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Civil war

Further reply

Jack Frost responded thus to the feminized white nationalists at The Occidental Observer who are dismayed by Dylann’s actions:


Tell us, please, how you expect to take back the media, the government, and academia without violence. What magic words are you going to utter that your adversaries are just going to shrug and hand over power without a fight? Frankly, I have no idea what you mean by an educational project, when at the same time you claim that hardly anything has been done in that regard up to now.

Over 150 years ago Darwin tried to educate the entire world as to racial inequality, but the white man would have none of it, conflicting as it did with Christian creation myths. Sir Francis Galton, Lothrop Stoddard, and Madison Grant tried to talk to the public about race, but got shouted down or ignored. Charles Lindbergh, a great American hero, tried to tell the semitophilic public about the Jews, and he was ostracized. Ezra Pound, some say America’s greatest poet, likewise fell into disgrace due to his educational efforts regarding Jewish money power.

One could say much the same about one of America’s greatest industrialists, Henry Ford, who documented his case against the Jews meticulously and even gave free copies of his work to all of his customers. He eventually was compelled to issue a retraction and a grovelling apology, perhaps the first of its kind in what is now a long tradition. Even our host, Kevin MacDonald, has expended considerable effort in this regard, and has received the usual recompense.

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