Jaime Lannister pushes Bran Stark.
‘Every flight begins with a fall’, said the three-eyed raven to Bran the Broken.
Given that this blog’s subtitle has been ‘National Socialism post-1945’ since yesterday, I would like to offer my humble comments on the previous post. Below I quote a few paragraphs from The Lightning and the Sun, considered by some to be the magnum opus of Savitri Devi, Hitler’s priestess after the fateful 1945.
All everlasting things are born in silence and away from the lime-light of publicity; in faith and in truth.
Following the metaphor of my featured post, this reminds me of the words of the three-eyed raven to Bran the Broken: ‘Darkness shall be your cloak, your shield, your mother´s milk. Darkness will make you strong.’ The raven is talking about the power of magic, specifically, the kind he himself practices: invisible, omniscient (or at least the wisest mind), working subtly behind the scenes. Bran wanted to be a knight to make a difference in the world. The raven is telling him that it won’t happen the way he originally imagined because Jaime broke his spine, but it could still happen differently.
At present, the National Socialist is as handicapped as Bran. But precisely because of this handicap he can potentially become wise if he stays in the cave long enough: something the knights who now triumph in the world cannot do.
And whatever is not born in such a manner, does not last. However noisy and widespread be its success, it will not stand the test of time and that of persecution, let alone the terrible impact of the storm in which a Time-cycle comes to its end.
Those conservative knights who feel their time has come with Trump’s victory will not last long, since their egalitarian and mongrel ideology (cf. what Morgan recently said at the end of this post) also leads to Aryan extinction. Savitri quotes Mein Kampf:
We have to fight to secure the existence and expansion of our race and of our people; to enable them to nourish their children and to preserve the purity of their blood; to secure the freedom of our Fatherland...
So it was not David Lane who first uttered the sacred words, but Uncle Adolf. Therefore, I would like to clarify something about the other indented quotes in the previous post, which are also taken from Mein Kampf.
I have said that I don’t like Hitler’s best-known book because it isn’t a sufficiently lyric work. I would like to clarify that statement.
Two books that have revolutionised my mind are Bernal Díaz del Castillo’s The True History of the Conquest of New Spain (i.e., Mexico) and Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago. However, both books are flawed because of the inordinate length of the texts. People I know are advised to read Bernal’s until the conquest of Tenochtitlan. A good editor would have cut the book in half to make it read like a novel. But Spanish-speaking editors haven’t been as clever as Edward E. Ericson Jr. was in abridging the Archipelago in such a way as to make it readable and highly entertaining for the common reader.
The same must be said of Mein Kampf: it needs someone like Ericson to abbreviate it. Once abridged, Mein Kampf would be as entertaining as Bernal’s or Alexandr’s. It could even be read by alienated whites with the same entertainment as it is now possible to read Hitler’s Table Talk. Savitri continues:
And aware of the primary cause of downfall: racial mixture, the result of forgetfulness of Nature’s truth. And aware of that truth, expressed in the oldest Book of Aryan Wisdom, the Bhagavad-Gita: ‘Out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races; out of the confusion of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding; and out of this, all evil.’
If we recall the recent photo I posted about the Indian woman the US vice-president-elect married (an Indian woman who could be the first lady in 2029), it will be more than clear that the trumpets of victory being blown by the racial right lack the depth of darkness that is the mantle and milk that Bran the Broken is fed.
…his [Hitler’s] ultimate aim remained to raise her [Germany] to that organised power which, in the light of traditional Wisdom, can only be termed as a ‘State against Time’—nay, the ‘State against Time.’
The triumphant knights ignore that it is not their country but Germania the state that rebelled against the Christian zeitgeist, and that only by adopting National Socialism could the Aryans save themselves on this side of the Atlantic (something Rockwell saw clearly but Pierce and his epigones have utterly failed to see).
They beheld in him the Leader, the Avenger, the Saviour—the living embodiment of their unvanquished collective Self, which indeed he was. And they followed him blindly. Their love carried him to power; their love, and their hatred for those whom he rightly pointed out to them as the promoters of the humiliation of 1918 and of all the subsequent misery: the Jews, and the servants of Jewry, agents of the Dark Forces by nature or by choice, Germany’s—and the world’s—real enemies.
My emphasis in bold. It should come as no surprise that a nation that began with the myth of founding a Zionist citadel atop a hill is as it is today. By destroying Germania this nation became the enemy of Europe. If National Socialism can no longer resurface on the continent where I live, it should resurface in the Old World.
2 replies on “Fall”
Since I appropriate literature from normies to illustrate something, let’s imagine that Jaime is Bran’s father. How would Bran perceive mankind after this tragedy? My point is that no typical white nationalist has experienced a fall of such magnitude in his life.
What the neo-normies of the racial ignore is that a tragedy like this changes your mind in extraordinary ways. What flights of vindictive imagination against a humanity that allows these things would Bran, now a teenager or a grown man, experience after coming to terms with what his father did to him?
It is not a coincidence that the book I recommend most on this site, the one I mention in the sticky post, came from the pen of a writer who was abused as a child: the American Tom Goodrich.
When the damage comes from your parents, it can certainly affect you in a far bigger way than of any stranger.
A lot of rich kids have the luxury that their absent parents can shield them with money. Many don’t have that luxury, however.
I have seen first hand how the stupidity and abuse of one’s parents can leave you vulnerable and weak againts the manipulations and predators of this world.
Just like most whites don’t even know how to react againts an hostile anti-white world due to the stupidity of their own parents.