Hitler therefore espoused ‘socialism’, but not as the Social Democrats, the Independent Socialists or the communists knew it. ‘National’ and ‘social’, he argued, were ‘two identical terms’. ‘True socialism teaches the most extreme performance of one’s duties,’ Hitler explained, ‘real socialism in the highest form of the Volk.’ ‘Marxism is not socialism,’ he claimed, ‘I shall take socialism away from the socialists.’ This was what the words ‘worker’ and ‘socialist’ in the party’s name meant. There was ‘no room’, Hitler said, for ‘class-conscious proletarians’ in the party, just as there was no place either for a ‘class-conscious bourgeois’. He repeatedly reached out to workers. All this explains Hitler’s ambivalence towards communists, whom he regarded not only as good men led astray, but as temperamentally more congenial than the lukewarm bourgeois who clove to the safe middle path.
This is indeed interesting, for it shows the gulf between German National Socialism and American white nationalism: something George Lincoln Rockwell didn’t understand because biographies like Simms’ didn’t exist in his time. (Although this English scholar is anything but a NS sympathiser, his prose portrays the ideals of the Führer better than the crude and simplistic propaganda that was circulated in the US in Commander Rockwell’s time.)
‘I would rather be strung up in a Bolshevik Germany,’ he averred, ‘than be made blissful in a French southern Germany.’ One observer noted that Hitler ‘was courting the communists’, saying that ‘the two extremes, communists and students, should be brought together’. The centre ground, he claimed, was full of useless ‘lickspittles’ (Schleimsieder), whereas ‘the communists had fought for their ideal with weapons and only been led astray’. They only need to be led towards the ‘national cause’. With German communists, Hitler hated the sin, but loved the sinner.
Alas, any attempt to imitate German NS on the other side of the Atlantic would run into formidable difficulties. Imagine how (almost) impossible it would be to convince the racial right that, for the fourteen words, capitalism is even worse than communism and that the worship of Mammon must be transvalued to these Hitlerian ideals if the sacred words are to be fulfilled (read the last page of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour).
To boot, a century ago Hitler was referring to a Germany composed basically of Aryans. In today’s polluted America, such a transvaluation couldn’t even be preached without openly stating that the proposed socialism is solely for the benefit of Aryans. In other words, to implement Hitler’s ideals on this side of the Atlantic the dictators of the new state would first have to become Himmlers to achieve an ethnic cleansing similar to the Pierce Diaries.
Can you see why I no longer visit the sites of the American racial right? Almost all white nationalist information sources are cleverly written to pacify whites back into the Christian and neo-Christian fold. And it all has to do with what we on this site have called slaves of our parents’ introjects. I know no one understands me on this point but my autobiographical findings, or what I have written about mental disorders (for example what I said yesterday in my postscript about narcissism), provide the key to understanding how these introjects still hold the Aryan in bondage.
4 replies on “Hitler, 30”
I believe they just don’t want to be cancelled, because censorship in the USA is incredibly strong and insidious. They can shadowban your content and you would never notice.
But still, they are at a dead end. Pacifistic and nice ideas aren’t going to do anything against the system, which is not nice and to whom the masses bent over like sheep.
I still believe that the dollar collapse prophesy will happen soon, now with the conflict with the on going conflict with Russia.
But if this is true, you could go to one of the AmRen or Counter-Currents conferences and invite some of the participants to a drink. Do you think that after a couple of beers they would agree that they would participate in ethnic cleansing? Certainly Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson would answer in the negative. But do you think that, at least, a relevant percentage of the participants in one of their conferences would answer in the affirmative?
Hitler’s speeches, translated to English by AI: link
This was on twitter for a bit until it made too much of a fuss and the tweets got deleted. Pass it around.
And stop navel-gazing and going on and on about your autobiography. Nobody cares and nobody’s going to care. You need to accomplish something before people will care about you personally. Hitler knew that.
First of all, have you posted here under other pseudonyms?
Secondly, the goal of deep autobiography isn’t navel-gazing, don’t be stupid; but to fulfill the Delphic mandate about knowing oneself to better understand the world. Or didn’t you notice what I recently said, that when writing my third volume I discovered that my mind was programmed by my father? Only thanks to that insight was I able to control that malware. White nationalists haven’t gone through this initiation process, so they remain Christians or secular sympathisers of Judeo-Christianity.