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Aztecs Day of Wrath (book) Mainstream media

Hernán (TV series)

Beware of the Hernán TV series, which starts tonight on the History Channel.

From what can be seen in the trailers, it will be a typical series that promotes the Black Legend regarding the conquest of Mexico by the Spanish. The lies start from the images. The historical Hernán Cortés was Iberian white. The producers managed to choose a mudblood actor to represent the role of Cortés…

I remind visitors that I have researched the subject from the opposite point of view of the politically-correct Black Legend:

The world’s most beautiful city

Sahagún’s exclamation

The Bernaldine pages

‘The best education of the world’

An encounter of psychoclasses

The return of Quetzalcóatl

A reliable source

My book containing those texts under a single cover, and also ‘Dies irae’ (Day of wrath) mentioned in my previous post, can be obtained: here.

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