In March 1959, when I wasn’t yet one year old, George Lincoln Rockwell founded a National Socialist organisation in the US (see William Pierce’s splendid article on Rockwell).
Rockwell was assassinated when I was already nine years old. Tomorrow is the anniversary of his assassination, 25 August 1967.

Matt Koehl (right) at a commemoration in Arlington, Virginia, in 1997 for the 30th anniversary of Rockwell’s assassination.
Matt Koehl (1935-2014), Rockwell’s successor, moved the NS party to Wisconsin and subsequently founded the New Order.
Today I received the following statement from the current headperson of New Order:
Comrades –
I have just received word from our webmaster that our website has been deplatformed. As of 7:30 pm (Eastern time) August 22, 2024 it has been offline.
Specifically, the company that registers domain names has suspended our address. They gave a vague reason why, basically accusing us of extremism.
We are working to get the site back up. We do not know why our enemies have chosen this moment to attack us. All other NEW ORDER operations are unaffected.
More details to follow.
The System doesn’t tolerate Uncle Adolf’s followers, even in the First Amendment country! What the System does tolerate is a couple of normies, say Peter Boghossian and David Rubin, criticising the Woke Monster, as in this audio-visual interview I watched today.
When a European commenter visited me this month, we were planning what those of us who still carry the torch that Uncle Adolf left could do. I told him that the ideal would be to have an audiovisual show (say like Rubin’s) where two NS men comment on current affairs.
The problem, as always, is that such an enterprise requires huge funding, as well as emigrating to the third world (we saw what recently happened to the Englishmen who protested on the internet—Big Brother simply jailed them!). We would have to have a generous sponsor as we couldn’t have a job in Europe and at the same time be Nazis let’s say, on an Odysee channel. Otherwise… just consider Europe’s thoughtpolice or the egregious First Amendment violations in the US, like what happened to New Order yesterday!
Since we don’t have that funding, my dream of having a show hosted in the Third World (where the thoughtpolice cannot molest us) in the format of Rubin’s but with two Nazis talking about a thousand subjects will remain a dream. In an ideal world young Aryans, who are so demoralised by the System, should see that when two Nazis talk to each other what they say is reasonable.
The propaganda against Nazism is so ubiquitous that a normie couldn’t believe that this is possible: that hearing two Nazis talking to each other would be like listening to two normal guys.
For visitors who haven’t heard it, I invite you to listen to no more and no less than what Hitler’s normal voice sounded like, talking to other Nazis, in a covert recording made of them which was subtitled on YouTube here.
2 replies on “Dream”
This is one of Der Führer’s speeches translated into English with him speaking in an English voice. It may be of interest.
Thank you.