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Christendom Videos

Bob vs Jews

You might get a headache after watching this video but the Christian proves our point!

Bob’s main argument was that throughout the Middle Ages Christians didn’t try to expel the Jews from their kingdoms permanently (e.g., Edward I / Oliver Cromwell). It’s fascinating that the red-headed Jew, after the 16th minute, tried to give an example to try to refute Bob the Christian. The Jew said that they were expelled from Jerusalem after the wars against Rome. But that was before Constantine! Those who prohibited the Jews from entering Jerusalem were the so-called ‘pagan’ emperors after the Rome vs Judea wars!

The Christian is right: the medieval kingdoms, before the Enlightenment, were comparatively tolerant of the Jews because they always expected that they would convert. In other words: without Constantine and the subsequent Christian emperors, intolerance against the Jews would have taken its natural course.

Let’s imagine the opposite case: that the Church had eradicated Judaism and, conversely, had tolerated what they called ‘paganism’. What would the world be like today? There would certainly be no Jewish problem! The way this Christian preacher, Bob, proves our point is impressive.

Even more fascinating is that after the 22-minute mark, Bob admits that the whole argument started (earlier) when he was arguing with a white nationalist. Unlike him, Bob sees nothing wrong with black people in the West cohabiting with us. The preacher yelled to the multitudes: ‘The Christian worldview has always been multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-national’ (exact moment: here).

Wow! What a way to expose Christianity!

Do you understand my claim now as to why the Christian Problem encompasses the Jewish Problem? Later Bob, when discussing with the other Jew said, ‘Do you know that the first Christians were all Jews?’ And then he says that the first edict of tolerance for the Jews was issued by Constantine in the year 315 (those who worshipped the true Gods wouldn’t have done such a thing)! But a few seconds later he says something that is not true: that there was always a place for pagans in Christianity. (Like the racial right folk, Bob ignores what Constantine, his successors—except Julian—and the bishops with Semitic blood did with those who worshipped Aryan Gods.)

Do you finally understand the concept of the transvaluation of Christian values (what Heydrich attempted)? When we think like him and not like Xtian nationalists, the Jewish problem will be solved—and the black problem, and the Hispanic problem, etc.

5 replies on “Bob vs Jews”

I have read the first comments in the comments section of that video and I find them pertinent. My next post will be another section of Karlheinz Deschner’s fifth volume. I think it is necessary to intersperse from time to time examples of raw Christianity, like the exclamations of this street preacher, with a more academic approach (remember that Deschner wrote his volumes with thousands of bibliographical notes at the end of the books, omitted in our translations).

I’m not sure if “favourite” is the right word, but these were the most infuriating of the comments I found (so far, on brief scan) and the most indicative of how deluded these Christians/whites are (I say that as, with gritted teeth, most-all whites seem to be like this, the only outstanding being the dissident right, who are just bad Christians according to their book). They illustrate your points perfectly. These people don’t love each other (as a people), they don’t even see each other. All I can see is that these people, from their own self-interest perspective, simply don’t exist. It’s a horror story. They love Jews more even than they love their Christ. These are our normal people. Surely Tobias couldn’t mistake *them* for Marxists.

The first comment [of YouTube's comments section---Ed.] left me appalled, given the death of Germany (and to some degree the allied losses having fought at all). They killed themselves for the Jews.

“Amen I’m protestant and I am proud of all the Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants which saved thousands of Jews, Gypsies and Poles from getting massacred”

“The fact that the kid stood there and heard Bob speak about Christianity and Jesus I can tell his heart is opening for Jesus Christ. Hopefully he keeps his heart open and accepts Jesus Christ.”

“Powerful stuff at the end there. Makes it very clear that no Christian living in obedience to the Word of God would persecute Jews, ever.”

“99% of all Christian love and respect Jews because Jesus was a Jew and all apostles were Jews.”

From a Jew:

“Hey guys at the end of the day, I am a Jew and I love my Christian brothers and sisters. We have our theological differences but that doesn’t mean we can’t have love for each other. G-d bless”


“Amen [multiple hearts and prayer hands emojis]

Second Reply:

“You know that we Christians love you guys! Even now with the war with Palestine the Christians are with the Jews [hearts and prayer hands emojis]”

“Yes, the truth is that the Catholic Church and individual Catholics took great risks to rescue thousands of Jews from the Nazis.”

“Dear Jews, you are attacking the wrong enemy [laughter emoji]”

Benjamin writes:

‘Surely Tobias couldn’t mistake *them* for Marxists.’

Just for the record, Benjamin refers to a recent article published on The Occidental Observer (see our Saturday post here).

Last night, I just noticed the irony of ‘Bob Vs Jews’. It’s indicative of these Christian preacher/missionary types that their efforts are always to linguistically convert their opponents, on a level with them ‘man to man’. Why is he even talking to them? Why *talk* to your enemy, why discuss, why give them the time of day on that? An enemy is to be opposed, and conquered, to be vanquished, not impotently reasoned with. I couldn’t see any of the Third Reich stooping to stand at their equivalent speakers’ corner on shoeboxes naively debating with their insidious foe, like college students in a society. He renders them akin to his new friends, an unhealthy respect and deference.

Something that used to really annoy me in the past, before YouTube shut down all the racialist channels, was watching Richard Spencer or Jared Taylor try to reason with non-whites. That’s something that should never be attempted: a fool’s errand!

As I told you by email, these days and weeks I find myself sorting through my files with thousands of documents, among which I have newspaper clippings. Here in Mexico, for example, it is so impossible to touch on the subject of race with mestizos that nobody touches it. Discussions like those in the 1990s in the US about the book The Bell Curve are inconceivable in Mexico. It should be obvious to whites who have woken up from the matrix that the red pill should only be offered to other whites (and not like in that silly movie where a black man offers it to you!).

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