In a featured essay of this site, Manu Rodríguez wrote: “The people with the longer memory are the people with the longest future.” Hitler, in one of his table talks, said: “Our history goes back to the days of Arminius and King Theodoric, and among the German Kaisers there have been men of the most outstanding quality; in them they bore the germ of German unity. This fact is too often forgotten, because since the fifteenth century it is only in Austria that the history of ancient Germania has been taught.”
More than seventy years after Uncle Adolf’s talk, throughout the West whites insist in ignoring the stellar moments of their race, of which the stories of the hero whom the Romans called Arminius (Hermann), and King Theodoric, are only a couple of episodes.
Contrast this with what the Jews do. Yesterday I read a few passages of Los Conversos en la Nueva España, authored by a Mexican Jewess. I had never leafed through a treatise about the crypto-Jews who managed to pass through the stringent laws that dictated that no recent converso could enter the territories under the viceroyalty of New Spain. Despite the Inquisition of New Spain, which burnt quite a few cryptos, because of their long memory of Hebrew history, modern kikes survived and proved to be the people with the longest future in the Americas. (Just compare such feat with the Catholic Iberian whites who interbred with the conquered peoples as soon as they arrived.)
I learnt of the story of Hermann from William Pierce’s Who We Are. In August of the last year the historian Arthur Kemp told me in England that he was extremely impressed by Hermann’s deeds. Alas, unlike Jews, whites still behave as Hitler noted: forgetting the stellar moments of their history, and never teaching the ancient story of Germania to all peoples of Germanic ancestry. Even the English children should be taught about it. As Manu put it:
We need to create the Aryan community (ecclesia), which, for the above circumstances, we never had.
The Aryan ecclesias need to thrive in our towns and cities. Our “priests” (for lack of a better word) are not experts in theology but in history, anthropology and Indo-European linguistics… They must be skilled in the various Indo-European traditions.
One of the reasons that white nationalists always fail is that, unlike the incredibly persistent kikes that risked being burned at the stake by coming to New Spain, whites have short memory. You can imagine what would happen if you poll those Americans who have been waving the Confederate flag asking, “What do you think about of Hermann, King Theodoric and the Battle of Nedao? These pious Christians would probably answer that they have only been taught of the doings of Moses, David and the Battle of Jericho.
5 replies on “Rootless whites”
Not only the rednecks who fly the flag are clueless: the sophisticate white nationalist is just as clueless. This day for example The Occidental Observer (TOO) features the video-clip “A Tribute to the White Man” at the top of its page.
I bet TOO visitors who see in that clip an image of St Thomas Aquinas; of the building of NY skyscrapers, and individualists performing quasi-suicidal sports, fail to connect the dots: Christianity, suicidal individualism and NY-like materialism have enabled the Jewish takeover that TOO visitors complain about.
Who among the WNsts who claim “Our race is our nation” treasure, to the marrow, the stories about Hermann, the Battle of Nedao or the German Kaisers?
In Fifteen Decisive Battles of the Western World by Edward Creasy, published 1851, he has a chapter on Arminius and the battle at Teutoborg forest. Not only does he consider this battle to be consequential, but also regards Arminius as a hero of the Englishman, and one that we all should hold in high reverence.
“It may be added than an Englishman is entitled to claim a closer degree of relationship with Arminius than can be claimed by any German of modern Germany.” He then goes into detail — historical, linguistic, etc. — about why Arminius is more truly English (Anglo-Saxon) than German. He also notes that, “…it is interesting to trace how far his fame survived during the Middle Ages, both among the Germans of the continent and among ourselves.”
The book evinces a strong sense of Indo-Germanic solidarity, and exalts the greatness of Indo-Europeans generally. Whites have had a long memory, and have had a sense of racial kinship. Obviously, something has happened, but it’s wrong to act as if post 20th century whites are the same as pre-20th century whites. Read any history book published before the 20th century and there is a marked contrast in how it covers the historical subject and how it interprets historical events. Something has happened, but I don’t think it’s white DNA.
Read it here for free, if you don’t want to buy it.
But I bet that pre-20th century Americans didn’t care about Hermann. The point is that a Christian milieu (a Trojan Horse for the Jews’ epopee into the Aryan psyche) is pretty toxic for whites’ self-understanding and self-image.
The principles of the United States, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence, were founded upon Enlightenment table talk. Arminius’s name was renowned throughout the Christian Middle Ages.
In the current age, the popular media are probably the most important means of telling our history.
But the message is always distorted. For example, the Spartans are represented as swarthy as levantines. The typology* is: heroic little Israel holding off the Iranian hordes on behalf of western civilization.
* Typology is where literature uses previous literature, or real-world events, as a metaphorical template. The Bible is full of it. It is worth noticing these things.