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as audiovisual therapy

I am writing this paragraph on Monday, March 17, when I still have no Internet service, although the technician installing an antenna will come this week. On the outskirts of the village where I now live there is still no landline service. Even the window of this studio already has a nice view of the open countryside. What a contrast to the noisy metropolis where, until last week, I lived!

The house I moved into is modest but decent. The bad thing is that there is not a single white man around it. Yesterday, as therapy in the face of that insulting milieu, I watched some scenes from The Sound of Music, although sometimes I turned the volume all the way down on the songs. (I’ve seen the movie many times; its tunes can be sticky, but I will listen to Edelweiss today when I resume the movie after I put it on pause.)

Let’s ignore the anti-Nazi message well into the film. What matters is that all the actors are beautiful Aryans, so much so that they could have been models for Maxfield Parrish’s paintings (ten of framed Parrish paintings will adorn my studio walls now that the handyman comes with his drill and dowels). Yesterday, the pleasant faces of the actors and children, including the captain’s eldest daughter—she had the most beautiful eyes in the world!—worked wonders for me as therapy after seeing so many brown-skinned people. Also, not to feel like I’m in the country where I reside, a great relief was to see in the film so many picturesque shots of Salzburg evoking the time when Hitler was at the height of his power.

Beautiful times! But even if I were rich enough to buy a cosy little house in Salzburg, I couldn’t blog there because of the draconian anti-Nazi laws (recall what happened to David Irving in Austria…).

I still have a lot of unpacking to do but only at the weekend will the handyman come to set up my closet, install the air conditioning (unlike the temperate capital it is hot here), and screw some shelves on the wall for the books that are still in their boxes.

When we are done, I will continue my regular activities for The West’s Darkest Hour…



days, the days of my move to another town, are going to be very crazy. Don’t be surprised if I don’t post many entries…

Autobiography Literature

Last day!

There is something I would like to say about a commenter on this last day of the year.

Exactly four years ago Irrelevant Nobody (I.N.) posted a comment that impressed me so much that I later cited it as an important entry. On 31 December the following year I.N. did the same: a comment also promoted as a special entry. He was one of the commenters to whom I dedicated in this now-dying year an entry in ‘On commenters of WDH’, where I mentioned that I.N. had sent me an email telling me that he was planning to commit suicide.

Sometime later he sent me another email telling me that he hadn’t committed suicide yet but had postponed that plan, and I have not received any more emails from this European, although I confess I haven’t written to him either.

It is not the first or the last time I have noticed that those who say the most lucid things have had mental health problems. It reminds me of what I wrote about my sister Corina in my books on my family, which I have promised myself I will start translating tomorrow. The chiaroscuros of the only honourable member of my family (may she rest in peace) were striking: enormous psychic insight and then dense darkness!

But in fairness to my sister and to commenters who have struggled with mental issues, we must concede that the entire West is in a state of madness at present. As far as the country that since 1945 has captained the West is concerned, on Saturday I mentioned some horrible murders. And yesterday I saw another YouTube video of an American who had decapitated his mother, and put her head in a bag which he left in a stranger’s truck.

I am convinced that to understand the folie en masse suffered by the West, it is imperative to understand the trauma model of mental disorders (which is why tomorrow, the first day of 2025, I will begin the formal translation of my trilogy). This is a model that is never taught in universities because Big Pharma dominates not only the psychiatric profession, but ideologically wields considerable influence in the faculties where clinical psychology is taught. The power of corporations today is such that we can only understand it if we compare it to the power that the Church wielded in the Middle Ages.

The last of my three autobiographical books, which I finished this year.

I hope that I.N. has survived his suicidal depression. I advised him to write his own trilogy (which made me see the light) and that he will return to his habit of commenting here on the last day of each year…

Americanism Autobiography London


After midnight I watched some videos about North Korea. I was very impressed that it is a society that has implemented some measures that, I am absolutely convinced, must be implemented in a subjugated Europe to throw off the shackles of Americanism. I am talking about banning Western films or TV programmes in North Korea (remember that not long ago I made a list of the very few that could be seen), degenerate music, the internet, jeans, hair dyeing and something magnificent: banning Bibles too!

Currently, North Korea allows Westerners to visit under controlled tour guides, unless the tourist is an American citizen, who is not permitted to enter the country.

It is laughable that some American vloggers talk about the propaganda with which North Korea’s totalitarian system indoctrinates its citizens because they only see the speck in the other’s eye. Western propaganda is equally totalitarian. But it is not the hard kind of totalitarianism: it is the kind of soft totalitarianism that Aldous Huxley explained to George Orwell not long before the latter died.

No one is more a slave than he who thinks he is free, and the propaganda that every Westerner has suffered for decades about Hitler, the Third Reich and National Socialism is akin to the Two Minutes Hate of 1984. At least in North Korea boys are boys and girls are girls. There is no mutilation of these creatures’ genitals on the altar of ‘diversity’. In fact, I think Andrew Anglin is right to say that this kind of American opprobrium is even worse than that suffered by nations under harsh totalitarianism: just what Huxley tried to tell Orwell, insofar as American totalitarianism is a more subtle, insidious and effective form of mind control.

Alongside these videos about North Korea, there are other YouTube videos about homeless and street junkies in Pennsylvania, or the streets of downtown San Francisco where all the businesses have closed because the mayor has taken neochristian ethics to its ultimate consequences: allowing business robberies as long as they don’t exceed nine hundred dollars.

It reminds me of the first night I spent outside the country of my birth. That was in March 1981, when I only endured a single day in a youth hostel in San Francisco. I was so repulsed by the Sin City that I fled to a privileged area in Los Angeles (Westwood near UCLA).

One of the things I mention in my autobiography is what Jung called synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences. As a sceptic of the paranormal, I shouldn’t believe in that Jungian theory, but sometimes things have happened to me that seem to be very meaningful.

One of them happened on that one-day trip to San Francisco. When I got off the Greyhound the first thing I did was to slip, along with two educated Spanish speakers I met on the bus, into a Ripley’s Believe It or Not street exhibit close to the bus station.

The small exhibition was about very weird things. In particular, the huge image of an Aryan male, a sort of monk in the sense of extreme asceticism, stuck in my memory. He was so astronomically burdened with Christian guilt that he had wrapped himself in heavy chains, and even a huge mallet hung from the chains to mortify his sinful body.

‘That is America’, so terminally loaded with false guilt, wanted to tell me the collective unconscious by way of a meaningful coincidence the first day I spent outside my native country! Although in 1981 masochistic self-mortification wasn’t as ubiquitous in the West, the seeds of self-hatred were already sown and had germinated in the American psyche. Perceptive Americans who were still alive in that year, such as Revilo Oliver and William Pierce, saw it that way.

I haven’t been able to find via Google the image I saw more than forty years ago, but I recently included this other image of flagellants in Oliver’s anti-Christian essay. So synchronistic was the 1981 image of Ripley’s Believe It or Not in my first trip to the US that, today, if a Hindu tourist were to try to communicate to an Aryan American that, according to his religion, it is a sin for this Aryan to mix with coloureds, the San Fran American might view the Indian who wants to save him with hatred, insofar as his moral mandate is self-flagellation until his race disappears.

Huxley was right: soft totalitarianism is far worse than hard totalitarianism. See Kerry Bolton’s ‘A contemporary assessment of Francis Parker Yockey’ (pages 47-70 of this PDF) for further discussion.

One might ask me what it was that so horrified me in San Francisco that I barely spent a night and hastily fled to another American city. The answer is that something similar would happen to me in London the following year, the first time I visited Europe’s largest city.

In 1982 I saw London as such an incredibly nefarious place, even at a time when the vast majority in that city were white, that I immediately fled to Paris. Sensitive people like Dostoyevsky and Gustave Doré suffered identical impressions when visiting London: even in the 19th century it was already hell (see e.g., Doré’s 250 pen and ink drawings, often with dramatic chiaroscuro, about London). I believe that only artists understand these realities intuitively, which completely escape the man without an artistic spirit.

Autobiography Child abuse

Against Gray

‘But we never get back our youth. The pulse of joy that beats in us at twenty becomes sluggish. Our limbs fail, our senses rot. We degenerate into hideous puppets, haunted by the memory of the passions of which we were too much afraid, and the exquisite temptations that we had not the courage to yield to. Youth! Youth! There is absolutely nothing in the world but youth!’ —The Picture of Dorian Gray

Those who think like that are immature men. Yesterday I had to delete some passages from the third book of my trilogy where I confessed things that I now rephrase and translate into English.

In those deleted pages I confessed that I had had a recurring fantasy at my very mature age: that if it were possible to travel back in time I would be infinitely happy visiting my grandmothers’ homes. ‘What would I give…!’ — I have told myself countless times now that I can no longer see them — ‘to be able to go and visit them as I did as a child and pubescent!’

Their homes were far from the disturbances of my parents’ house, where I lived. Only beautiful and wholesome memories come from those places where many of our grandmothers lived. It is easier for parents to project their psychoses onto their offspring than for mature grandmothers to do so, even if they failed to understand our future parents or treat them well when they were young. With age, the unhealthy projections evaporate.

‘That fantasy I can even have right now, to the extent of perceiving that with their deaths parts of my being have been mutilated’, I said in my diary, where I added that ‘any satisfaction I might have in the present is a pale substitute for the times when I could go to see them when my “I” was whole’. I wrote in red ink that there would have been no folie en famille at home if any of them had seen our family dynamics. This is even more elementary than the Hitler Youth because some unsupervised parents (i.e., without grandmothers or godmothers) can drive a child mad and destroy him before the pubescent child can be recruited into the Hitler Youth.

Today’s Gray cult of individualism and eternal youth is folly in an age that doesn’t understand that senescence is a fundamental part of an extended family (in contrast to the nuclear family). The youth we are to pursue is not the youth of this modern world so blinded by its individualistic obsessions of a healthy body. ‘Man is mortal by his fears, and immortal by his desires’, said Pythagoras. And if we only grow old when we abandon our ideals, it means I’ll never grow old (though I will probably die of old age).

Of course: these thoughts are decontextualised in a mere blog post rather than in an intelligible autobiography. Except for Benjamin, I know that not many are interested in my work on the psychological trauma caused by parental betrayal. But if anyone has questions, although I don’t have the space I have in a trilogy of more than 1,800 pages, I will try to answer them.


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Update of 10:30 a.m.

Since I wrote the above post yesterday almost at midnight, I forgot to say the essential.

The fact is that the aberrant custom of the modern world of sending our grandmas to the nursing home results in their grandchildren not having what Alice Miller called ‘helping witnesses’, that is, a friendly ear for the child in families where the parents begin to assault one of them.

The balance that a granny represents in an extended family is fundamental for the mental health of the offspring, and that is cancelled out in the nuclear family that believes in nursing homes.

It is only just becoming fashionable to talk about Family Systems, but it seems clear to me that we should also study the so-called Blue Zones. (People in Blue Zones areas have a diet that is 95% plant-based. Fruits, vegetables, beans, tofu, lentils, nuts, and seeds are rich with disease-fighting nutrients and are the cornerstone of their diets.)

These people live longer, and some even reach centenarians, because they live as extended families where, feeling important, grandmas don’t become as senile as in the West, as they help raise the new generations.

Everything is interrelated: healthy diet and healthy—rural—lifestyles, plus a healthy extended family of the same ethnic group: the exact opposite of Dorian Gray’s lifestyle (I read Oscar Wilde’s novel in 1995, when I was much younger).

None of this, which is vital, I said yesterday because I repeat I wrote it tired at midnight.

Autobiography Literature

No pain no gain!

Have any visitors to this site heard of an autobiographer, of our times or times past, who has written a philosophical autobiography, in several books, about how his or her parents and other adults destroyed the life of the autobiographer in question?

What distinguishes The West’s Darkest Hour from other racialist sites is that here we preach an open and blatant exterminationist ideology (see, for example, ‘Dies Irae’, the first article in my Day of Wrath compilation). What is not clear to the ordinary visitor, unless someone has read my trilogy, is that such exterminationism originated precisely after what several crazed adults did to me in my adolescence.

The mind changes dramatically after experiences like the one I suffered. It usually changes producing, in the already adult victim, a mental disorder: either psychoses such as so-called schizophrenia or suicidal depression, or neuroses such as addictions (alcoholism, drug addictions—even legal psychotropics, etc.). In the most serious cases, the victim of maddening parents feels compelled to commit serial murder. This is not said by ordinary psychiatrists, who subscribe to the medical model of mental disorders (a bio-reductionist ideology), but by dissident psychiatrists: those who try to create a trauma model of mental disorders.

Some proponents of the trauma model know that those who had schizogenic (i.e., maddening) parents entered, to paraphrase the gospel, through the ‘wide door’. Sadly, 99.99 per cent of those with schizogenic parents enter through the wide door. What these professionals ignore is that there is another door, ‘the narrow door’, which circumvents psychosis. I am talking about spending decades of your life telling your story, at least to yourself, with an emphasis on the most painful episodes.

These days, for example, I have been reviewing my second volume. It has been so disturbing to relive my early experiences, and what my mother used to do to me, that I have had to make an enormous effort, plus countless pauses, to resume over and over again both rereading and revising (i.e. adding or rewriting many sentences and even paragraphs). To tell yourself your own story, through a good deal of re-reading of what has already been written, and to improve the text in further revisions to leave the original charcoal in diamond prose after so many decades, is what heals the mortally wounded soul.

Someone might reproach me that the mere fact of elaborating an exterminationist ideology after my experiences is, in itself, a psychopathological symptom. I believe that the opposite is true: those who don’t subscribe to such an ideology contribute to what we could call ‘Hell Planet’—our present Earth. This is because without the spirit of Kalki the evil of the earthlings will continue unchallenged, producing endless unnecessary suffering. (Those who want to delve deeper into the matter will have to familiarise themselves with the philosophy of Savitri Devi, who in the darkest hour of the West invokes the exterminationist archetype of the Hindu religion: Kalki.)

One of the things that so-called mental health professionals ignore is that they shouldn’t put the exterminationism of, say, a philosopher like Arthur Schopenhauer in the same basket as, say, a serial killer like Jeffrey Dahmer. They are not only different things, but Schopenhauer himself may have a moral code infinitely superior not only to that of Dahmer but also to that of the so-called mental health professional. This is something that the pseudo-scientists working in the mental health sector will never acknowledge: that philosophers like Schopenhauer could be… saner than them! Above I spoke of the first essay in my book Day of Wrath. To understand what I have in mind see now the third essay, ‘Unfalsifiability in Psychiatry’ (pages 21-30).

So for the next days and weeks, I will keep revising my second autobiographical book until I feel that the textual coal has turned into more lyrical prose. My thoughts must be hardened until they are as hard as diamonds. The saying ‘No pain, no gain!’ applies perfectly to the spiritual realm. Without the agony of constantly confronting my past, I would be as our friend Joseph Walsh is: in jail and before that, in a psychiatric ward (Walsh also had a schizogenic mother). Those who don’t process their pain through writing their very painful memoirs, and throughout the decades correcting the syntax of that original charcoal until the diamond prose is formed, will never heal.

No one among the racialist forums editors comes from where I come from: a sort of Bran the Broken seeing Westeros’ past because his dad (not Jaime) threw him off the tower, breaking his spine. As I was saying, the mind changes radically after decades of being in the cave retrocognitively seeing the past, what your dad did to you. Those broken lads who fail to reach Bran’s cave change for the worse (schizophrenia, etc.). But I changed for the better because I found it.

And it was precisely because of that change that I became interested in the real history of Europe in the century in which I was born; specifically, the real history of the Third Reich. By seeing my past as it happened, which has nothing to do with the distorted version my crazy mother told, I developed the knack of seeing, now, the historical past of the West as it happened, not as the Jewish media told it to us.

One way to begin to familiarise oneself with the most notable characters of the Third Reich is to read David Irving’s books. So, in parallel with my posts citing Brendan Simms’ and Savitri Devi’s books on Hitler, I think I will resume reading True Himmler which I had neglected since last year.

Anyone who wants to read my previous True Himmler entries can do so here, here, here and here.


Fear of damnation

by Gaedhal

I apologise for these bombards, however classical literature is great stuff, and, as Miller, Walsh, Gregor, McDonald et al. argue: it is immediately relevant to the study of ancient Semitic religions like Judaism and Christianity.

Cicero was an anti-Epicurean, however even he ditched ‘the underworld’. The Catholic Bible, in its Latin and Greek editions, uses the same words for ‘Hell’, or ‘the Underworld’ as the Greco-Roman pagans: infernus—‘the Underworld’—, ‘Tartarus’ and ‘Hades’.

Pagans, mercifully, decommissioned these centres of ghostly torture. However, the Christians—spiritual terrorists that they were—recommissioned this greatest weaponry of priestcraft. The Catholics even went so far as to invent a temporary Hell that one could pay his/her way out of, by means of the sale of indulgences!

Christianity, and its notions of Hells, Purgatories and Limbos, is the greatest calamity to have befallen Europe. I haven’t fully overcome my irrational fear of these places, even though my rational mind has traced the anthropological origins of such places. Even the smallest chance of there being a lake of fire, which flays one alive for all eternity, is enough to drive one mad… and down through Christendom’s bloody course it had indeed driven droves mad.


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The Editor’s two cents:

At the bottom of his statement, Gaedhal adds this image of one of the classic literature books he has been reading. From the American continent, I sympathise greatly with what Gaedhal tells us from Ireland.

I have alluded many times on this site to a philosophical autobiography I wrote in three volumes. If one day my publishing dream were to come true and that trilogy were to be published under a single cover, on paper as thin as that of Bibles and in such an elegant edition printed by a press as only Catholic publishers possess for some fancy missals for example, perhaps I could title that thick volume Hojas (Leaves), referring to the fifth and last chapter of the first volume.

There I mention an internal persecutor caused by my Catholic father’s mistreatment of me in my teens and twenties. That inner persecutor was the fear of eternal damnation.

That’s something that, even with decades of ‘therapy’ in the form of all the reading I have done debunking Christianity, still haunts me, albeit in a much-diminished form compared to the Legion of demons that assailed me in my youth. When I lived in Spain a woman told me that old people still suffered from this fear. And in the historical past there were millions who did!

Above, detail of a Matthias Grünewald painting. The painter ignored Renaissance classicism to continue the style of late medieval Central European art. His Isenheim Altarpiece (1512-1516) thus depicts the spirit of the Dark Ages.

Can you see why I say that the mature National Socialist reads Hitler’s after-dinner talks as a more adult phase than Mein Kampf for the masses of Germans? It was in one of those talks that Uncle Adolf said that Christianity had introduced ‘spiritual terror’ into the Aryan world. In my opinion, it is impossible for the Aryan to heal unless he gets that Vampire off his back.

If my trilogy becomes available in English it will be much easier to understand the POV of The West’s Darkest Hour.

Autobiography Conspiracy theories


In the comments section of my article ‘The Failed Oswald’, on Tuesday I said something that I now quote again, slightly modified. I wrote that I recently acquired two books on the subject of conspiracy theories, one by a couple of Americans and another by a European:

Both are flawed precisely because their authors are normies. And normies are incapable of seeing the ultimate truth. However, if I dabble in the subject of conspiracy theories it is because, for a dozen years now, I have been dismayed that many on the racial right subscribe to theories which, in my opinion, are like a Vampire sucking the sap from the dissident: who should devote his efforts to developing National Socialism to an evolved, post-1945 NS (cf. what I wrote about Savitri Devi’s magnum opus yesterday).

This said, there is some value in the books pictured above: It is the proles who have no say in the spheres of power who weave these conspiratorial cobwebs. What strikes me is that intelligent people like Chris Martenson are now spinning these kinds of webs regarding the failed Oswald (Thomas Matthew Crooks) while less intelligent people, like those who listened to the Secret Service at the Capitol Hill hearings on Tuesday, are far more sceptical of conspiracy theories.

The powerless are the ones who weave cobwebs in a representative democracy. If demography collapses significantly in an apocalyptic scenario and Aryan man was to return to direct democracy as in ancient Greece, it would be much easier to circumvent these webs where the proles are presently entangled. The subject is complex, and the normie authors of the American book pictured above at least did their statistical work on those who believe in conspiracy theories.

As regular visitors to this site will know, I discovered white nationalism at a late age: after I had been in this world for half a century. My previous intellectual work was focused on the psychic ravages of parental abuse of children.

One of the psychological fallacies mentioned in the books above is that, to the simplistic mindset of the proles, an act of enormous political and social repercussions cannot have a prosaic explanation (Oswald). There has to be a massive conspiracy of very powerful people who had a grudge against JFK. That, of course, is a ‘psychological fallacy’ and those not versed in how the mind of someone who was severely abused as a child or adolescent by their parents works might read The Gunman and His Mother: Lee Harvey Oswald, Marguerite Oswald, and the Making of an Assassin.

It’s hard to imagine how a mother could torment a child so much that, now grown up, he becomes an Oswald. But now that I am revising my autobiographical books for translation into English, I have to pause for a week because the other day I went through my mother’s entire diary, quoted in toto in the second book of my trilogy: a diary so disturbing that I have to take long breaks, even though decades have passed since she wrote it.

Someone like me can understand Oswald, or Thomas Matthew Crooks who suffered massive bullying at school. But anyone who hasn’t been treated so badly by life can’t even imagine it.

Although reading books is a serious way to delve into the matter, not everyone who has rejected the conspiratorial nonsense believed by the proles will do so. If The Gunman and His Mother won’t be on the shelves of those who delve into the JFK assassination, they might at least check out this audiovisual interview with Paul Gregory by Peter Robinson, the host of Uncommon Knowledge. Gregory dealt directly with Oswald and in his recent book debunks the wide range of conspiracy theories about the assassination by demonstrating that Oswald acted alone.

Autobiography Kali Yuga Kalki

A confession

Yesterday, on the day of the attempt on Donald Trump, I went to talk to the woman to whom I referred in my article a week ago about my desire to adopt a child.

I don’t write about news like the attempt because I don’t consider it important. To use my favourite metaphor, the one in the featured post, by looking at human reality from a retrocognitive meta-perspective I only value relevant events.

From this angle, I would like to confess that I have long since been able to fall asleep only by imagining nuclear mushroom clouds over the major capitals of the West due to a strategic war with Russia. Mixing the symbols of Martin’s novels with Tolkien, if Washington is Mordor, the capitals of the major Western countries are like various Isengards. What nobler thing could there be than to wish that these centres of ethnocidal power against the Aryan, along with Mordor, be incinerated?

A skirmish like yesterday’s means nothing from the point of view of the old man holed up in a cave far from the Wall contemplating the historical past. True, in reconciling sleep I am thinking with my emotions. Someone might tell me that in a nuclear conflagration, the Aryan baby could thus be thrown out with the dirty water and that although it is healthy to want eight billion Untermenschen to die in the nuclear winter, perhaps the same number should die better gradually, through energy devolution, so that the surviving Aryan has the chance, through our forums, to realise that only the religion that Uncle Adolf bequeathed us saves.

But that is not what emotions tell me, especially when trying to sleep or waking up in the night. In those moments only wishing that those mushroom clouds were already over the enemy cities calms me down. Following Jung’s vocabulary, what the Self already wants is an immediate cataclysm: an apocalypse that wipes out those billions of Orcs and the traitor kings turned into Sauron’s nine horsemen. In other words, let those on the American and European right discuss events like yesterday’s among themselves. Those of us who have been touched by the Self and have a blue mark on our arm see things differently.

The only thing that calms me, and I speak of that César now fully awake, clear-headed and out of bed, is that thanks to a slow apocalypse (due to peak oil) billions of obsolete versions of humans will be wiped out in the next hundred years. It reminds me of what Eduardo Velasco wrote from page 162 to the end of On Exterminationism when we read about an Aryan couple who, after the end of the world, will thirst to live to repopulate the Earth.

Autobiography Kali Yuga

Dark Era!

Not long ago I noticed that there are YouTube channels showing videos of criminal investigations into serial killers of children (!) in the United States. Below we see two of the victims of one of these killers, image taken from this video.

Two months ago I posted an entry about a comic book I read as a child, Little Lulu. It was the age of innocence when I imagined that childhood in the neighbouring country to the north was as wholesome as the children in my favourite comic: Lulu, Tubby, Annie, Iggy, Willie, Wilbur and the beautiful little girl Gloria (whom I compared to Lorena: the girl I had a crush on in primary school). We even shot a super-8 film at home about one of these stories—a magazine that I still own after so many decades! My cousin Octavio played the role of Tubby, who sneaked into the house to eat the lunch that Lulu and Annie (played by my sisters) had prepared for them…

It would take time for me to realise the dark side of the society I lived in. But I never imagined the horrendous levels of evil to which not only the US but the entire West has fallen. Cases like the child abductor whose victims are pictured above are legion if those YouTube channels are to be believed. Is it any wonder that in January I fantasised about the movie The Village, filmed in the US by an Indian from India, which opens with a group of Aryans creating a town far from the iniquitous ways of Kali Yuga?