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Stupidville, USA

This was Junghans’ comment in another thread today:

Pieter_BruegelI, too, was awestruck by the utterly inane content of most of the recent Amren articles about the future of the White world. I couldn’t believe the ridiculous blather and lack of real perception of many of these lame authors. It’s like they were all from Stupidville, USA. The self-negating, toxified mindset of most Anglo Americans obviously runs very deep. Whites clearly have innate racial foibles galore, and these (along with the corrosively addictive Levantine metaphysical superstitions), have unfortunately drip-fed the intellectual poisoning that is so rampant in the collective White psyche today. I also believe that much of this intellectual deracination is self-inflicted, with most of the rest being the result of the ever subversive Jewish media’s… “compounding factor”. Most prescient White visionaries, such as Oliver, Pierce, and MacDonald have recognized this basic truth.

Despite knowing and understanding our racial duty to defensive ideological and political action, I sometimes wonder if we are futilely trying to save a very foolish, self-destructive people from themselves! Remember Pogo’s admonition: “We have met the enemy, and he is us”. Nature, however, will no doubt winnow these things out in the very near future.

Having observed your basic ideological development over the last few years, I feel that you, Chechar, are exhibiting more incisive wisdom every day, and that your racial-political learning curve is right on track.

I am looking forward to getting a hard copy of you new book, The Fair Race.