! He executed numerous rabbis and burned masses of sacred scrolls at a ceremony on the Temple Mount. He tried to eradicate the very Jewish identity and Judaism itself, sending them into exile, enslaving them and dispersing them away from Judea. This persecution against all forms of Jewish religiosity, including Christianity, would continue until the death of the emperor in 138.
Furthermore, in another attempt to obliterate Jewish identity and dismantle its centre of power, the eastern provinces were restructured, forming three Syrian provinces: Syria Palestina (named in honour of the Philistines: a people of European origin and enemies of Jewry who had inhabited the area); Phoenicia under Roman rule and Coele-Syria.
In the new territorial order decreed by Hadrian, Judea became Syria Palestina, and Jerusalem was turned into Aelia Capitolina: a Greek and Roman city in which the Jews were proscribed. The three Syrias form the Levant: an extremely active and conflictive strip in history, to this day. From there came the Neolithic, the Phoenicians, Judaism and Christianity, and practically all the civilizations of antiquity, creating an ethnic chaos that always ended up in conflicts. Centuries later, these areas would see the establishment of European Crusader States.
As for the city of Jerusalem, Hadrian carried out with it the plans that had unleashed the revolt: the Jewish capital was demolished and destroyed, and the Romans ploughed over the ruins to symbolize its ‘purification’ and its return to the earth. Hadrian finally built the projected Aelia Capitolina over the ruins, introducing a new urban planning, so that even today the old city of Jerusalem coincides with the one built by the Romans.

In the centre of the city a forum was established, which contained a temple dedicated to Venus. In the place of the temple Hadrian had two statues erected, one of Jupiter and another of himself, although he respected the Wailing Wall.
Also, next to Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified, Hadrian placed a statue of Aphrodite. This was intended to symbolize the triumph of Rome over Orthodox Judaism and over Christianity, considered a Jewish sect like so many: another sect that in Rome was persecuted without distinguishing it from official Judaism. For the Greeks and Romans, the statues of their gods were representatives of the divine, solar, luminous and Olympic spirit on earth, while for the Jews, including the Christians, nothing stirred their stomach more than a naked, strong statue, beautiful, of Nordic features and invincible aspect.

To top off the de-Judaization of the city, Hadrian prohibited any Jew from settling in Aelia Capitolina, on pain of death. (This law would only be revoked two centuries later by Constantine, the first Christian emperor.)

8 replies on “Apocalypse for whites • XXIII”

So, if the Philistines were an Indo-European group, and they were great enemies of the Jews. Then that means that Christians were cheering on the subjugation and death of Philistines i.e. Goliath.
As if I didn’t have enough of a reason to hate them.

‘For the Greeks and Romans, the statues of their gods were representatives of the divine, solar, luminous and Olympic spirit on earth, while for the Jews, including the Christians, nothing stirred their stomach more than a naked, strong statue, beautiful, of Nordic features and invincible aspect.’

I have always had the Jewish mindset in this regard. Although, hatred of the female form is Neanderthalesque in origin. I don’t think this is naturally the way I feel, but as a result of many years of having pornography of all kinds crammed into my face. Along with a sinister, sexualised culture.
This has really messed up the part of my brain which is able to differentiate pornography and (human) beauty. One could describe it as a sort of sexual insecurity and even envy.
This just shows how more pure and angelic the Hellenes and Romans were compared to us Whites of the modern day. ‘The worst generation of Whites ever since prehistory’. Perhaps they made mistakes regarding race-mixing, but they were closer to Over-man and the divine than we will be.

Like Lane’s 2nd interpretation of the 14 words, Aryan beauty is what moves me to continue to be a priest of those words until I die.

Then that means that Christians were cheering on the subjugation and death of Philistines i.e. Goliath.

This is something that both Christian WNsts and CIs cannot grasp: that the OT’s POV is anti-Aryan, as ‘Goliath’ was one of those handsome and tall Nordid whites that fought against the squat Semites of the Levant.
It’s here, in these stories, that CI and traditional Xtians in WN seem idiotic: as it’s too obvious that the OT is propaganda for the comparatively short Semites, and that OT books can never be sources of genuine inspiration for us.
As to the squat David, never forget ‘the ravages of David and the modern translators of the Bible’ in a previous Kriminal-geschichte post.

Aryan beauty is what moves me as well. I can understand the mindset and its importance and empathise with it. I just can’t feel it. If that makes sense.
All my life I have seen Goliath as the bad guy, these teachings brought about by a school which was situated directly against a church (not a Christian school, but we were still preached to by Father Alistair, before me and my classmates walked back down the road a couple of metres to school). Like Hitler, I realise my society turned our greatest heroes into our greatest villains.

Everyone knows Hadrian was an anti-Semite who held a twisted irrational hatred for Jews. Like all “hateful anti-Semites”, he just hated ’em ’cause they were Jews.
I love the Jew’s penchant for the understatement, “Sixteen million Jews were wrapped in parchments and burned alive by the Romans.” After all, they could have said sixteen zillion to greater effect’
“He tried to eradicate the very Jewish identity and Judaism itself, sending them into exile, enslaving them and dispersing them away from Judea.”
Nice try contestant, but there’s only one way to do that – GAZzzzzzz chambers and lots of them.

And he probably would have spent less time and effort trying to subjugate the Celts. Not that there is anything wrong with this if you think it necessary for the race, but Rome did not benefit from this. I think it was done to follow in the footsteps of the maniac, Julius Caesar.

The mistake of all peoples that figth against joos was the no extermination total of that tribe. The “diaspora” only worse the things, ‘causing the dissemination of this evil through the world.
By the way, it’s will be the own doctrine of the “tribe” : Extermination total of all enemies. (at today).

As I have long said Jews have written the rule book and their first rule says, There is no compromise, it’z either you or us; one will not survive. This has been the Jewish attitude since YHVH formed that gob of mud into Adam. Jews – a people made from mud, whom shall dwell there eternally.

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