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Indo-European heritage Michelangelo Who We Are (book) Zeus

Only Zeus saves


Can the white race be spared from extinction? If I was a billionaire, yes.

With billions I would reconstruct the temple of Zeus, probably in Greece or somewhere in Italy, or maybe in Germany since the ancient Greeks and Etruscans, as well as the original Latins and Sabines, were far more Nordish than the mongrelized whites you find closest to the Mediterranean Sea.

Just as the immigrant Jews in the 19th and 20th centuries misleadingly described themselves as “people of the Jewish faith” to the gentile Americans who accepted them, in these times of hate-speech laws throughout Europe building a movement under the umbrella of an ancient religion could grant us plausible denial that our purpose was not “racist,” but cultural.

Think a minute about it. You can only imagine the awe and wonder that a pagan temple as magnificent as St Peter’s Basilica, the legacy of Michelangelo Buonarroti, would cause in the deracinated eyes of contemporary westerners. Would it remind them of their lost heritage and true roots? As Manu Rodríguez told me in his letter:

In short, we need to create the Aryan community (ecclesia), which, for the above circumstances, we never had. The Aryan ecclesias need to thrive in our towns and cities. Our “priests” (for lack of a better word) are not experts in theology but in history, anthropology and Indo-European linguistics… They must be skilled in the various Indo-European traditions.

These days that I have been mentioning Rodríguez’s articles, the following phrase in the article I translated yesterday caught my attention:

We’ll have to start from the beginning. We have to ask ourselves who we are.

For those who have not read Pierce’s Who We Are, it’s high time to take a good look at it and see what would be taught in our temples.

If you already have read it but not any of Rodríguez’s articles, you may start with his article, “The God who Unleashes and Liberates.”

13 replies on “Only Zeus saves”

“Can the white race be spared from extinction?”

– I have been wondering for years now, whether this is still possible. Maybe I move in the wrong circles, but all around me I see young white people accepting and mating with Orcs and producing Orc offspring which they present to their (apparently receptive) parents. Even the grandparents seem resigned to this, as I often see elderly couples babysitting these half-breed children. And the town that I live near (not live in- I moved out 17 years ago) has gone from being predominantly White (in the 1970’s) to predominantly black- about 70% black now. This is the story all over the US with the possible exception of some very rural states like Wyoming and North Dakota. Most of the Whites here in the US seem to have dutifully accepted their brainwashing.

Having noted the above, still the idea of establishing or re-establishing a pagan White culture seems like a beautiful idea to me.

“Think a minute about it. You can only imagine the awe and wonder that a pagan temple as magnificent as St Peter’s Basilica, the legacy of Michelangelo Buonarroti, would cause in the deracinated eyes of contemporary westerners. Would it remind them of their lost heritage and true roots?”

– It would be truly grand, and as I pondered this thought it occurred to me that Greece, with its current Golden Dawn movement would be fertile ground for such a new cultural/racial movement. Ah, if only the money for such a project existed!

all around me I see young white people accepting and mating with Orcs and producing Orc offspring

I am shocked. In which city do you live?

I am not keen on the idea being too specific on the internet. I am within driving distance of a major city in Pennsylvania. However, there are many towns (suburbs) outlying this city and I am about 4 miles outside of the town mentioned in the paragraph I above. This town has slightly more than 22,000 people.

Most large American cities are like that. Most cities in general in the white world, in fact. Europe has huge problems with the Arabs, but they are completely localized to the cities, not the countryside. If and when it becomes necessary to grow one’s own food, the imported populations are going to be largely helpless – except for using violence.

I feel I should add the following, Chechar; Yes, there are large areas within this state that are predominantly White, but they are rural in nature. In the North of the United States the blacks tend to want to live in towns and cities because that is where the free (for them) social services are. However, this is changing rapidly. I now see blacks moving out into coveted areas (i.e.: “well to do”, where the rich live). To be frank, I am not sure how these blacks are able to afford some of these areas. Chester County PA. is one such area. Also some surprisingly affluent areas around Pittsburgh are experiencing this as well. But to elaborate on the influx of blacks: there have been blacks that have been brought into this nearby town of 22,000 people who have moved here from as far away as Detroit Michigan and Chicago Illinois. We are also seeing more Muslims as well. This is happening in many areas; are you aware that our government has been bringing Somalis into the state of Maine? Maine is one of the Whitest areas in the US, or was until recently. Their goal is to make blacks and browns present everywhere.

All I can say is that I deposit all of my hopes on the dollar crash. I am certain that it will happen. Niggers will behave so bad after that that at least some whites will start to wake up. We must be thankful to Obama and Bernanke for that. The anti-white System has already overreached itself…

Add to that the question of oil´s end. They can keep on printing on debt for a while, but they can´t escape physics´s limitations. Oil will be scarce in about 15 years or it will be very expensive. They´re desperately chasing new deposits in more difficult locations and with more aggresive methods (fracking). The “pocket wars” in Lybia, Irak, Mali, etc, are for the control of gas and oil resources. You can read it in Renaissance Vanguard and other sites like this one .

The peak oil crisis will unfold very slowly this century until reaching truly apocalyptic proportions (mass starvation, etc). The dollar crash on the other hand will happen sometime during this decade, and it will unfold very, very rapidly—the more dollars the Fed prints, the more confetti will that currency become. The currency crash, which could happen tomorrow, will be cataclysmic, say, a week. Oil depletion on the other hand will take decades until billions die of starvation.

I wish I were young enough and live in a safe place to see all the fun…

Zeus Pater
Dyaus Pitr
Tyr (Tue) the Allfather (Odin only took over the role of Allfather later in the religion’s history)
Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Dieu le Père
Our Father who art in Heaven

… Christians worship the exact same entity as their pagan ancestors did, and often under very nearly the same name.

“All I can say is that I deposit all of my hopes on the dollar crash. I am certain that it will happen.”

– It will, but it is surprising how long the dollar has been held afloat by the Fed., especially when one considers the damage that the housing collapse of 2008 did to the economy along with Bernard Madoff’s massive Ponzi scheme, the endless US adventures in the Middle East for the oil companies and ensuring the safety of Israel, and now here comes Obamacare- how much longer can it hold? Obama now wants to tax all internet sales – probably because the US govt. cannot afford Obamacare. The money has to come from somewhere and that means the White man’s wallet, of course.

In short, we need to create the Aryan community (ecclesia), which, for the above circumstances, we never had. The Aryan ecclesias need to thrive in our towns and cities. Our “priests” (for lack of a better word) are not experts in theology but in history, anthropology and Indo-European linguistics… They must be skilled in the various Indo-European traditions.

That kind of priesthood reminds me the one that Imperivm Evropa propose, adding the biological and genetic point of view. I don´t know if you have read about it.

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