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Michael O'Meara

The Ukrainian crisis


Michael O’Meara said yesterday:

Beyond the distortions and misrepresentations of this series, there remain the fact that the Ukrainian crisis is essentially a proxy war between Putin’s Russian national government and the Evil Empire of the Washington / London / Tel Aviv axis.

By championing the Ukie thugs, who lick up the vomit of their CIA / Mossad handlers, certain “white nationalists” are once again demonstrating their utter ignorance of world realities by inadvertently supporting the very forces they ostensibly oppose: the Judeo-monied elites controlling the banking system known as the United States. What a sad joke.

Greg Johnson responded:

I challenge you to document a single “distortion” or “mis-
representation” in this series.

While Putin jails genuine Russian Nationalists, outlaws historical revisionism about WW II, and professes to be fighting against fascists, racism, Nazism, and anti-Semitism in Ukraine, what explains his continued popularity among Western anti-Semites and fascists?

It is simply a delusion to claim that what is happening in Ukraine boils down to a proxy war between Jewry and its opponents, since Putin is in bed with Jews as well. Nor is it a battle between globalization and Russian nationalism, since Putin suppresses Russian nationalism in favor of his own form multicultural imperialism. The only actor in this mess with bona fide anti-Semitic credentials is Svoboda. The only real nationalists in this whole mess are the Ukrainian nationalists. Principled White Nationalists should be far more sympathetic with Ukrainian nationalists than with Putin.

Putin-philia is just the latest version of Ron Paul mania or Tea Party mania. White Nationalists need to stick to their principles, not engage in yet another adventure in wishful thinking and cuckoldry. White Nationalists need to grow up.

If Ukraine is to pursue its own destiny, its first priority is to deal with the Russian threat. Then it can deal with the EU. It is folly for the US to be guaranteeing the borders of the Baltic states, but I completely understand why the Baltic states were happy for such guarantees. If Ukraine had been part of NATO and the EU, it would still have Crimea today. Any sensible nationalist would take the same course.

Karen Toffan commented:

Greg Johnson: it’s unnecessary for Michael O’Meara to document a single distortion or misrepresentation in this series, Askold has already done so [in the TOO threads].

Hadrian concluded:

If Jews are on both sides of the conflict, that means that the conflict itself has been created by Jews, and that both sides are controlled by them. We should be on our own side, not whatever side they offer us because any side they offer us is going to benefit them, not us.

How can you possibly call these Ukrainian nationalists “principled” when the first thing they did when they took power was install a bunch of Jews into high government positions? Why didn’t they install Ukrainians into these positions?

Real Nationalists must first and foremost be opposed to Jewry because Jews are the number one threat to any and all White nations. Any Nationalist movement that is not openly anti-Semitic is not for real. You cannot simultaneously be a Nationalist and ignore the Jewish problem, because it is the problem that Whites face today.