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Black bread

On my morning walk to buy a loaf of black bread to go with my salad at lunchtime (in my intermittent fasting I skip breakfasts), I had a thought.

The racial realism promoted by Jared Taylor is doomed to fail. As Michael O’Meara said years ago in one of the TOQ Online essays that were eventually published in Toward the White Republic, it is the poet, not the scientist, who makes nations. Taylor, and as we recently saw even the neo-Nazi G.L. Rockwell, didn’t question the American System. If Homer was the poet whose myth galvanised the Aryan psyche of other times, what would be the replacement myth for the Christian myth that is killing us?

I would like to quote what I wrote in the comments section of my post yesterday:

In one of his recent emails Gaedhal mentions that he went to mass for the death of a loved one and, although he is no longer the Christian he used to be, he still knelt and crossed himself. It is obvious that these are all parental introjects that are very difficult to exorcise despite the tons of rational thinking one throws at them in the process of (pseudo) apostasy. In other words, only by knowing yourself, as the Delphic Oracle commanded, could you really begin to detect the malware that our parents installed in us as children. But that means sitting down to write spiritual odysseys which in this shallow, consumerist age, no one will want to write or even read (except me).

In other words: an Enlightenment-style critique of Christianity will get us nowhere. It is a purely rationalistic critique that doesn’t go to the marrow of why we have believed such monstrous things as eternal damnation. Just as O’Meara is right that mythopoeia is what creates nations, it is also true that the myth in turn, a secular worship of the crucified (black, trans, migrant, etc.), has to be replaced by a new myth. Hitler had excellent instincts on how to create it, but the Christian forces of the Anglo-Americans, and neo-Christian forces of the Soviets, didn’t allow such a transvaluation.

Neither Taylor nor critics of Christianity like Gaedhal will succeed without understanding how the collective Aryan unconscious works. Although the neo-Christian Tom Holland is our ideological enemy, he is absolutely right to say that this collective unconscious is still held captive—possessed I dare to say!—to the archetype that the crucified is nobler than the crucifier. Even these days, on campuses, kids are siding with the crucified Palestinians in the face of Israel’s ethnic cleansing. They are all, of course, neo-Christians and the cross is still their emblem even though Jesus is no longer nailed to it.

This is Neo-Christianity.

I am not saying that this is altogether wrong, insofar as the reaction against Israel has opened a door to address the JQ that was previously closed. But Gaedhal’s approach in my quote yesterday implies that he still dwells under the sky of Christian morality. With the new myth, we would have a very different phenomenon on campuses. Let us imagine, and this is an experiment of the imagination, millions of kids wearing T-shirts of Himmler or other members of the SS who ordered the killing of millions of Untermenschen. In this Gedankenexperiment genocide is not something to be shocked by but to emulate as long as the genocided are non-Aryans.

But what do fans of Taylor and Rockwell do? The more conventional white nationalists simply ignore Hitler, and the neo-Nazis deny that millions of Untermenschen died under the orders of the Third Reich. From my vantage point in the cave, people like Taylor and Rockwell’s epigones seem to me to be very close to each other. To use the metaphor I have been using, they are both south of the Wall. Both ‘reek of summer’ we read in George R.R. Martin’s prose. In fact, they haven’t even crossed it, let alone looked for the raven’s cave far north of the Wall.

I still think Holland’s book (excerpts here) is fundamental to grasping the POV of this site although, of course, unlike Holland, we—Hitler, Himmler, Savitri Devi and I—have transvalued values to how they were thought of before Christian malware took hold of the Aryan collective unconscious. If anyone keeps in mind Eduardo Velasco’s essay on Rome vs. Judea, he will recall that pre-Christian Greeks and Romans didn’t give a damn that Jews were being genocided in 70 c.e. Compare this indifference to today’s holocaust deniers. They are neo-Christian, faux-National Socialists who won’t cross the Wall because they are still adoring the crucified, whether Jesus is present or not on their cross.

24 replies on “Black bread”

Whether or not we wish the Holocaust happened is a different question from whether it actually did. We can secretly wish it did while simultaneously pointing out all the exaggerations and outright lies. It is necessary to expose them, if for no other reason than to illuminate the deceptive, calculating nature of the Jews.

It is true that the figure of 6 million is a vile Jewish myth, but there are racialists who hate Max [Mark - see below] Weber, the head of the Institute for Historical Review, because he believes that there was a genocidal attempt in some of the Nazi concentration camps.


Dr William Pierce and several others had already tried to expose the jews as liars. Has that really mattered at all? I would say… only to a minority who were willing to listen.

How is that so many are “troubled” by the fictional figure of 6 gorillion jews gassed at Germany, yet they barely lose any moment of sleep by the mass killing of Ukrainians? Or the hellstorm committed against Germany?

The great majority of people are not moved by facts nor truth but rather the avoidance of pain (in this case guilt) and the need to comfort, what is fashionable at the moment.

For them, it is expected to feel guilty about jews because that’s what they think society expects from them. It’s all about switching the trend in their minds, and that will not happen so long we don’t have the means to influence them through mass media.

However, something important to point out is that many still believe the Germans should be condemned, had the holocaust myth really happened. This is deeply rooted in slave morality, and ultimately in judeo christian ethics.

I am not necessarily against creating a new myth… however, I must admit that some of the old Christian myths, like The Pilgrim’s Progress, I still find enjoyable. Now, do I think that there is any reality to what PP is an allegory for? Absolutely not. However, in Bunyan’s world, there is a Mister Atheist, a Mister Pagan, and a Mister Worldly Wise-man. And so anyone can imagine oneself in the intriguing world that Bunyan created.

However, amongst the Pagan myths that I find consoling are: Works and Days by Hesiod, Bacchae by Euripides, On the Nature of Things by Lucretius, and Theogony by Hesiod. The Bible takes the side of those who destroyed the sacred groves. Bacchae takes the side of those women, worshipping Bacchus/Dionysis in the sacred grove.

I was reading Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, recently, as well.

Eradicating non-Aryan elements from the planet is a legitimate, sensible and practical strategy for continued existence for Aryankind. People captured by Neo-Christian morality condemn such actions as evil. But what greater evil is the complete extinction of Aryankind and degeneration into an Untermenschen cesspool.

Just found this site… interesting since it has a copy of Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums … I admit I just skimmed over the recent posts but I found the phrase “deny the Nazis killed thousands or millions of untermenschen”… gimme a break…

[The rest of this comment was censored by admin.]

I don’t know. They are always talking about how the “believe” or “feel” something like a planned extermination or some such happened, but where is the proof? Feelings? Are you aware of Robert Faurisson’s opinion about these guys, at least their view about this specific subject (planned genocidal attempted)?

Who are you addressing, the commenter or me? If you’re talking to me, have you read On Exterminationism, one of the PDFs that appears in the featured post about the river nymph?

I was addressing you, Cesar, but I did it on my phone, and I messed up a bit (including butchering the King’s English).
I believe you are referring to page 82 of the book, right? The one that mentions that Irving, on his new book about Himmler (is it available already?), using “historical evidence ” “proves” that 2 million jews where “probably ” exterminated by the nazis. It looks to me that we where still on the realm of possibilities, at least back then when you finished the book.
You know what? I believe these guys, Weber and Irving, where grabbed by the balls a long time ago and chickened out. Did Weber, who said many years ago that revisionism was a “hindrance” on the “struggle against Zionism” ever presented evidence to back up his claim? He doesn’t have the same courage that Faurisson had. And Irving ? He is and egocentric asshole, who once left Fred Leuchter in a lurch (I believe it was in 1991, in London) an called the man a “simpleton”. He probably misses the day when he was the “golden boy” among historians. Did he ever call himself a revisionist?Does he still claim those 2 million where deliberately exterminated without Hitler’s knowledge or approval? Perhaps he did in his new book.

I believe these guys, Weber and Irving, where grabbed by the balls a long time ago and chickened out…

But that’s a conspiracy theory in the sense of psychoanalysing these historians. If you familiarise yourself with what I have written against psychoanalysis you will realise that while the Aryans try to refute the opponent with arguments, the Jew takes a shortcut: he psychoanalyses the opponent.

What comfortable! When I finish reviewing Simms’ book on Hitler I will begin reviewing Irving’s book on Himmler. (He has yet to publish his second volume on Himmler; I wrote to him and he tells me that it will be ready next year.)

I would suggest that instead of psychoanalysing Irving (or Weber) you better review these two volumes of Irving’s on Himmler and, if you don’t like what he says, argue with arguments, not with the un-Aryan shortcut of psychoanalysis.

Well, perhaps I used a un-Aryan “Psychoanalytic approach” with those two (I said I’m not an Aryan on an earlier post, perhaps this is just my inner nature coming trough or something…), but I wish Irving acted in a, well, more Aryan-like manner towards Leuchter in the incident I mentioned and used arguments instead of simply leaving him out in the cold and calling that hard-working and sincere man a “simpleton”… and Weber showed up some documents and/or forensic data to back up what he claims to believe,
Oh, about Irving’s books on Himmler, I’ll try to get my hands on them (no, I’ll probably wait here for you review. I’m also a simpleton, you see?).

“it is the poet, not the scientist, who makes nations. ”

This resonates on me somehow and I agree with it. A talented poet would be able to write such a powerful creational myth that will able to overthrow the monopoly of the judaized one.

I still remember what Dr. Pierce, a rocket scientist, said once in his auto biography. That he deeply regretted not spending more time reading poems during his younger days as a student and later as a professor.

He had entire book shelves dedicated to epics and poetry alike.

I was actually referring to something very obvious.

What Homer wrote was the Bible of the pre-Christian Mediterranean, and his verses were repeated orally, by heart, throughout the generations: the white man’s culture.

When the world fell into the hands of our enemies the ‘poet’, if you can call him that, was the one who wrote the gospel and centuries later, Dante.

The new poet, who will replace them, is Hitler and we should have a more exact translation than the one we have now of his after-dinner talks. His poetess, Savitri, should be the one who now creates the new nation.

And in addition, Homer was not just a mere poet. Theologically, Homer was deified as a man who had achieved divine status. The Iliad and the Odyssey were seen as part of the sacred tradition. The literal words of the Gods and muses influenced poets, especially great poets like Homer, who was claimed to be a divinely inspired teacher of all Greece. This sacred class disappeared with the spread of Kikeinsanity. Or rather, it was replaced by the cult of the rebel Jew. Just like what happened to the Roman god Jupiter.

Ops! Thank you for the correction (I rarely mention this guy and have difficulty learning names)!

Do we not psychologically analyse Leftists? You seem to believe that every behavioural aberration is the product of child abuse, which seems rather Freudian to me. Some of us have wretched lives and it has nothing to do with our parents.

Autisticus Spasticus:

Who are you talking to? If you mean me:

1) I hate Freud, who has been debunked on this site several times.

2) Freud didn’t talk about child abuse. That’s a Hollywood myth.

3) When have I said that only abuse at home causes trauma?

If you are talking to me, everything you say has been strawmen.

The idea that childhood trauma is at the root of aberrant behaviour in adults arguably originated with Freud. He can, af the very least, be credited with bringing this idea to international prominence. In his case, he had a bizarre obsession with childhood sexuality. I think your own expetience with childhood trauma has morphed into an obsession, and you see victims of it everywhere. Perhaps they are indeed victims, but I think you should acknowledge the possibility that you are projecting your own trauma onto others. Let’s take me, for instance. My life has been tragic. I see it as having been a complete and utter waste of time. I don’t come from a religious family, nor was I a victim of childhood abuse, yet my life has still been horrid. Clearly, childhood trauma isn’t the explaination for everything.

Autisticus Spasticus:

The idea that childhood trauma is at the root of aberrant behaviour in adults arguably originated with Freud.

In the real world Freud repudiated his original theory before the end of the 19th century. Haven’t you read these two articles I have written against Freud?

  • (((Sigmund Freud)))
  • ‘Patients are only riffraff’—Freud
  • He can, af [sic] the very least, be credited with bringing this idea to international prominence.

    Hollywood!, not the real Freud. On the contrary: together with the psychiatrists, Freud closed the profession firmly so that the psychoanalysts who flourished in the 20th century would never entertain the hypothesis that the stories of sexual abuse told by female patients were real. Read the early books of Jeffrey Masson, who studied this so thoroughly that he learned German in order to read his guru Freud in the original language. (Later Masson became disillusioned, an apostate from psychoanalysis and a harsh critic of the Vienna quack.)

    In his case, he had a bizarre obsession with childhood sexuality. I think your own expetience [sic] with childhood trauma has morphed into an obsession…

    I have never said that I was abused as a child! (the abuse began in adolescence, and it was not sexual). If you continue commenting like this, without reading what I have actually written and coming out with pure strawmen, I will have to ask you once again not to comment here again.

    No, evidently I have not read those, and it is unrealistic to expect me to have read every single entry on your site. Don’t be so quick to bite my head off when I make a mistake. You need disciples to carry the torch, so you shouldn’t risk alienating the few of us who share your understanding of the CQ and are trying to spread awareness. Don’t fall out with your comrades over petty things.

    Whether or not my information on Freud is correct, it is what most people believe about the man and his work, and it is the reason why they regard him as a joke. I would have thought you would be happy about this. You don’t want people to take him seriously, and as it happens, they don’t. Does it really matter whether they are disregarding him for the correct reasons? Freud was a fraud, and the people know it.

    You are focusing too much on minor details and distinctions which aren’t relevant to what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that you are seeing victims everywhere. In order for you to be correct, we would need to be using a very broad definition of abuse. I suppose you could say that I am a victim of Christian ethics, since no half-decent eugenics program would have allowed my parents to breed. In this sense, yes, there are indeed victims everywhere.

    I had told you above ‘I hate Freud, who has been debunked on this site several times’ before reminding you that you have already been banned from this site in the past. You should have looked in the ‘Sigmund Freud’ category of this site before jumping back into commenting.

    You say to be autistic and sometimes, in fact, it seems that you lack the empathy to notice obvious things like the ones I could answer right now, but I won’t because I have a very busy day to answer your last comment. Simply put, it’s not me who should change the tone. He who is an autistic person with little empathy should heal his soul before commenting again (we have also already talked about this, when you recently complained that you were going through a terrible depression, on the verge of panic).

    I see you until then. If I were active on child abuse forums, like I was before, you would be welcome. But this is a forum for NS men whose traumas no longer interfere with adult life because they have been properly processed and healed (you should read my book, Letter to mom Medusa, the starting point of my healing journey). Next year I will start translating the rest of my books.

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