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'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) Deranged altruism

Hitler, 41

Portrait of Adolf Hitler by unknown artist based on a photograph by Hanke.

Throughout the spring and summer of 1923, Hitler steadily became more aggressive. In early March 1923 there was a meeting of paramilitary formations in Munich at which Hermann Esser suggested that if the French advanced across the Rhine, the Entente should be informed that all Jews would be interned and shot if they did not withdraw. It is not clear whether this thought originally came from Hitler, but if it did it would be the first example of his subsequent strategy of using the Jews as hostages for the good behaviour of the western powers.

This brief passage deserves a pause to reiterate what we have been saying so much on this site.

If we take as a paradigm the extreme idealisation of Jewry in the United States of America, it is impossible not to compare it with the pre-Christian world when the Greco-Romans didn’t give a damn about the holocaust of Jews perpetrated in Rome’s wars against Judea, wars that involved several emperors.

In those times it would have been inconceivable that Rome would have used the Jews under its power as a currency for moral blackmail of a rival nation! That enemy-loving crap only began with the introduction of Christian ethics that was exacerbated ad infinitum by the egalitarian ideals of the French Revolution, and the creation of the American nation based on Christian principles camouflaged in secular garb. (New visitors to this site should read what Tom Holland wrote about the US in his book Dominion.)

3 replies on “Hitler, 41”

It is true that the only reason why Aryans/Nordics care about the well-being of Jews at all is because they have been infected by the Judeo-Christian spirit. If their original racial spirit was still intact the Jews would be of no concern to them. Their heroism, which yearns for loyalty would lie only within Nordic racial clans.

But what you don’t seem to realise is that the recovery of the Nordic spirit cannot be done peacefully.

The first time I read Yockey I was very impressed by what he said: that if the French Revolution imposed egalitarianism by violence, then only by violence will it be possible to dethrone the egalitarian god.

White nationalists don’t seem to recognise this, because they believe that with pure literary essays they can cure infected whites.


Violence/War against the reigning system of universal equality would be the most effective way to end this system there is no doubt about that.

But the question is why and how will Aryans/Nordics be willing to take up arms against this system and the people who perpetuate it?

Nordics today do not have the culture of their forebearers who for centuries saw their race as a heroic figure and as a model for beauty and leadership.

Those ideals and high culture is what inspires Nordics to fight anyone who opposed this culture and the racial soul its built on. So without these ideals and culture there is no motivation for Nordic men to destroy Judeo-Christianity and its ideals of universal equality within the West like during the days before World War 2.

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