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A question…

…for the Christian Zionists in the US who, by all accounts, seem even more fanatical than the Israelis themselves: What is the Plan B for you when the Rapture, after the apocalypse in Gaza, doesn’t arrive?

7 replies on “A question…”

It’s always interesting to read what KevinMac has to say, and in his article today, he sums up his POV admirably. However, regarding his conclusion—:

The current situation in the United States is the result of an awesome deployment of Jewish power and influence.

—KevinMac fails to realise that such great Jewish power and influence in the US has only been possible because that country (indeed the entire American continent) has been restructured since the 16th century in favour of Christianity after the Conquest of Mexico. A world like that of the Spartans, the Republican Romans (i.e., before intermarriage with Semites began in the empire), the ancient Germans or the Vikings would never have allowed such a display of Jewish power and influence had they conquered the Americas!

I insist: the Christian problem encompasses the Jewish problem, as in the image above. Sunic’s POV is better than KevinMac’s: it explains much better what’s going on.

I couldn’t read the whole thing. I’m pretty sure it’s just my impression, but it reeks of admiration for the creatures.
You see, I think that men like Kevin McDonald really believe (or hope) the jews can be persuaded to fully embrace our wonderful “western-christian civilization”, to fully accept assimilation (presumably for the benefit of everyone involved, but specially us gentiles, since the jews would finally use their vastly superior intellects for the benefit of the whole of mankind LOL), and even a long, hard vacation in a concentration camp can take this idea out of their sophisticated minds.

Caesar, I have another question:

I want to explain to musicians why Jazz and other nigger music is degenerate.

I have as arguments against it that its atonality and jungle like rhythm (that one which appeals to your lower instincts) are just unpleasant, primitive and unsophisticated in comparison to what our European forefathers left in their titanic works of classical music.

How else do you think I could explain this to them?

I have read the article of the Iranian criticizing Americans for being cultural niggers. It was amusing to see how many in the comments were triggered out of that and were eager to deffend their rocknroll and jazz culture.

This topic won’t be of importance at all if not for the considerably amount of young Nymphs and Roses that are being lured into it.

It is not easy to talk about these issues unless it is taken together, that is, the degeneration that was unleashed in the West after WW2 (‘Hitler or hell’ and westerners chose hell, as Savitri would say).

You would have to take a look at the articles under the ‘degeneracy’ category or read O’Meara’s book and Bolton’s article in American Racialism to get an idea of the level of soul corruption suffered by westerners in general and Americans in particular.

Without this meta-perspective it’s impossible for a racialist musician to see why they should be very careful not only with jazz and rock, but with Bach himself! (see my book Daybreak, pages 149-155).

Thanks Caesar for the recommendations.

I would not have thought of seeing Bach from that point of view. He definitely contributed to the empowering of Christianity into Aryan culture and lifestyle with his religious compositions.

It’s no wonder why his Toccata and Fugue in D minor song is being used in terror movies. Fear to the Judeo Christian god is what he intended to express on the audience.

I will keep in mind this lesson next time I check other composers.

What’s your opinion about Johan Strauss II and his work?

I really really love Kubrick’s use of The Blue Danube in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Christian Zionism is good example of a Jew creating a religious cult to further the political objectives of Jewry.

C I Scofield didn’t write his notes that Christian Zionists idolise for free.

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