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Hitler’s normal voice !!

4 replies on “Hitler’s normal voice !!”

Referring to the beginning of the video I feel sad about H and overall Germans, they were correct USSR was a buck broken nation, They could have defeat them easily, if was not for the traitorous US with their lend lease help, given them whole factories, and direct military equipment, maybe the Germans were aware of the kike control over the USSR but they seriously understimated the contro kikes and the cuckstians had over the US, huge nations with almost infinite resources
It is just like watching the beggining of madness, H and his officials could not believe it, those thousands of tanks appear from nothing along with whole lines of military production, courtesy of US but What we could expect from a half judaized and half negrified nation ?

I was amazed when I heard Hitlers conversational tone of voice. Nothing like that high pitched weasel Bruno Ganz in that slander piece of propaganda movie, Downfall. Adolf is a deep baritone.

The USSR wasn’t caught by surprise by Germany but rather the other way around. What seemed like a country of illiterate farmers with dirt roads and wooden shacks, turned out to have a huge arsenal of tanks and aircraft.
USSR was ready for war, but not for a defensive war.

In my younger days, when I was a high profile irl activist for the National Socialist White People’s Party, I was asked by a student to address her high school history class on National Socialism and the NSWPP. She explained that she was writing a report for the class and that she would get extra credit if I appeared. I readily agreed.

The evening before my appearance I received a telephone call from a teacher’s aide, to confirm the time and date, etc. We spoke briefly and then she fell silent. I asked her if there was something else she wanted to say.

Speaking very hesitantly, she politely asked me if I could please not yell at the students or wave my arms around wildly as I spoke. She seriously thought that the only way that “Nazis” could speak to an audience was if they were to imitate Adolf Hitler giving a formal address to 10’s of thousands of people as in “Triumph of the Will.”

I assured the young woman that I would be on my best behavior and that there would be no screaming or arm-waving on my part.

It really never occurs to normies that AH had a conversational speaking voice that was different from that of his public persona as a professional orator, nor that any National Socialist can speak to people in a calm, rational manner. Such is the power of Jewish brainwashing!

Thanks for commenting here!

I hope someone in your group makes a backup of this recording, which seems essential to me.

I don’t trust YouTube’s censors, so I took a screenshot of at least some of the comments in the YouTube discussion thread: many surprisingly positive about Hitler!

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