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Racial right


On an American racialist forum, I heard that Keith Woods recently wrote an article attacking National Socialism.

If my psychological profile of Woods is accurate, it’s because he’s a Christian—and National Socialism is incompatible with a religion started by Jews.

I don’t have time to locate Woods’ article. Due to my move, I’ll be canceling my internet service the day after tomorrow. I hope to have another one by next week…

12 replies on “Woods”

Dear Cesar,

I don’t know if you’re still taking comments. Here’s the article I think: LINK

His initial complaint seems to be:

“National Socialism was not a generic “pro-White” movement, but a German chauvinist movement bound up with Nordicist racial theory. Central to its project was the planned ethnic cleansing of tens of millions of Slavs, and the destruction of White countries like Poland, Ukraine and Russia. This is not some Hollywood meme history. Hitler expresses his desire to establish lebensraum in the East in Mein Kampf, in his unpublished Second Book, and in his Table Talks.”

I haven’t read the rest of the article yet so I’m just skimming. My initial thought is, ‘yes, Keith, but so what?’ – I think you’re right, it’s his craven neochristian programming over exterminationism (plus perhaps a certain dismissive envy common to anti-Nordicists; I mean, Keith hardly looks Aryan by any pure definition). He’s one of those dissident rightists enamoured of Ukraine and subhuman Slavs. As an Irishman, why does he give so much of a damn about Eastern Europe? Remarkably egalitarian. It’s not like it was planned destruction for its own sake and for all time; Hitler could have made these places better, in a glorious extended Reich.

To be fair to Joel Davis, he claims to speak only in an Anglosphere context, but there are others who make the same argument for all White countries.

– I hate this stupid Americanised word ‘White’ they use, as it’s always employed to equivocate.

The moral is that conquest/expansion doesn’t need ‘justifying’, the same as hatred of racial enemies doesn’t have to be merely retaliatory/defensive. I wish they could be all be less submissive over all this.

Of course, if you push National Socialists enough, you will often find this principle is what it’s really all about: their National Socialism typically serves as a kind of religion for them based on this principle of eternal struggle and Nordicist racial hierarchies, and they simply wish to proselytise their religion.

– again, I ask him, what’s wrong with that? He should read your site to understand the need for a founding myth. Paltry cynical Nationalism isn’t enough to do that.

All the political steps I see as necessary to save my people from erasure can be carried through the vehicle of a regular old ethnonationalist movement — one that actually speaks to my people’s history, heroes and heritage.

– yes, Keith’s people’s history, pah: I’m reminded of the damning article Gaedhal recently shared by Kenneth Humphreys on ancient Ireland.

I despise these dissident rightists, the entire wet-willy lot of them. It makes you wonder if someone pays him to write it, it’s so subversive.

I don’t know if you’re still taking comments.

I’ll correct what I said above. Tomorrow Thursday, not Friday, I’ll suspend my landline service (which includes internet), but today and maybe tomorrow in the early morning I’ll still be using it. On Friday, I’ll leave this house with a nice garden and trees, where I’ve lived since May 1978, never to enter it again…

This is the article:


Will Williams from the national alliance has addressed Keith Woods comments, declaring him timid and in pursuit for popular acceptance, which won’t go anywhere.

The so called white nationalist are so delusional in their ideals. They want public acceptance for white survival in a system that demonizes, relentlessly, Adolf Hitler and his Aryan national socialism.

White nationalists ignore me. But the sheer number of articles on this site that appear under the heading ‘Christian Problem’ should wake up the honest searcher. Years ago, some commenters on Anglin’s forum linked to this site’s masthead there, but that rarely happens.

Jamie, Benjamin, and the others commenting here: I’m afraid to say we’re talking to ourselves…

I think these watered-down optics-driven populists will die out the hard way, as with everything else. This, as I say, paltry, cynical ethnonationalism just isn’t enough solve the problem and avert out dire predicament. We rely, as before, on this ensuing economic-energy collapse. At some point they will realise then that their normie orthodoxy will not save them, as with the neochristian liberalism of the general masses. I hope you don’t lose hope, Cesar. It’ll be a brutal, forced awakening, and they’ll be kicking and screaming all the way. It’s then, as you’ve always acknowledged, that we have our real chance. Power shortages, food shortages, an overt totalitarianism (and a full on Police State), the comprehensive impact of hostile foreign hordes.

The British government itself, according to a recent Guardian article, is planning for massive riots this Summer, far greater in scale than last year. What do they know that we don’t, back in March? I pondered this to my friend last night and wondered if it would be full on English war with Russia, as by these insane European narcissist leaders, and perhaps the threat of conscription. Or something else. The DWP recently choosing to axe a hefty sum of welfare payments to the genuinely disabled in favour of those ‘looking for work’ is another potential straw on the camel’s back. Really it’s the currency failing though that’ll do it.

It’s National Socialism that is of the people, and for the people, a people Hitler loved, to raise them to racial might and cohesion, not this tawdry showboating grift of the so-called racial right, desperate to appeal to all, so evidently insecure and requiring the input of the mob, a so far impotent venture of nothing but egos, slander, and hot air. They don’t value Aryan life; they value their clique brand. It was National Socialism that rebuilt Germany’s economy, and saved its citizens, not reactionary nationalists and their bourgeois conservative allies. I haven’t read Keith’s new book, but I gather the impression from looking at it that there’s nothing radical or revolutionary in its milquetoast schooboy journalism articles. He reads like a Marxist somehow.

I think these watered-down optics-driven populists will die out the hard way.


Here is the article. I do not share this to trash my native land, but because it punctures many of our myths concerning our innate superiority that ultimately do not serve the Cause of Ireland. As I have written elsewhere, many of the illustrious Irishmen were actually of Anglo-Saxon heritage. Swift, Wilde, et al.

The Counter-Currents crowd never wants to give Hitler credit for anything, although they were more than willing to use his image and write articles about him early on to attract readers to their site. Of course the articles always fell short of saying Hitler was right or that the end result of the Second World War was a disaster for Europe. Instead, they do a lot of hand wringing about Hitler’s treatment of Slavs, and the fact he wanted to annex the Eastern Territories for the Third Reich. Apparently, this makes him irredeemable in their eyes.

…although they [C-C] were more than willing to use his image and write articles about him early on to attract readers to their site.

When Counter-Currents started, after Johnson was banned from TOQ Online, I was the biggest fan of that forum.

Since 2010 Greg posted articles by various authors, and the image of Hitler appeared in the right bar, due to Irmin Vinson’s book.

Over the years, I realised that all of that was like a ship at sea that only reveals its true colors when you get too close.

My disappointment was great. Later, I understood that this was a failure of the entire American racial right after William Pierce died.

Pierce was the last American racist for whom I have any respect.

Just a brief anecdote triplet. Two are off topic, sorry.

I tried to read the comments sections on C-C on the Woods article. It was too depressing/infuriating after a while though. Most are proficient at history (more so than me), and certainly intelligent enough in their prose. They’ve utterly missed the point though. Typical pedantic nerds. To recall my civil war movie point of some months back, I do wish it was them in those pits.

I watched a very disturbing video last night. A Halal slaughterhouse in the UK has been caught playing wolf howls on their PA to the sheep inside as they are executed. A British public health inspector was standing by in shot, saying nothing. Then again, much as viewers were up in arms, they missed the obvious point that all​ animal slaughter is an abomination, and they are no better, albeit not quite to the depraved cruelty of the Muslims. Much as it is easy to envision aggressive blacks gangsters, in any UK racial war, I think it is easy to forget who, with comprehensive State-backing by now and in number one position in the multiculturalism hierarchy, will probably be the most dire threat as a group.

PS. just a final note to anyone on here interested in psychiatry, the trauma model, and the taboo issue of abusive parents (an intertwining topic often covered on this site), I’ve significantly updated by website blog area recently, if you’d like to take a look. My new book, Consumption, is available from my website also, and from Lulu (which has an easier sales page to navigate). I am inspired very much by Cesar’s autobiographical writings, by John Modrow, and by Alice Miller. Ignore the Amazon link though as they are currently stocking the first edition not the vastly superior second edition.



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