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Hitler in English

Artificial Intelligence reconstruction!

As a YouTube commenter said: ‘An actual worthwhile use of AI to help people better understand history. Similar to reading a dry book and then visiting the actual place in person, this helps make the past more real’.

Indeed. Hearing uncle Adolf in English really hits harder than reading a translation. Alas, I wouldn’t be surprised if this video is removed from YouTube. With luck, these English-Hitler speeches are going to make a difference among TikTok users, where they are proliferating right now.

Update: A short clip including footage of Hitler speaking while being translated (for twenty-something seconds) can be seen here.

7 replies on “Hitler in English”

I was going to post about this, they really are excellent.
The subtitled or written speeches just don’t have the same appeal.

I prefer hearing Hitler in original German because I understand it, sounds weird to me in English. That being said, it’s a positive if it encourages more young zoomers to look into the Third Reich.

Thank you again, as I wrote in my recent email, for highlighting these recordings to me. The tone certainly is different, but I appreciate the English translation, and it does very much bring it to life for me as a non German speaker.

Inspired by these recordings, and to a lesser extent by William Pierce, I have attempted one of my own, a brief “Address to ‘The Dissident Right'”(British white nationalists) admonishing them for their Christian dogma of Original Sin in relation to their genetic-hypothesis poor treatment of the mentally ill, and providing contextual information on a deeper trauma-based understanding of psychological ill health, albeit in poetic tones.

I think my voice is a little clearer and more persuasive than usual, and I have taken more care to pause, and to angle the microphone perpendicular to myself to avoid the pops and clicks and excess breath feedback (something which usually plagues all my Dictaphone recordings). I hope you like it. it’s found for download just under half way down my website (ignore the amateurish folk music content) just before my external book readings of “The Missing Gene” by Jay Joseph. Link: https://www.bleachforthestars.com/

I wish racialists researched anti-psychiatric literature. (Incidentally, when I did it I corresponded with Jay Joseph).

I agree totally with you. From before I migrated to a National Socialist worldview, back when I was just exploring the right in all its bog-standard facets, the sheer hostility of rightists to mental ill health (which I periodically manifested at the time in more pronounced fashion than now) threatened to drive me out of the movement altogether, just to save my small sense of dignity (and personal safety). I couldn’t believe their stubborn ignorance on that front. I wouldn’t expect them automatically to know Alice Miller or the psychohistory researchers, but even something journalistic like James Davies or Robert Whittaker, or Thomas Szasz – these ‘easier’ books have been around for decades now. I usually recommend 2012’s Rethinking Madness, by Paris Williams (or Too Much Anger, Too Many Tears by the Gotkins). It’s the same as in the broad psychiatric research field, like it’s in stasis. Dacades now, and they never learn. Perhaps it’s even getting worse – I know now most rightist (and indeed quite a few of our ‘normal people’) readily equate any psychotic people with 100% automatic unpredictable danger and ultraviolence, either terrorists or shooters. I don’t even think the NHS Trusts are aware of the MacArthur Risk Assessment re-evaluations. Perhaps this is all because they rely on group chats, flashy new printing houses, and podcasts, and addictive use of alternative social media (or just publicity hikes & pub crawls), and rarely if ever read books or perform what would be otherwise known as ‘independent study’. How did your correspondence go? I’ve never written successfully to an academic before. I did try a handful, but have never got a response.

My correspondence with Joseph was solely in response to my five-year, full-time investigation of the fraudulent profession called psychiatry (he is a specialist in debunking the genetic theories of biological psychiatry).

To his credit, when I sent Alex Linder my book Day of Wrath, he commented that he had read Tom Szasz.

What I find pathetic is that today’s racialists are ignorant of this criticism that dates back to Daniel Defoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe, who exposed the practice of committing sane women to the insane asylum. For example, in Counter-Currents’ relatively recent survey of its visitors, one of the questions was whether they had been diagnosed with ADHD.

This ignores that ADHD is as fraudulent a diagnosis (for drugging sane children) as the 19th-century diagnoses for institutionalising sane, if rebellious, women! (folie lucide, was the psychiatric label to commit these women in France).

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