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Ersatz Christians

Today I received an email from Benjamin containing this paragraph:

By the way, I made the fool error of checking The Unz Review this morning (I can’t sleep in following nightmares) and see that Edward Dutton idiot has an article on miscegenation where he goes on and on about psychological instability in mixed-race couples and pins it on r-selection and the psychology of the parents (the latter not untrue, ironically, but his position is on genetic transmission, another one evidently unaware of the flaws in twin studies and ‘equal environments’). I read all the comments too. I was waiting to hear someone mention Mendelian inheritance and the law of dominance and uniformity, or the breeding out of white racial traits, never to return in the long run, or about the sheer anti-natural criminality of it, or something like the opening pages of Who We Are, but no, all Dutton cared about when it comes to miscegenation is, basically, will the offspring be higher in mental illness/mutational load? I left in annoyance. Trust conservative white nationalists to make a mess of understanding the topic, with their bio-psychiatry/sub-optimal genetics/IQ obsessions.

Later he said:

The context for it was that I was frustrated that people pay money for Dutton’s tripe and promote it in the dissident realm, as opposed to something worthwhile. There’s literally nothing now white nationalists haven’t got wrong! It frustrates me so much. They just crib each other relentlessly and understand nothing. And yet they have (relatively) huge donations coming in.

Benjamin hits the nail on the head as to why the American racial right has been making us nauseous. Basically, they are neochristians. They virtually all live under the Ersatz-Christianity sky Oliver was talking about and would find it inconceivable to take the steps Himmler took in implementing the Master Plan East in what is now Russia; or to burn at the stake those who mongrelised, as the ancient Visigoths did in Hispania before the Christians brainwashed them (the converts continued the practice but… burned the heretics instead of the miscegenators!).

When is the racial right going to understand that their entire movement is charlatanism and that only the ideology that spawned Uncle Adolf isn’t (or what Pierce wrote in Who We Are)? It’s these kinds of issues that I’d love to say in the daily podcasts: a way of presenting last century’s National Socialism by debunking today’s white nationalism.

6 replies on “Ersatz Christians”

You should check out this written work by Hans Guenther which explains how Christianity destroyed the integrity of the fair race and caused them to lose their racial homogeny.

Please, copy and paste it to Word and, if it’s long, send it to me by email: that site is private and I cannot read it.

Because they are neo christians is the reason why they get so many donations. They live in a thorough christian country.

And if that wasn’t enough, they also live in a country where everything that uncle Adolf and his allies promotes gets demonitized.

William Pierce once said that, in order to deal with race betrayal, we have to make betrayal by itself unprofitable, but it seems saving the race instead is very unprofitable now…

True: And that’s why I haven’t yet been able to hire a printing company to sell the books, which now only appear as PDFs in the featured post. Unlike us, the racial right does have the funds to print their books. I mean: even Who We Are is still unpublished after so many decades…!

If the idea I mentioned about selling your books through my Lulu account using their Lulu Direct service (and my website) works out, would it be possible to acquire the rights to Who We Are? I’d be prepared to try and release that too. I’m just waiting on the 12th really.

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