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The Trouble Trio


Johann Heinrich Füssli – The Three Conspirators
Swear an Oath on the Rüthli Meadow


Yesterday at Counter-Currents an author started his article thus:

Hard times are upon us. The type of invasion of Europe predicted in The Camp of the Saints is occurring today, not in some distant future, and the pathologically altruistic response of weak, deracinated Europeans is exactly as outlined in that novel. In Germany, the monstrous harridan Merkel is behaving as an inverted anti-Hitler, presiding over the genocide of her own people. In the UK, the sight of one dead Syrian child invokes an outpouring of compassionate action that hundreds of sexually molested English children in Rotherham failed to elicit. The navies of Italy and Greece are…

And another author started his article thus:

Ten thousand cuckolds in Iceland invite ISIS into their beds…

But of course: these authors, as well as the rest of white- and southern nationalists, are still thinking like fucking civilians, not as freedom fighters.

I have advertized my Syssitia article many times now. But even this initiative is a sort of understatement as to what we are supposed to do. A 21st century Syssitia should be formed by a minimum of three would-be soldiers. But even this would only be the beginning.

Harold Covington defines the Trouble Trio as “the basic building block” of a revolutionary movement. It all starts with a few conspirators:

A three-man team. When we were planning all this out, studying and analyzing how previous successful revolutionary movements worked in Western political and social environments similar to ours, we came up with a kind of hybrid anatomy combining the IRA and the Cosa Nostra, two highly successful subversive outfits who to this day have never been completely repressed by their governments. You’d be amazed how much hell three men can raise in a society this complex, this racially volatile and unstable.

Since, after the currency crash that is coming, whites will be mad as hell, a truly revolutionary movement will have fair chances to be ignited in Europe and elsewhere in the West. For the moment, in our small Syssitias (real places in the real world for real planning) we can only wait for the crash and find some inspiration in Covington’s novels:

By hitting the enemy hard and often, in teams or crews of two to five or six people max. Let’s assume an average of five Volunteers per squad or crew. Our thousand effectives will make up two hundred such crews. Assume half of them are involved in support duties, supply, intelligence, medical services, propaganda, whatnot. That’s one hundred combat teams of five guys each remaining, who are actually pulling triggers and making things go boom.

The idea is that very small groups are difficult to infiltrate, and for security reasons at the beginning of the revolution each unit would know nothing of the names or locations of other units. If the System spots one team the revolution can continue.

Folks: This is high time to read Pierce’s Diaries and Covington’s Brigade (here). Winter is coming and we must brace ourselves—or else.

4 replies on “The Trouble Trio”

Yes I’ve been told that before: that only lone wolves can do the trick in the first stages of the revolution.

The trouble I see with the lone wolf is that psychologically it’s extremely difficult to do it with no comrades in arms. If your two friends are solid, there will be no major problem.

But before the revolution starts we still need legal “Syssitias” for proper bonding among the would-be soldiers. We don’t have even that because WN is all bark no bite.

Interesting thought about Lone Wolves. A couple years back I had a lone wolf type talk to me about my having to not adhere to WN thinking, as WN has become corrupt.

Lone Wolf = Mental toughness

Read with interesting. Thought you were ripping me off with trios at first, since my syssitia system is built on triads.

But no, it’s not fleshed out at all.

My system is actually happening at altrugenics.com/forum1

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