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Civil War – FAQs

Harold Covington’s book publishers have banned Covington’s novels. According to Covington:

…admirers of my Northwest novels have until August 14th to order any last copies of any of my books they want online. After that, no one will be able to purchase a copy of any Covington novel, Northwest or otherwise, unless you can find one floating around a used bookstore somewhere. [Source: here]

I believe that conservative-type white nationalism will die after the dollar crashes. But not the belief in the 14 words among some Aryans. There is a good chance that some of them will finally start to fight.

brigadeSince civil war is the only way that the fair race may be saved from extinction, I really recommend obtaining a copy of The Brigade, the best novel of Covington’s quintet, before it is too late. In fictional form, The Brigade provides the perfect responses to the Frequent Asked Questions of those who wonder how a racial civil war could be conducted in this time of postmodern technology. It definitively deserves a place in your bookshelves (reading long novels in a computer toy is a little awkward).

For Covington’s fans discussing the scandal of banning Covington’s fiction, see: here; for excerpts of The Brigade in this site, see: here.

One reply on “Civil War – FAQs”

The next step could probably be banning “racism” and “hate” in the internet. I urge visitors to click on the two PDFs at the sidebar’s top—two books—and keep them safe in your hard disks.

Once the curtain falls, you will treasure the hard copy of The Brigade you got.

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