There is something I would like to say about a commenter on this last day of the year.
Exactly four years ago Irrelevant Nobody (I.N.) posted a comment that impressed me so much that I later cited it as an important entry. On 31 December the following year I.N. did the same: a comment also promoted as a special entry. He was one of the commenters to whom I dedicated in this now-dying year an entry in ‘On commenters of WDH’, where I mentioned that I.N. had sent me an email telling me that he was planning to commit suicide.
Sometime later he sent me another email telling me that he hadn’t committed suicide yet but had postponed that plan, and I have not received any more emails from this European, although I confess I haven’t written to him either.
It is not the first or the last time I have noticed that those who say the most lucid things have had mental health problems. It reminds me of what I wrote about my sister Corina in my books on my family, which I have promised myself I will start translating tomorrow. The chiaroscuros of the only honourable member of my family (may she rest in peace) were striking: enormous psychic insight and then dense darkness!
But in fairness to my sister and to commenters who have struggled with mental issues, we must concede that the entire West is in a state of madness at present. As far as the country that since 1945 has captained the West is concerned, on Saturday I mentioned some horrible murders. And yesterday I saw another YouTube video of an American who had decapitated his mother, and put her head in a bag which he left in a stranger’s truck.
I am convinced that to understand the folie en masse suffered by the West, it is imperative to understand the trauma model of mental disorders (which is why tomorrow, the first day of 2025, I will begin the formal translation of my trilogy). This is a model that is never taught in universities because Big Pharma dominates not only the psychiatric profession, but ideologically wields considerable influence in the faculties where clinical psychology is taught. The power of corporations today is such that we can only understand it if we compare it to the power that the Church wielded in the Middle Ages.

The last of my three autobiographical books, which I finished this year.
I hope that I.N. has survived his suicidal depression. I advised him to write his own trilogy (which made me see the light) and that he will return to his habit of commenting here on the last day of each year…
6 replies on “Last day!”
And by the way, yesterday I received the first volume of another commenter’s autobiography by mail (see front and back covers here and here). I mean Benjamin Power’s Consumption: Memories of my Childhood, a man who followed my advice to write in order to heal.
Dear Cesar,
I hope it ok to put a link to my website underneath. I’m currently selling my book on there. Thank you for mentioning it. I have a couple of other books available on there also, but Consumption is the most recent (and the most important). I’ve given some audio previews also – pardon my voice, I don’t have any good recording or editing software, and am simply talking into a dictaphone. I’m also putting up a few of my old diary entries on there in the blog section on the theme of parental abuse.
My Website
Hi Ben,
If your fellow countryman Joseph Walsh had done what you did, writing what his parents did to him, he wouldn’t be in jail now…
Happy New Year,
Thank you, Happy New Year!
Yes, it’s a shame I could never write to him. This country’s government seem to want to make his stay as isolating and difficult as possible. I imagine the new year has passed hard for him, with many to go. I think of him now, and his suffering, and mourn the extended loss of a good person and a solid NS member. There are no busily-promoted public ‘political prisoner’ campaigns for him. It was his ‘dark side’, namely the parental abuse he suffered that I had wanted to discuss with him by letter. I gather those we asked for details are either panicked themselves and therefore paranoiac, or just grossly unhelpful and standoffish, as I have found nigh-on all named (public) nationalists are in this country.
The UK government didn’t even reply to my email asking them to tell me where Joseph was being jailed, all they wanted was more information about me!
When this is the case it is best to do it through a specialist lawyer according to and I understand that for example Matt Hal is a lawyer and was the leader of Creativity and is in jail because a Jewish prosecutor or judge pointed him out and acted as an agent of the ADL SPLC etc. The same happened with Liberty Lobby and Aryan Nations and not to mention Dr Pierce’s Natall the NARRG made it clear that there were infiltrators at all times unfortunately the situation has been very bad since the fall of the old regime in France, I understood this better when I inquired about George Dumezil, in these cases it is always good to create networks of influence believe it or not this system is very corrupt and in the end people for 50$ or 1$ are capable of anything and I mean anything, happy new year to all readers of the Blog WDH providence and prosperity be with us all.