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Inferior racists

This is a postscript to a friendly discussion within the comment section of my previous post.

On the latest Daily Shoah (1:49) Matt Heimbach talks enthusiastically about his recent experience with a friend who breeds rabbits for food: “I helped actually to slaughter and kill the meat rabbits. It was a very kind of cool…”

I don’t need to wait and see the (forthcoming?) video of Heimbach’s so-called “National Socialist” speech in Kentucky. He’s obviously not a perfect National Socialist. See for example my Goebbels quotation this April 20th, the 128th birthday of our beloved Führer.

I reiterate what I thought when I wrote “Ethnosuicidal nationalists.” The American racialist movement is incomparably more primitive than German National Socialism. If Americans really want to become overmen they should take a week break from surfing white nationalist sites, and read instead the book of Savitri Devi that I have been excerpting, and will continue to excerpt, for this site: Impeachment of Man.