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Axiology William Shakespeare

Internalize Yahweh, not Jesus

Yesterday, a good German took issue with my philosophy of hate with these words:

Please bear in mind, however, that hate blinds one to the laws of the divine… The first will most likely cause the downfall of everything (that is why no noble Greek or German has ever advocated it)…

I responded that demonising hatred is a Judeo-Christian trick to prevent whites from fighting. In our Christian era, only the god of the Jews is allowed to hate to the point of exterminating non-Hebrews (the books attributed to Moses).

On the other hand, Christians and non-Christian whites have internalised the ethic to love our enemies. Even white nationalists such as David Duke have internalised it, as we saw in our Wednesday post. In order to beat Yahweh’s children, shouldn’t it be wise to transvalue our Christian values?

In another thread another commenter quoted yesterday some words from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice: ‘If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction’.

Better the villainy instruction! Internalising their Yahweh in the Aryan psyche will certainly be handy in the Day of the Rope… When will white nationalists stop obeying the god of the Jews, that commands Jews to hate and Christians to love?

Remember, love is murdering the white race.