According to my Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, arrogance is ‘a genuine or assumed feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing manner or attitude or in excessive claims of position, dignity or power or that unduly exalts one´s own worth or importance’ (page 121 of the Encyclopaedia Britannica edition).
I confess that, when it comes to American white nationalism (WN), I have been very arrogant in recent years, even in what I have said recently on the comments section. But if you look closely at the definition above, it says ‘genuine or assumed’.
Virtually one hundred per cent of the usage of the word arrogance refers to an assumed stance, not a genuine one. That is, a superiority complex is not to be confused with a certainty of superiority. For example, white nationalists are right to be arrogant when they criticise liberals and conservatives because, compared to them, normies are stubbornly unwilling to see racial realism. One such example appeared in an article just yesterday: an author of Counter-Currents called Tim Pool ‘an idiot’, which, indeed, he is compared to American racialists.
Now, if I am even wiser than my colleagues on the racial right, in that unlike them I have crossed ‘The Wall’ (cf. the featured post), then my arrogance wouldn’t be a negative one (the superiority complex kind), but a positive arrogance. However, for the sake of argument, let’s assume for a moment that mine is negative. That is, let’s assume that Christian ethics is not the primary cause of white decline and, therefore, my sense of superiority is delusional: as delusional as the grandiosity of the narcissists studied by Richard Grannon (whom I mentioned in my midnight post). From this angle, poor narcissistic César, who thinks he is more enlightened than the nationalists when he is not, hasn’t been done a favour by the latter—trying to refute him!
Connoisseurs of chess know that, in general, there are king’s pawn players and queen’s pawn players. I am one of the former. And if we compare the moves with the ‘chess game’ I want to play with the nationalists, after my 1. e4 nobody wants to reply (whether playing an open game, a Sicilian Defence, a Caro-Kann, an Alekhine Defence or any other first move of Black). If poor César is a delusional narcissist suffering from a superiority complex, why not give him a lesson in humility, a real beating in a game of the chess of ideas?
Translated into the world of ideas, my 1. e4 is: If the JQ is the primary cause of white decline, how do you explain the mestizaje in Latin America that was consummated when the Inquisition of New Spain was keeping the Jews at bay? For me, it is very simple. I think the real perp was Christian ethics, which saw Amerindians as souls equal to the souls of Castilians. That’s what motivated the very Catholic Queen Isabella of Spain and the Pope himself to legalise, and even promote, intermarriage. (The Jewish subversion of later centuries is a secondary infection of that ethnosuicidal zeitgeist.)
That is my first move in the chess of ideas. No Judeo-reductionist WNst has picked up the gauntlet and played a game. My move 1.e4 is left hanging over the board and no Christian or neochristian WNst wants to play with me!

A Redenção de Cam by Brazilian Modesto Brocos y Gómez (1895): Black grand-mother, mulatto mother, Iberian ‘white’ husband and infant with mudblood
genes despite her early phenotype.
The alternative is that my arrogance is not the kind of malignant narcissism, but an arrogance like that of Andreas Vesalius: who mocked the scholars of his time who dogmatically followed Galen’s books, instead of opening a corpse to see if his anatomy was accurate. IMHO that’s why they don’t play with me: I’d beat them with that opening. Or will any of the WN pundits dare, in the future, pick up my gauntlet in a solid article on one of their webzines?
11 replies on “My gauntlet”
Do you understand now why Brazilian Dr Morales hates me so much, who continues to impersonate me on Occidental Dissent? I am the only blogger who speaks in the most blunt manner about the subcontinent. (Impersonating me and saying silly things in my name is much easier than playing a fair game with me.)
Totally delusional thinking that I “hate” you or that I care about miscegenation in Latin America. . You refuse to discuss anything that contradicts your infantile beliefs, your replies to people that have contradicted you (before banning them) were childish, pitiful and moronic e.g. it doesn’t seem you have read my autobiography Hojas Sussurantes (that was a typical reply). Unbelievable simple-minded idiot.
Unlike you I don’t have a single drop of Portuguese, Hispanic, African, Jewish, or Indigenous blood, though I don’t have blond hair which you’re obsessed with because you’re a simpleton that takes seriously ludicrous books like “who we are” or “March of Titans.”
And you’re ridiculously submissive regarding “white” “americans” wich is also amusing.
Thanks for proving my point: you didn’t respond to my 1-e4 but threw all the pieces off the board and declared yourself the winner! (Also, you are distorting what I tell commenters here, lying as you always do. Your mental retardation is such that all you have done for years in the comments section is insult, insult, insult and more insult, without any solid argument.)
And if you’re not a mudblood, prove it with one of the moderators of this site, in a live discussion on Skype. I bet you won’t accept that other challenge either!
Note to visitors: See more information about this troll who has been stalking and insulting me for years in this article. For the moment, I will tell the moderator to ignore again the stalker’s comments. However, since I visit Occidental Dissent every other day, if I see him impersonating me again I’ll reply there.
Your LatAm miscegenation argument is the weakest because Rome and Alexander had miscgenated for similar economic reasons before Christianity (Dr. Robert Morgan has a point there).
I would rather choose the Americans refusing to exterminate the Japanese in 1945 as the gravest sin.
Did you see my e-mail regarding a Chinese girl obsessed with buying sheep to save them from slaughter?
Apologies for writing this. Just in case you accept.
If I allowed a comment from Morales himself, it would’t be fair not make another exception for another banned commenter: someone who, unlike Morales, hasn’t insulted me directly on this site…
I have often mentioned Alexander and Imperial Rome on this site to show that white decline came before Christianity. But that’s not what I was trying to say.
What I was trying to say is that monocausalists put 100% of the blame on the Jews and see whites as innocent victims. Even a superficial reading of history shows that this is false.
In the video embedded today in my other post, about Hellstorm, the interviewee blames hundreds of thousands of Americans for what they did in WW2: something that WNsts who subscribe to the single-cause hypothesis wouldn’t dare to do.
Unlike them, I blame the Spanish for the miscegenation they inflicted upon themselves in the Americas, and the countless women who married blacks in Lisbon when the Inquisition kept the Jews at bay in Portugal.
My moderator will no longer accept any more comments from Morales. He accepted that one just to prove those who hate my POV throw pieces off the board instead of playing a fair game with me.
The moderator will no longer accept any more comments from you after the one above: an exception to the rule.
I believe there was a lot of resistance from the side of early colonizers as to grant more rights to amerinds and negroes, but that was often undermined by the catholic church.
Why they implemented that option of amalgamation instead of just getting rid of them somehow? Didn’t they understand the toll is of trying to wash away negro genes? And for what? Why even try to begin with?
Most healthy whites have a natural repulsion for mixed races couples, and I believe even back then, Abraham Lincoln once said that everything but amalgamation was preferable.
I kind of fail to understand the obsession of Portugal of assimilating the races they encountered in their colonies, unlike the British colonizers.
Indeed: the Anglo-Germans had better self-preservation instincts than the Iberians who conquered the continent. That is because the Visigoths of ancient Hispania had already broken the taboo of mixing races since the 8th century. Arthur Kemp and William Pierce describe it very well in their books. That is why Morales, who is apparently a tri-racial brown, hates me infinitely (and as a good Christian he deceives himself by saying that he doesn’t hate me).
I am the only Latin American who constantly harps on about the Latin American tragedy. That’s something that, in the sixty years that I have lived in Mexico, is never discussed at a high level. Never! (see e.g., the thread on my July 2015 post in Spanish here).
So you can imagine what happens when someone breaks a taboo that has existed for half a millennium in Spanish-speaking and Portuguese-speaking America. People like the Latin American stalker who is chasing me on English-speaking racialist forums completely lose their minds…
Dear Cesar,
What you say makes some sense. I’d say, for someone who professes that he doesn’t “hate” you, he seems to come quite close, having named you “totally delusional”, “infantile” “childish” “pitiful” and “moronic” in the space of two sentences, as well as an “unbelievable simple-minded idiot” (and then “a simpleton” and “ridiculously submissive” later). He seems to be quibbling over language—it’s clear there’s a profound dislike. These are the words that—well in my case at least—would cause a physical altercation in real life.
Am I to assume Morales is now going to refute not only you, but also the grand works of William Pierce and Arthur Kemp? He hasn’t achieved any of that so far. It’ll keep him busy, then. I don’t seem to recall a single point of yours on this matter being sensibly refuted ever, actually.
I was puzzled by his lines:
I don’t have blond hair either. There was me assuming, save for the Red Nordid possibility in white European mixes that anyone who didn’t have blond hair had at least some Mediterranean or mudblood influence. There is only one pure white race after all, from the three on offer. I go by Europa Soberana’s racial classification scheme. I can’t imagine, even as a pure Spaniard, that the man is White Nordid in aspect, to a Himmlerian SS classification. But I think your point holds, he’s even more mixed than that, being more amerindian than white as best I remember! I feel ashamed that he treats you like that on your own blog.
Perhaps if he were to read your books (and, of most visitors, it would come more easily to him given the language) he might understand you more clearly. But I don’t think he’s going to do that: the very fact that he, without ever giving clear refutation, continues to return time and again to your blog with nothing but puerile insults and hot air displays his character adequately enough, and with great infuriation for everyone else, I’d imagine.
I wanted to respond with some of this directly to him, but I wasn’t sure how to butt in, without giving him more ammunition for his previous “sends Benjamin to do his dirty work” unfounded accusation when I highlighted him to the owner of OD. I take it I’m merely setting him up then to award me more petty little ad hominem jibes on things I already know (i.e. yes, well spotted, I have been known to go mad, much as there’s a reason behind that).
Hi Benjamin,
I hope you don’t mind that I indented your comment above for clarity (I just emailed you the trick to indenting comments).
Morales is an internet stalker. This is one of his first comments, dating from May 2018. It’s been over six years now that this obsessive has been trolling this site. My moderator tells me he has done it every third day with various sockpuppets and IPs (his style is the same). He has been extremely persistent over the years.
Morales’ behaviour reminds me of an internet stalker of Arthur Kemp’s wife because Arthur had hurt his feelings with March of the Titans. Arthur told me personally, in an English village, that he came to identify the persistent troll. Not only was it not even a mudblood: the stalker had lots of sub-Saharan African blood, even though he didn’t come from there.
Morales is a Cruzeirense: a Brazilian who doesn’t speak Spanish.
For precisely the same reasons that the Kemp’s stalker relentlessly pursued them over the internet! Truth breeds hate.
These guys just can’t stand the truths told in the racial forums. I distinctly remember the level of Cenk Uygur’s fury when Jared Taylor tried to reason with this Turk on the phone. Such was the level of fury and desperation before Taylor’s eloquent and calm arguments that Uygur hung up in front of the cameras. Yes: he also threw all the pieces off the board and declared himself the winner!
As I told Morales, veritas odium parit.
I would still like to know why 19th century America embraced eugenics despite being heavily Christian. If Christianity is the creed of the spiteful mutant, how do we explain the initial support for eugenics among Christians?
For the same reason that white Americans genocided so many Amerindians. The Aryan gene moves you to healthy practices, although over time the Quaker hysteria took hold of the collective unconscious, culminating in the Civil War, and after World War II it metamorphosed into a fanatical ideology that reminds me of the Dominicans who loved Amerindians and, since the 16th century, created the Black Legend in the Spanish-speaking side of the Americas.
After this approved comment, there will be no more from you (with this exception you had been another banned commenter). Above I only set a trap for Morales so that he would expose himself once again (since he has continued to impersonate me at Occidental Dissent).